I am a semi trophy whore. Sometimes I know I HAVE to platinum/100% a game I am passionate about no matter how crazy the requirements are (KH FM, FF X, RE4, PS All-Stars) KH2FM and BBS FM will be in this category. I WILL platinum them, there is no way around it. Even if it means speedrunning all the 3 characters 4 times to get difficulty trophies or having to do a 100% run on lvl 1 mode. Danganronpa is in this category for me tho it's a work in progress and I'm doing all the post game stuff slowly, not forcing myself too much.
Then there are the games I just like so much that I decide to platinum them mid game (Ni No Kuni, DmC, Gravity Rush, Tales From Space, Crack in Time, Plants VS Zombies, VLR, Rayman Origins, Rayman Legends, Ducktales, Velocity Ultra... These are the way trophies should work, you start to get deeper into a game you find you like without it being a burden and instead become somewhat rewarding. KH FM while I knew I had to plat the game obviously also falls to this category as well. I would have done everything the trophies recuire pretty much anyway for a 100% run. The speedruns were so fast that it didn't bother me at all really with cutscene skip now available. I actually really enjoyed the speedruns.
Then there are the games that bring shame to a trophy whore. There are 2 games I 100% ONLY because of the trophies even when both of the games fuckin sucked. Chronovolt and Altered Beast. I have no excuse for these. But also in this category are games that are just so fuckin fast to platinum you don't care too much if the game isn't too good. You just want the platinum. Zone of the Enders HD would be one of that kind. I think it took me like less than 6 hours to platinum that game. I didn't hate or love it but it was just so easy to get so fuck it.
But as I said in the end I'm only a semi trophy whore. I never really force myself to platinum games if I don't know what I'm in for. But sometimes it really pisses me off if there is a game I love and there is some real bullshit trophy in there. Like Persona 4 Golden. I'm one bronze trophy short for a platinum but I just can't do it cause that one trophy is such bullshit. It really pisses me off since it definately became one of those games I really wanna plat but I just can't force myself cause I have no idea how long it will take.
Regardless of me liking trophies and liking KH even I will raise my hands at the sight of Re:CoM trophylist. 1 proud playtrough is enough for me.
But more on topic: I really don't know what to expect from the 2.5 trophies. Yasue says they really put more thought into them compared to 1.5 but then again he gives examples like ''something something MICKEY!'' (translation: die at a boss) or ''something something ANTIFORM!'' (translation: random shit). I mean, these are not offensive trophies by any means but these are like the most unimaginative trophies you could come up with.