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King of Fighters XIV Roster Discussion thread. Leaked roster in first post


I mention facts and you just come back with excuses. Ignore all the changes and ignore what they are doing in XIV, just rely on that one picture from a game that people want to remember even less than XII.

what are these facts, clothes changing somehow only meaning aging in your mind, when it can mean a bunch of other stuff, i hope you understand thats not a solid point to stand on, or a statement of fact, much less movelists

And what are these excuses, me relying on factual evidence is supposed to be frowned on, because of your personal grievances or because people dont like the game? ok then

and whats your point on posting kims kids, as far as i know, they arent named rock, and both b.jenet and hotaru alo appear in the women team ending, and rocks last cameo was as his older MotW look, this just seems like a mute point here


Sketchbook Picasso
I actually hope Loona's hypothesis that Duke Antonov is from even older SNK games pans out. And this all leads into the "Soulnado" boss starting to play some "best of" pickings with the SNK timelines.

The Fatal Fury team members are more onto KoF than ever before it seems, and I think how they choose to handle Rock, The Falcoon Years, the time discrepancies brought up by Frankensprites in XI, and the progression of this series in the new story arch lead by Shun'Ei, might all change depending on how this one game is treated.

Put me in the game that thinks Shun'Ei + Geese is better for KoF than simply Rock alone.

A thought about the boss, though; Since KOF has been leading SNK by it's own popularity over the past Decade and on, do you think the series could actually become simply canon in the SNKverse? Like, could this time-plucking last boss appear as a bonus in future SNK works, pulling movesets and story elements along with him for fun?

So all stories have the own beginning, middle, and end, and their own timelines... but being connected to KOF to some degree is a possible factor, less of it's own storyline, and more a parallel that different universes can be brought into and interact with.


and whats your point on posting kims kids, as far as i know, they arent named rock, and both b.jenet and hotaru alo appear in the women team ending, and rocks last cameo was as his older MotW look, this just seems like a mute point here

Kim's kids are older than Rock, by 2 and 3 years respectively. The three of them were childhood friends.

You can either deal with it or move on.


Kim's kids are older than Rock, by 2 and 3 years respectively. The three of them were childhood friends.

You can either deal with it or move on.

and Art of Fighting events happen 10 years before Fatal Fury, efectively making Ryo, Robert, Yuri etc, older by 10 years , and yet they are closer in age to the Fatal Fury cast in KOF, the same to the MoTW cast that appear in kof games, come on man, now you're just trying to reach for every little thing



That's pretty creepy.


and Art of Fighting events happen 10 years before Fatal Fury, efectively making Ryo, Robert, Yuri etc, older by 10 years , and yet they are closer in age to the Fatal Fury cast in KOF, the same to the MoTW cast that appear in kof games, come on man, now you're just trying to reach for every little thing

lmao, wow.


Sketchbook Picasso
... "Soulnado" boss... the timeline might not matter after this game. And XIII definitely tried to kill the normal portions of the timeline, which Team "Another World" messes up even more here.

It's not really clear how they will proceed after the game is out.
I think the takeaway message here (in the interest of not derailing the thread further) is that, they could put Rock in KOF if they wanted to, even if it makes no sense in that timeline and negates a bunch of previous stuff.

I'd say it's unlikely myself, but there's not exactly a hard and fast restriction on what they could do if they really wanted to have him in. Rock from the future via time travel maybe... what's the point arguing about it!


lmao, wow.

tell me then, when kof literally has characters from different series of the same age, that in their original series of games, their ages are sometimes spread apart by more than 10 years, what exactly were you trying to say, because thats really another mute point


You just proved it by saying that I "can't discuss things with people."

What the fuck ever; You don't know me at all.

ok, you insulted me based on a wrong impression you had of my conversation with Wolf, i then replied to you discussing stuff, no reply

the balls in your court, its all up to you if you want to discuss with people
ok, you insulted me based on a wrong impression you had of my conversation with Wolf, i then replied to you discussing stuff, no reply

the balls in your court, its all up to you if you want to discuss with people

I just don't think that using a ending showing Rock all of a sudden being a teenager is proof that he can be in a KOF game in the future, that could just be a design mix-up for all we know.

I'm just tired of hearing about Rock being the greatest thing since sliced bread when he's just a watered-down Geese/Terry. Not to mention that Shun'Ei has some of the same special moves that Rock has.


I just don't think that using a ending showing Rock all of a sudden being a teenager is proof that he can be in a KOF game in the future, that could just be a design mix-up for all we know.

I'm just tired of hearing about Rock being the greatest thing since sliced bread when he's just a watered-down Geese/Terry. Not to mention that Shun'Ei has some of the same special moves that Rock has.

I think using time in a kof game is kinda pointless kyo was in high school for like 5 games and high school in Japan is only 3 years.

I got to play the game last weekend and shunhei is not really that close to rock. But people are always going to want their favorite characters in the game. I would love the USA team but the chances of that happening are really low.


I just don't think that using a ending showing Rock all of a sudden being a teenager is proof that he can be in a KOF game in the future, that could just be a design mix-up for all we know.

I'm just tired of hearing about Rock being the greatest thing since sliced bread when he's just a watered-down Geese/Terry. Not to mention that Shun'Ei has some of the same special moves that Rock has.

but i never said he was the greatest thing ever, and i like rock, all i've been saying is that theres a real possibility that he'll eventually appear in a future KOF, after a new Garou game, and just counter pointing when someone says its impossible or unlikely


A thought about the boss, though; Since KOF has been leading SNK by it's own popularity over the past Decade and on, do you think the series could actually become simply canon in the SNKverse? Like, could this time-plucking last boss appear as a bonus in future SNK works, pulling movesets and story elements along with him for fun?

In a multiverse, multiple timelines can be canon at the same time, you just have to expect variations big and small on some characters and concepts - I really think looking into how DC comics has handled their material over the decades can help understand some of the possibilities introduced by KoF ever since it made it so Ryo and Terry had comparable ages, not to mention later stuff like NGBC, Fu'un and Buriki One characters in XI, and the MI series being its own timeline, let alone the Another World team.

As for what you describe for the boss, SS's Kuroko (particularly in SS2 and SS6) comes to mind as a precedent, and 3D makes it even simpler to implement - I'm not sure if it's something they're planning to bring up for later games, but the floodgates are more open than they've ever been.
With all the new original characters in the game along with unlikely existing characters, they're striking an interesting balance between their history and expanding the setting with new things, so I'm looking forward to some pleasant surprises.


MMCafe: KOF14 gets ESRB Rating, development complete.

It has secured the T rating.

That rating summary:

This is an arcade-style fighting game in which players compete in one-on-one/three-on-three tournament matches to lay claim to the title of King of Fighters. Players punch, kick, and use special abilities (e.g., fireballs, electrical strikes, sand blasts) to drain opponents' life meters. Combat is accompanied by frequent impact sounds, cries of pain, and colorful light effects. Several female characters are depicted in low-cut outfits that display large amounts of cleavage and/or buttocks. Female characters' breasts sometimes jiggle during matches. One female character's special attack depicts her pulling an opponent's face to her breasts. A handful of sequences depict close-up shots of a character smoking a cigar and a character drinking from a sake bottle. Some still-image screens show drunken characters holding glasses of beer. The words “sh*t,” “d*ck,” and “a*shole” appear in the dialogue.


This is an arcade-style fighting game in which players compete in one-on-one/three-on-three tournament matches to lay claim to the title of King of Fighters. Players punch, kick, and use special abilities (e.g., fireballs, electrical strikes, sand blasts) to drain opponents' life meters. Combat is accompanied by frequent impact sounds, cries of pain, and colorful light effects. Several female characters are depicted in low-cut outfits that display large amounts of cleavage and/or buttocks. Female characters' breasts sometimes jiggle during matches. One female character's special attack depicts her pulling an opponent's face to her breasts. A handful of sequences depict close-up shots of a character smoking a cigar and a character drinking from a sake bottle. Some still-image screens show drunken characters holding glasses of beer. The words “sh*t,” “d*ck,” and “a*shole” appear in the dialogue.

Who does that? Mai?


Sketchbook Picasso
In a multiverse, multiple timelines can be canon at the same time, you just have to expect variations big and small on some characters and concepts - I really think looking into how DC comics has handled their material over the decades can help understand some of the possibilities introduced by KoF ever since it made it so Ryo and Terry had comparable ages, not to mention later stuff like NGBC, Fu'un and Buriki One characters in XI, and the MI series being its own timeline, let alone the Another World team.

I just hope they go "Marvel Cinematic Universe" style on us, as in they actually try to connect everything. It's a great way to make people hype for even things they might not like as much, since you know all works are connected.

As for what you describe for the boss, SS's Kuroko (particularly in SS2 and SS6) comes to mind as a precedent, and 3D makes it even simpler to implement - I'm not sure if it's something they're planning to bring up for later games, but the floodgates are more open than they've ever been.

Kuroko is the one who introduced me to the "Stage Ninjas" since in many Japanese stage and comedy works, the next most memorable being Sakura Taisen anime. Just the idea that you have this little guy that's working behind the scenes to make everything come together... it's kinda 4th wall breaking, and comical in a sly way.

With all the new original characters in the game along with unlikely existing characters, they're striking an interesting balance between their history and expanding the setting with new things, so I'm looking forward to some pleasant surprises.

I like that Nelson and the South American team stage bring a hint of Nature / Technology mixing together, that's currently a bit different from what you normally see in KoF.

NEST is suppose to be some big scientific evil organization, but I never felt like it was pushed well; they made super-soldiers, and these ranged from bioroids like Maxima, to people with DNA-shifted special abilities like K', but I rarely feel like it made a strong, lasting theme, that didn't eventually dilute away after a while. If Nelson is the partially "Mechanical", Bandeiras the "Traditional", I wonder if Zarina will be "Natural" member of the bunch? Or will she have something that's like a fuse between them? (Such as being a smart sciency person too, while still not wanting to totally disrespect tradition). I can't help but think she'll be a bit Elena-like, but I'd be happy to be proven wrong.

On to the ESRB stuff (Thanks BadWolf):

One female character's special attack depicts her pulling an opponent's face to her breasts.

In game cinematic, or Climax attack for our remaining ladies?

A handful of sequences depict close-up shots of a character smoking a cigar and a character drinking from a sake bottle.

I wonder if this means Antonov obviously smoke in combat / during his CDM? OR maybe it's just due to cinematics...

Some still-image screens show drunken characters holding glasses of beer. The words “sh*t,” “d*ck,” and “a*shole” appear in the dialogue.

"Still Images", eh? Wonder if that's Cinematic related? Endings?

Language seems a bit less tame than usual, that, or the translation for "Weenie" just grew up a few years.


Having a Kuroko be a guest character in KOF would be strange though.

His move list in SS6 was all mainly borrowed moves from everyone else.

For normal specials he has Genocide Cutter, Iori's Ground Projectile, Terry's Power Wave, Todou's Wall Projectile, Mai's Kachousen, Athena's Psycho Ball, Heiden's Cross Cutter, Haoh Sho Koh Ken, Power Geyser, Leg Tomahawk, Shinkuu Nage (Geese Throw)

And his super moves are Kyo's Orochinagi, a 3 part Ranbu Super that is kind of like Geese's Deadly Rave, and Iori's Maiden Masher with the finisher (that large purple pillar flame thing)

Kind of interesting for Samurai Shodown 6 to have a character that was basically a KOF rep with a kitchen sink movelist.


Who does that? Mai?

Not that we've seen so far... could be Alice or Zarina...

I just hope they go "Marvel Cinematic Universe" style on us, as in they actually try to connect everything. It's a great way to make people hype for even things they might not like as much, since you know all works are connected.

I'd rather use DC as a comparison since they embrace the diversity of continuities in their history - and they don't have the rights to a bunch of their own characters tied elsewhere to limit them, unless the crossover stuff really matters a lot to some (I did like how in SvC Chaos Tabasa knew everyone's lore and how in MotM Athena acknowledged her powers and Bison's had the same name though).

Kuroko is the one who introduced me to the "Stage Ninjas" since in many Japanese stage and comedy works, the next most memorable being Sakura Taisen anime. Just the idea that you have this little guy that's working behind the scenes to make everything come together... it's kinda 4th wall breaking, and comical in a sly way.

In the grand scheme of SNK references SS isn't too far off from KoF in its ability to reference a bunch of wother games, what with Mai in SS1's endings, Kim in SS2's stages, Kuroko using everyone's moves and Sho Hayate appearin in at least one ending, not to mention the omake stuff in SS RPG. SS is pretty bananas, but it's easy to see how Kuroko could be using it as a vantage point from which to observe everything else.

NEST is suppose to be some big scientific evil organization, but I never felt like it was pushed well; they made super-soldiers, and these ranged from bioroids like Maxima, to people with DNA-shifted special abilities like K', but I rarely feel like it made a strong, lasting theme, that didn't eventually dilute away after a while. If Nelson is the partially "Mechanical", Bandeiras the "Traditional", I wonder if Zarina will be "Natural" member of the bunch? Or will she have something that's like a fuse between them? (Such as being a smart sciency person too, while still not wanting to totally disrespect tradition). I can't help but think she'll be a bit Elena-like, but I'd be happy to be proven wrong.

NESTS's whole concept of technological supremacy ultimately undermined the relevance of martial arts in the setting - at best it worked as a contrast with the theme of ancient mythical forces clashing in the Orochi plot, but frankly I won't miss it. Alas, it's getting acknowledged as long as K's around.

"Still Images", eh? Wonder if that's Cinematic related? Endings?

Likely - it's not really hard to imagine the likes of Ralf, Gang-Il and Antonov having some beers (and Ryo and Robert pulling off their bottle cut party trick).
Seeing as KOF 98 is my go to KOF game, this perfectly suits me fine to a T.

ditto. '98 is my favorite KoF hands down. I love XIII for all its combo depth, but I could never really succeed in that game for some reason. I always felt strangely powerless to hop CDs and just weirdo hitbox stuff.


and Art of Fighting events happen 10 years before Fatal Fury, efectively making Ryo, Robert, Yuri etc, older by 10 years , and yet they are closer in age to the Fatal Fury cast in KOF, the same to the MoTW cast that appear in kof games, come on man, now you're just trying to reach for every little thing

Rock is never appearing in a mainline KOF game.



rip Ash saga, no original character stayed unlike the NESTS gang

Now that you mention it, I guess it is surprising that a team of Shen, Duo and Liz didn't show up. For Ash Saga to have dragged on as long as it did, that means it and its characters have effectively been around for almost half of KOF's total lifespan. Pretty ballsy, if nothing else!


Sketchbook Picasso
I'd rather use DC as a comparison since they embrace the diversity of continuities in their history - and they don't have the rights to a bunch of their own characters tied elsewhere to limit them, unless the crossover stuff really matters a lot to some (I did like how in SvC Chaos Tabasa knew everyone's lore and how in MotM Athena acknowledged her powers and Bison's had the same name though).

I just don't know how DC handles things well enough lately to comment, haha. But I think it was the Chinese Overlord times when they mentioned wanting to be a media-monster with the IPs like Marvel, so that always sticks in mind for me.

Playing SVC for the first time in a while at the local anime con last month, it was nice to see how much everyone tried to act like they all existed in the same world again. I've totally forgotten how to play Tessa in that game...

In the grand scheme of SNK references SS isn't too far off from KoF in its ability to reference a bunch of wother games, what with Mai in SS1's endings, Kim in SS2's stages, Kuroko using everyone's moves and Sho Hayate appearin in at least one ending, not to mention the omake stuff in SS RPG. SS is pretty bananas, but it's easy to see how Kuroko could be using it as a vantage point from which to observe everything else.

With all the Steam / Phone releases, I wonder if SNK would re-release SamSho RPG for English audiences now...

I'd love to see Kuroko utilized like that, but I have to wonder if Antonov might even have a similar role for this game. There's gotta be some way this guy sent invites out to another world...

NESTS's whole concept of technological supremacy ultimately undermined the relevance of martial arts in the setting - at best it worked as a contrast with the theme of ancient mythical forces clashing in the Orochi plot, but frankly I won't miss it. Alas, it's getting acknowledged as long as K's around.

I think it's OK to downplay the Martial arts on some characters, but I'm mostly taking from a character design / background standpoint too. Foxy and Diana seem so far away from the positions they were suppose to serve.. which is kinda cool, but it just feels like a bit of a wasted concept too.

Likely - it's not really hard to imagine the likes of Ralf, Gang-Il and Antonov having some beers (and Ryo and Robert pulling off their bottle cut party trick).
Definitely not. I'm just wonder what style we're to expect... hand-drawn stills, in-game speaking, in game action cinematics (like a lot of Dynasty Warriors stuff), stills, etc. I wouldn't be opposed to seeing XIII style ending in in-engine graphics, surely. Though I wouldn't ever turn down some official art too.

rip Ash saga, no original character stayed unlike the NESTS gang

Now that you mention it, I guess it is surprising that a team of Shen, Duo and Liz didn't show up. For Ash Saga to have dragged on as long as it did, that means it and its characters have effectively been around for almost half of KOF's total lifespan. Pretty ballsy, if nothing else!

I'm sure they'll be back later. Even moreso than Elisabeth and Co., Oswald and... Momoko... and I guess even Malin, deserve to show up again eventually. Even if in few games, those games were the "new" games for a much longer time than optimal. And Ash got to guest star in a few projects, too, so I don't feel as bad for him as for Oswald...


If Nelson is the partially "Mechanical", Bandeiras the "Traditional", I wonder if Zarina will be "Natural" member of the bunch? Or will she have something that's like a fuse between them? (Such as being a smart sciency person too, while still not wanting to totally disrespect tradition). I can't help but think she'll be a bit Elena-like, but I'd be happy to be proven wrong.

I just really hope Zarina isn't another Capoeira fighter. They saved her for last so here's hoping her fighting style is unique/fresh.


Sketchbook Picasso
I just really hope Zarina isn't another Capoeira fighter. They saved her for last so here's hoping her fighting style is unique/fresh.

Yeah, it's a weird feeling for me, because I'd love to see the Bob Wilson / Richard Meyers / Soiree Meira connection, but... yeah, we have a lot of those! Since the Orochinagi interview said she was very aerial, I hope she kinda plays like Seth's mix of divekicks and air movement, perhaps mixed with a bit of Nakoruru. Maybe not ride a bird, but perhaps a double jump?

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Now that you mention it, I guess it is surprising that a team of Shen, Duo and Liz didn't show up. For Ash Saga to have dragged on as long as it did, that means it and its characters have effectively been around for almost half of KOF's total lifespan. Pretty ballsy, if nothing else!

Yeah. Usually you'd see the heroes of the previous saga sticking around.

I'm sure they'll be back later. Even moreso than Elisabeth and Co., Oswald and... Momoko... and I guess even Malin, deserve to show up again eventually. Even if in few games, those games were the "new" games for a much longer time than optimal. And Ash got to guest star in a few projects, too, so I don't feel as bad for him as for Oswald...

huh... I forgot about Malin

she only appeared in 2003 and XI right?
Now that you mention it, I guess it is surprising that a team of Shen, Duo and Liz didn't show up. For Ash Saga to have dragged on as long as it did, that means it and its characters have effectively been around for almost half of KOF's total lifespan. Pretty ballsy, if nothing else!

Without Ash around, there's really no reason for them to appear at all.

Ash was the main reason why they were around in 2003, XI & XIII in the first place.


Yeah, it's a weird feeling for me, because I'd love to see the Bob Wilson / Richard Meyers / Soiree Meira connection, but... yeah, we have a lot of those! Since the Orochinagi interview said she was very aerial, I hope she kinda plays like Seth's mix of divekicks and air movement, perhaps mixed with a bit of Nakoruru. Maybe not ride a bird, but perhaps a double jump?

KOF also has Momoko as well. Capoeira is such an obvious/lazy choice for characters from that region.

Double jump would certainly be interesting (they did give Shun'ei an air dash), maybe using the toucan as a platform to jump off of lol? It could be a tool for her to gain air or allow her to do more acrobatic moves. They said that she spends a lot of time in the air so that might mean her overall style is centered around that instead of just having a couple of aerial moves.

The imagination can really run wild after Xanadu's reveal hehe, feels like they may have left the new characters with the more unique/wacky fighting styles to be revealed last.

In conclusion. Fuck Bao.


The Kim bros aren't twins btw.

Just Defend I assume?

Looks like regular block, JD has a white flash. Regular block and guard point have the blue one.


I just don't know how DC handles things well enough lately to comment, haha. But I think it was the Chinese Overlord times when they mentioned wanting to be a media-monster with the IPs like Marvel, so that always sticks in mind for me.

There are a few outlines about it out there, like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIZBbaNvJAY

Issues like alternate version of characters affecting their respective settings and causing issues to any attempt to unify them too a single one (Power Girl's origin or Geese's death or lack thereof) are pretty common to both DC and SNK.

It wouldn't even be hard to use existing characters to replicate the kind of dynamics Dc used, like the agent protagonists from NGBC, who could work as analogues to DC's monitors.

With all the Steam / Phone releases, I wonder if SNK would re-release SamSho RPG for English audiences now...

Based on recent history I don't see them translating it, unfortunately - if they've never bothered to do stuff like correcting the translations in older games like AoF2...

I'd love to see Kuroko utilized like that, but I have to wonder if Antonov might even have a similar role for this game. There's gotta be some way this guy sent invites out to another world...

Technically only the official invitation team was invited, maybe? I could imagine the universe-displaced characters like MuiMui getting some cryptic message pointing them to the KoF tournament as a way to return home, maybe by the final boss in secret... we'll see...

huh... I forgot about Malin

she only appeared in 2003 and XI right?

Yep, and at least one Days of Memories spin off, I think.

Without Ash around, there's really no reason for them to appear at all.

Ash was the main reason why they were around in 2003, XI & XIII in the first place.

Shen's a simple guy that likes getting into fights, he's easy to bring back. And Duo Lon has ties to the ongoing Hizoku story that also involves Kensou and even had a presence in KoF MI Regulation A through Xiao Lon - the moment they decide to use that story he has a place in the cast.
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