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King of Fighters XIV Roster Discussion thread. Leaked roster in first post


Sketchbook Picasso
Laban was dropping good info in chat too, in between the obvious troll comments from the stream monsters.

Today, via SRK members MMaker and TSnooze, we have these links from the Korean World Tour Event:

Gutts VS Verna: https://youtu.be/jHGMhCJT7fE
Verna VS Lacid: https://youtu.be/cCydqVjt4Qw
Lacid VS Verna: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkeLXRiZdIA
MadKOF VS Verna: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GCe74H947c
Verna VS MadKOF: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJx0tw9PFK0

Blog on the SK Tour: http://post.naver.com/viewer/postView.nhn?volumeNo=4705880&memberNo=11710666



Laban was dropping good info in chat too, in between the obvious troll comments from the stream monsters.

I watched a bit yesterday and one troll did nothing but complain the whole time, nobody else in chat even acknowledged him. He kept going on and on about how the game sucked and looked bad, the dude would not let up.


Sketchbook Picasso
I watched a bit yesterday and one troll did nothing but complain the whole time, nobody else in chat even acknowledged him. He kept going on and on about how the game sucked and looked bad, the dude would not let up.

I was proud of how much they were ignoring him. Every once in a while, someone would explode in annoyance, which was understandable, lol. And then, towards the end, he seemed to have multiple alt accounts all bombing the same stupidity as if they were having a conversation, lol. What a miserable way to live.

qcf x2

I finally found time to watch the KoF Station Channel episode 2 and man, some of this stuff is really awesome. I think I officially prefer the look of this game to XIII now, meaning it's the best looking KoF to date. Zarina does samba in her idle stance. Bruh. Bruuuuuuuuuh. Meitenkun falling asleep if nothing is pressed after his super, Ramon's pro wrestler footwork and swaying, it's all got so much personality to it.

Now that we've essentially seen the entire roster, what are everybody's teams looking like? I'm staying away from Kyo, Iori and Ryo since I'm not looking to win Evo right off the bat or anything and I wanna mix things up. I think at this point I want to go with:

Either Tung or Meitenkun
Leona or Love Heart or Nakoruru

...to start. I can't even decide on a team to start with!
I just came across with one interview with the former head of Evoga, a mexican videogame company that collaborated with SNK on Rage of the Dragons and the reason Angel exists in the way we know her.


The interview is in spanish but here's the bit about Angel translated

It's mentioned very often that due to her physical appearance and Mexican roots, the creation of Angel from The King of Fighters 2001 came about due to a bet between colaborators of EVOGA and SNK. What can you tell us about this?


The first time we travelled to Japan we were taken to an arcade place called Neo Geo Land, with the goal of putting us against some of the SNK staff in KoF 98 (something we weren't aware of), the saddest thing about this was that SNK's staff got bodied pretty hard and this caused some annoyances at SNK.

The second time we travelled to Japan and at the end of a meeting that decided the development of Rage of the Dragons for SNK, Angel Torres [CEO of EVOGA, a company that helped during the development of RotD], who was the person who beat the SNK staff, was challenged to KoF 98 (again) and if he lost he had to let SNK design a character for our game RotD and also our then-boss would have to pay 5,000 dollars to the president of BrezzaSoft [another company involved in the development of RotD].

In the end, the match was on but these weren't the same players that Angel defeated in Neo Geo Land, this time they brought two of KoF's programmers and KoF 2001's official designer, whom were the three best KoF players at SNK.

How the fight ended... well, you tell me, there's a character who first appeared in KoF 2001 whose name is Angel, she's Mexican and likes tacos (hahaha).

But Angel looks nothing like the KoF girl.



Mian's air game looks ridonculous.

Madkof going straight to Geese, he mains him in KOF98UM as well iirc. He also used Heavy D there, wonder if Nelson is on his radar.

It begins, hopefully they will do some full sized ones as well.


Sketchbook Picasso
<-- Joins the Zarina Hype train with QCFx2!

Mai really is so, so good in this demo, lol. Going between her and Sylvie is like playing 2 entirely different classes of characters. Can I add sparks of lightning to her far attacks, to give her slightly more range? XD


One interesting bit from the Korean vids is that it looks like you can charge moves before the round starts.

Meitenkun was releasing a level 3 charge lunge punch the instant the round started.
<-- Joins the Zarina Hype train with QCFx2!

Mai really is so, so good in this demo, lol. Going between her and Sylvie is like playing 2 entirely different classes of characters. Can I add sparks of lightning to her far attacks, to give her slightly more range? XD

Love your new avatar. I would welcome a new CFC.


One interesting bit from the Korean vids is that it looks like you can charge moves before the round starts.

Meitenkun was releasing a level 3 charge lunge punch the instant the round started.

Cool. Almost sounds like Shizumaru's charge move that had 5 or 6 levels in SS6. Not as ridiclous for the last level though, since it needed a total of 60 second charge time or basically a whole round.
I watched a bit yesterday and one troll did nothing but complain the whole time, nobody else in chat even acknowledged him. He kept going on and on about how the game sucked and looked bad, the dude would not let up.

I was proud of how much they were ignoring him. Every once in a while, someone would explode in annoyance, which was understandable, lol. And then, towards the end, he seemed to have multiple alt accounts all bombing the same stupidity as if they were having a conversation, lol. What a miserable way to live.

I agree. I just wish that there was a feature to permanently ignore idiotic trolls like that guy such as on Youtube & through streaming sites & apps like Twitch.

Very impressed with the demo, this is certainly KOF through and through. Can't wait until full release, only question now is physical steel book case or digital.

You know that there will be a physical copy; SNK's not dumb to ignore the larger market in which most people still buys games on physical copies.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Based on the demo and the exhibitions the game has had so far, you guys think there will be a balancing patch after the game is released?

I dont think right after launch but hopefully after a few months.
50 characters at release + MAX system makes it almost impossible to be 100% balanced


Based on the demo and the exhibitions the game has had so far, you guys think there will be a balancing patch after the game is released?

I think there will be a fix for the glaring issue of kyo's cr. D being untechable. The first guy that was shown for the game and he is not following a basic universal mechanic.

Otherwise, I think the final game already has the many issues fixed that did transfer over to the demo without notice.
They should probably fix Iori's close D to level 1 Super glitch and fuzzy guard stuff as well. I know the former at least has already been brought to their attention through Twitter but I have no idea how closely they monitor things.
Also that character specific shit with KoD. XIII had made progress in that regard even if it didn't eliminate all of it. It'd be a huge step back for XIV if we had to deal with it again. Normalized hurtboxes once in hitstun are a good thing.


Sketchbook Picasso

I kinda hope SNK does a combo video of some sort, showing off things that most would consider "broken" early on. As a nice blanket way to state "No, this insanity is actually intended!". It'd be a nice to way to set expectations on things, and calm the calls for fixes and changes in the beginning.

There are holes in that, it's just really good pressure that can lead into high damage and part of it is KoD-specific (which is really the only issue I have with it at this point as I've said because I don't like char-specific stuff, but this isn't a combo so that's another thing entirely).

people just post these things like they really want this labeled kusoge so hard
They should probably fix Iori's close D to level 1 Super glitch and fuzzy guard stuff as well. I know the former at least has already been brought to their attention through Twitter but I have no idea how closely they monitor things.
Also that character specific shit with KoD. XIII had made progress in that regard even if it didn't eliminate all of it. It'd be a huge step back for XIV if we had to deal with it again. Normalized hurtboxes once in hitstun are a good thing.

Yeah, I ask because I'd love for KoD to get some well needed buffs.


No roster is complete without saisyu kusanagi. What's SNK's problem? the guy has been banished since kof 98. How many shitty characters have we seen so far?


Love that Zarina avatar btw, if I were SNK I'd hire you to make one for the entire cast for sure.

They should really just make an SNK-only Card Fighters Clash - the KoF cast alone fills out a roster nicely, and using more series would be a nice way to bring up stuff that's been out of focus - last time they did something like that was with Rhythm of Fighters assists...


Sketchbook Picasso

Cool, his Gang definitely was the most promising so far.

Came across a vid of Reynald playing her at Evo and man she looks so damn solid, people should probably be more worried about her than Kyo/Iori.

Love that Zarina avatar btw, if I were SNK I'd hire you to make one for the entire cast for sure.

Mui^2 looks like everything works like it should, and maybe better. Those, as Laban put it, Belligerent, Unga Headbuts of hers are just great.

And thanks, that'd definitely be the dream! Wouldn't it be surprising to see SNK have some of our fanart in game, like Skullgirls did with some fans and such?

They should really just make an SNK-only Card Fighters Clash - the KoF cast alone fills out a roster nicely, and using more series would be a nice way to bring up stuff that's been out of focus - last time they did something like that was with Rhythm of Fighters assists...

I'd definitely like to see it cross-play with tablets and consoles. A constantly updating CFC similar to how they handle Metal Slug Defense would be quite something.

Man Gang Il is legit short huh?
Also dat Baeitenkun
His stout stature was unexpected, but it makes his womanizing all the more entertaining, in a way.

Tung needs to take better care of his child-student, if he's wandering off into adult places! Or maybe it's all a trap to catch Clark and his white van... (memories of those KoF XIII streams with Haunts and Co...)


Neo Member
So two things confirmed:

1. Story mode is essentially arcade mode. You run through 10 stages and get different endings depending on your team.

2. You can play through story mode with team edit and some of the combinations will result with a bonus at the end. Not sure if it's a special ending or something like a one-shot illustration.

Seems like special team endings/illustrations are confirmed then! Exciting stuff!


They should really just make an SNK-only Card Fighters Clash - the KoF cast alone fills out a roster nicely, and using more series would be a nice way to bring up stuff that's been out of focus - last time they did something like that was with Rhythm of Fighters assists...

For sure, one of the reasons I'm looking forward to XIV's release is that we might finally start hearing about what they have planned next. Something other than a fighting game would be nice.

Also, wonder when that KOF anime is coming? Timing it with XIV's release would have been a great idea but it may be too late for that now. On the plus side they may be taking their timing with it so hopefully it doesn't suck.

Characters still have different rise speeds.

Didn't make much of a difference in XIII, won't in XIV either most probably.

First off, G-Mantle posted some pics from Chinajoy:

That logo looks pretty cool in Chinese, interesting how they didn't use Roman numerals for the main part like in other versions.

Oda has been travelling a ton.

The only things i want to know now is if we are going to have unlockable costumes and/or dlc costumes/characters/themes going forward.

The main game is going to have unlockable movies, music and art (and the two bosses).

Whatever DLC comes post release will most likely be either free or you will have to pay for it.

And thanks, that'd definitely be the dream! Wouldn't it be surprising to see SNK have some of our fanart in game, like Skullgirls did with some fans and such?

That would be pretty sweet, doing a book compiling fan artwork like Capcom does would be nice too. Actually... I just want a really beefy SNK artbook.

Speaking of art, isn't Shinkiro freelance? It would be great if they could get him to do a piece for XIV.
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