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Kingdom Hearts Community Thread: Now everybody can be a Keyblade Wielder!

I have though about starting KH2FM again but I had to stop myself because I wan't to play 1.5 first and play KH2FM when it releases on 2.5 :(.

I'm doing exactly the same. I started playing DDD on Critical but decided to put it on hold and wait for my ReMIX to arrive.
Besided, I still need to finish Devil Survivor anyway.


I'm in a strong KH mood as well. Dying to replay 1 but I'll try and wait for the HD version. Meanwhile I have a 3DS now so I'm hoping KH 3D is 20 bucks again soon.
RE4 is a really good game, and a needed change for the franchise (i guess), but still i can't manage to love it as the first 3. Too much action for my tastes :/ (and for Retcon, do you mean RE:Make? i think that game might be the one who gathers the best elements of a "Survival Horror" experience by far).

I've always found that expression rather pointless, you know, i JUST SAID THAT EXACT SENTENCE. Maybe it's an unpopular opinion but whatever. It's not that you can ask a RE game for some interesting villain characters.
By retcon, I mean the whole "hahaha I actually planned to be killed! and I never died! but I hate you now!" thing that amounted to going back and changing what happened in RE1's formerly simple story.


The sythesis is the single worst part of KHFM. Everything they added made it worse. Most unique heartless have to be beaten like 700 times until they drop enough of their rare item.

Vanilla has just enough synthesis.

Although it doesnt help that its in japanese currently...
One of the most annoying things is that the encounter rate for the new Neverland heartless is MUCH higher than the Rare Truffles, which makes level cheesing and Elixir farming a chore.

EDIT: Wait, wasn't the post requirement for full members 300?


One of the most annoying things is that the encounter rate for the new Neverland heartless is MUCH higher than the Rare Truffles, which makes level cheesing and Elixir farming a chore.

EDIT: Wait, wasn't the post requirement for full members 300?

Gotta be a memeber for at least 3 months also.


Was reading through the GameTrailers script, while this isn't in there specifically, it's something I've never had a satisfiying answer for.

re:CoM spoilers

Why does Axel (indirectly) kill Zexion? Is it because Zexion knew Axel killed Vexen?


Just read through the GameTrailers script and writing notes.

I'm going to send Mike a PM when more specifics and such.

I think my main comments are:

1.) In terms of pure errors, there were two I saw. One, The World that Never Was is not in the Realm of Darkness. Two, you say that Terranort used a keyblade on himself to turn into a Heartless and Nobody. I don't think it is ever specified how exactly it happened, just that he allowed to happen somehow.

2.) Omission of key points. I understand there are a lot of smaller things that aren't worth mentioning in a video like this, but there are a lot of things that weren't mentioned that I think should be, even briefly. I'll list them.

-Mickey's revelation of who the first game's "Ansem" was should be focuses on a bit more. Making the distinction between Ansem the Wise and Ansem Seeker of Darkness is vital.

-Land of Departure turning into Castle Oblivion and Ventus's sleeping body being put to rest there.

-How Kairi ended up on Destiny Islands. It's explained in an Ansem report that she was "cast into the darkness". The spell Aqua part on her lead her to Sora.

-On the topic of Ansem Reports, right now they aren't mentioned at all....perhaps that's preferable...you would have to mention that most of the first set of reports were actually written by Terranort.

-Somehow mention the internal politics of CoM. Simply put, Larxene and Marluxia are traitors, Axel was sent to investigate. But maybe this isn't worth mentioning.

3.) I personally find that the two biggest unexplained things are how Riku gives Kairi a keyblade, and the whereabouts of Terra at the end of DDD. I don't know if it's worth bringing up these or not.

I have more comments ,, writing up a PM to Mike now.


Was reading through the GameTrailers script, while this isn't in there specifically, it's something I've never had a satisfiying answer for.

re:CoM spoilers

Why does Axel (indirectly) kill Zexion? Is it because Zexion knew Axel killed Vexen?

This was answered in Days.

Saix saw Zexion as a threat to his becoming one of Xemnas' closest confidantes. He ordered Axel to find a way to dispose of him discreetly during his reassignment at Castle Oblivion.


Aaaaaaand I'm done. Finished Reverse Rebirth yesterday and watched 358/2 Days today. Never liked the game and never bothered to finish it in the first place, so this was kind of new for me.
But to be honest I thought it wasn't that interesting. IMO it just makes the whole thing with Roxas and the Organization unnecessarily convulted, maybe to make it more relevant? I really couldn't care a whole lot about the characters and plot.

I don't know if it has been mentionned, but 358/2 isn't really a "movie". It's really just cutscenes put one after another, with some text at times explaining unimportant stuff (You get stuff like "Roxas went on missions for a few days" and then the "game" skips 20 or some days). There's no real transition for boss battles, you get the scene that occurs before and after, without filler "Roxas destroys the enemy" animation or anything that shows you how shit went down.

On the collection as HD remaster: It was totally top-tier, definitely one of the (if not the) best HD collection I got to play. The only problems I could see were:
- Sound issues in Re:CoM when you use attacks (normal, magic, summons, whatever) that hit too many ennemies;
- Kind of low bitrate on prerendered event scenes, which unfortunately makes for most of Re:CoM and 358/2 Days's cutscenes. In some cases, the artifact-ing gets pretty bad and I seriously wonder when they didn't encode those better, as a lack of space seems unlikely?

Two very small problems in an otherwise flawless release. I'm fucking pumped for KH2, but will unfortunately need to wait until the next collection since I don't have the game or even a PS2 with me anymore ahah. Maybe I should replay BBS or something... Or just play all those new games I have already.


Did you see that fricken april fools GDC KH3 article?

Dont they know by now that Kingdom Hearts is off limits for april fools???
Stuff and thangs.

I was talking with Mike by PM about that. They're trying to show the main plot in a macro scale, so most of the tidbits about each game that don't affect the others much (like Org politics) are not mentioned.

It feels like an anime version of a game that excludes part of the plot :lol
Gratzzzzzz <3
I dedicate my full membership to KHGAF!

Mike already addressed my points in our PM exchange, but since Seda posted here I will too:
- It is mentioned that Xehanort's experiments created the hearless, but they existed before, he only discovered the purebloods. After that he then found a method to create the emblem heartless.
- The fact that Xehanort's Heartless is called Ansem drives a lot of the "story is convoluted" memes, so you should probably mention that he became known as A,SoD due to identity theft.
- Not only did Sora need to sleep for a year, he also forgot everything that happened in the Castle, including knowing Naminé.
- The Recusant's Sigil comes from the obsession of Xehanort with the x-Blade, altough he didn't remember what it was or why he was attracted to that letter. It sounds that he came up with the letter for no reason there.


Junior Member
Did you see that fricken april fools GDC KH3 article?

Dont they know by now that Kingdom Hearts is off limits for april fools???

They'll announce KH3 for real in two years on this day. Everyone will laugh in their faces and then BAM, it's out on store shelves.


also I wanna become a member too... :(


This was answered in Days.

Saix saw Zexion as a threat to his becoming one of Xemnas' closest confidantes. He ordered Axel to find a way to dispose of him discreetly during his reassignment at Castle Oblivion.

Cool thanks. Sounds familiar now, I forgot about that considering I've only played through Days once.


Huh, can't say I've seen any of that. Which is good, there's only a few actually funny april fools every year, most just try too hard imo.


Junior Member
Main problem there is that it's too clever. SE aren't capable of such things, only overly complicated names.


But it's smaller than three? Maybe if SE made a tiny something to get us in the KH3 mood, like a few page long manga or something to work as a "in the next episode of *****" thing for KH3, it could be called KH <3.

They should just call it KH3. No subtitles or cleverly 'hilarious' acronyms or whatever, just KH3.
But it's smaller than three? Maybe if SE made a tiny something to get us in the KH3 mood, like a few page long manga or something to work as a "in the next episode of *****" thing for KH3, it could be called KH <3.

They should just call it KH3. No subtitles or cleverly 'hilarious' acronyms or whatever, just KH3.

Take your pick.
So I've gotten WeaponKnight and Seda's feedback. Just PMed Seda with what I did and some questions.

I figured I'd ask the questions here, too.

1) When exactly is Ansem, SoD, and Xemnas created? I thought it was when Aqua encountered Terra-Xehanort in Radiant Garden and he used the Keyblade on himself (to prevent Terra from gaining control). Somewhere I read said it was during the experiments Terra-Xehanort did on himself when he was an apprentice to Ansem the Wise. So, now I'm a bit confused.

2) Roxas can summon and wield a Keyblade because of his connection to Sora, Ventus, or both? If this is going to get into dual-wielding, I don't want to touch that. However, I need to know the primary reason why Roxas can use a Keyblade.


So I've gotten WeaponKnight and Seda's feedback. Just PMed Seda with what I did and some questions.

I figured I'd ask the questions here, too.

1) When exactly is Ansem, SoD, and Xemnas created? I thought it was when Aqua encountered Terra-Xehanort in Radiant Garden and he used the Keyblade on himself (to prevent Terra from gaining control). Somewhere I read said it was during the experiments Terra-Xehanort did on himself when he was an apprentice to Ansem the Wise. So, now I'm a bit confused.

2) Roxas can summon and wield a Keyblade because of his connection to Sora, Ventus, or both? If this is going to get into dual-wielding, I don't want to touch that. However, I need to know the primary reason why Roxas can use a Keyblade.

1.) When Terra-Xehanort stabs himself with the keyblade, I believe it is to LOCK Terra's heart so Terra would stop fighting for control. However, this had an effect on himself too and he lost his memory. Since Aqua saved him from the darkness, I don't believe a Heartless/Nobody pair was formed here. Later, when Xehanort starts tinkering around with the darkness, he gives himself up to it willingly, which is when it happens. This all happens "off-stage" though, we don't actually see it.

2.) I believe the most simple/effective answer for this is "both". This leads to why he can use two keyblades, but I definitely agree in not bringing that up at all, as it gets confusing whose heart is where and when and in what state.
So I've gotten WeaponKnight and Seda's feedback. Just PMed Seda with what I did and some questions.

I figured I'd ask the questions here, too.

1) When exactly is Ansem, SoD, and Xemnas created? I thought it was when Aqua encountered Terra-Xehanort in Radiant Garden and he used the Keyblade on himself (to prevent Terra from gaining control). Somewhere I read said it was during the experiments Terra-Xehanort did on himself when he was an apprentice to Ansem the Wise. So, now I'm a bit confused.

2) Roxas can summon and wield a Keyblade because of his connection to Sora, Ventus, or both? If this is going to get into dual-wielding, I don't want to touch that. However, I need to know the primary reason why Roxas can use a Keyblade.

Ansem and Xemnas were created presumeably at the Radiant Garden underground lab. We see in DDD intro how he is still Terra-Xehanort when the other original organization members were created there and when he turns Braig into a nobody himself. So yeah he did it later when he was the apprentice of real Ansem. This is also the first time he refers to himself as ''Ansem'' so I guess he transforms himself right after that scene.

2) Could be both but it is very safe to assume the connection to Sora is enough since Xion can do it and she doesn't exactly have such a connection to Ven. Then again I think it is even heavily implied Vens heart might have been inside Roxas when he was created, thus he looks exactly like him but this is not really confirmed.


I figured I'd ask the questions here, too.

1) When exactly is Ansem, SoD, and Xemnas created? I thought it was when Aqua encountered Terra-Xehanort in Radiant Garden and he used the Keyblade on himself (to prevent Terra from gaining control). Somewhere I read said it was during the experiments Terra-Xehanort did on himself when he was an apprentice to Ansem the Wise. So, now I'm a bit confused.

Bare with me here (spoilers for a good chunk of the franchise). Apparently this all happens within a span of a few months:

As shown in BBS, Terranort (seemingly) lost his memories after the fight with Aqua. He was taken in by Ansem the Wise. As detailed in KHII, "Xehanort" becomes Ansem's foremost apprentice because of his keen intellect. "Xehanort" is driven to research the heart and memories under Ansem's guidance. He even discovers the Heartless, the keyhole and the door to the world's heart completely by accident.

However, after a visit from King Mickey Ansem forbids further research. "Xehanort" continues his experiments in secret. Together with the other apprentices (who become more loyal to him than Ansem in time), he begins to experiment on himself in order to unlock his memories. There's a cutscene in DDD that shows the results of that experiment: Terranort, seemingly having remembered who he really is, summons his keyblade and attacks the other apprentices. At this time he may have turned on Ansem himself and cast him into the realm of darkness/nothingness (which is it?).

From here we can only speculate, but Days reveals that at least some members of the Org choose to become Nobodies of their own accord. AFAIK, there hasn't been any established reason for Terranort to purposely split himself into Heartless and Nobody. Perhaps he was still being hounded by Terra from within and was trying to rid himself of his influence? He may have attempted to turn his key on himself again for that purpose, creating Ansem SoD and Xemnas in the process. Or maybe that was the plan all along...?

2) Roxas can summon and wield a Keyblade because of his connection to Sora, Ventus, or both? If this is going to get into dual-wielding, I don't want to touch that. However, I need to know the primary reason why Roxas can use a Keyblade.


In KH, at the same time Sora became a Heartless Roxas was born and entered the Organization. So if that&#8217;s the case, at that point in time at Castle Oblivion Sora used a Keyblade while at the same time Roxas would have been using a Keyblade. Was this Sora&#8217;s Keyblade? Within the Organization I think we particularly saw Roxas using a Keyblade. And similar to Roxas, Sora served as another Keyblade master conveniently gathering hearts. So why was the Organization defeated?

The Keyblade that Roxas used and the thing that Sora once lost in Castle Oblivion are the same thing. Furthermore, these two both used the Keyblade at the same time. This can be explained by the relationship between Roxas and Sora. Thus, that both can wield two Keyblades in fact has an important meaning. This is also related to Xehanort&#8217;s memories, but this point can&#8217;t be touched on just yet.

Furthermore, from the time that the two were both using the Keyblade at the same time, the Organization itself was using Sora for their ultimate goal. Soon enough, each of the Organization&#8217;s expectations differed. And by trying to move Sora and Roxas as their puppets, the two of them eventually broke free from their strings and became obstacles for them. Because of this, Sora eventually had to be stopped. But even if Sora were to be defeated, you could say there are other things to think about in making that sacrifice.

It would seem having Ventus within him grants Sora the ability to wield a keyblade since he never did the bequeathing ritual. In Roxas' case, it's his connection to Sora that allows him to use the same keyblade. Despite having no memories of his own or a proper heart he still has an invisible bond to him (and to Ventus by proxy), and that's why he can summon it. The Keyblade itself seem to be tied to memories, so Roxas (and Xion's) keyblades resemble the Kingdom Key because of their inherent bond to Sora. Well, that's mostly speculation on my part.

edit: damn took too long on this lol
Thanks for all the input. I had been going back and forth on the "when" for the creation of Xemnas/Ansem, SOD. Now I can lock this part down and have it make sense.


So what the heck was Pluto's letter he had at the end of KH1 and beginning of CoM? THEY NEVER READ IT (I think)


Congrats on getting member status WeaponKnight!
Screw Mickey; I want a game following Pluto's journey.
Pluto hearts, a journey across worlds to deliver a message to Sora, Donald and Goofy.
Only to run off with it and dissapear after finding them
The sythesis is the single worst part of KHFM. Everything they added made it worse. Most unique heartless have to be beaten like 700 times until they drop enough of their rare item.

Vanilla has just enough synthesis.

Although it doesnt help that its in japanese currently...
Yeah, it's my least favorite part of the game. It's way too tedious and takes too long compared to the original Kingdom Hearts synthesis. I wouldn't mind it if you only had to farm the materials off of them once, but everytime I finished up synthesising a item or set I found that I needed to go back again to farm more items off of the rare heartless, I was so glad when it was over.

Classic sidescroller with high quality sprites and animation, yees yees.
Exactly how bad is the synthesis in FM? It can't be THAT bad right? :/

I'll do it anyway since I want dat Ultima Weapon for Proud save and trophy.


Exactly how bad is the synthesis in FM? It can't be THAT bad right? :/

I'll do it anyway since I want dat Ultima Weapon for Proud save and trophy.

Its bad yo. Its really bad.
For starters If you legitamately want to know how to get a rare heartless to drop its item/beat it without looking it up youre in for a LOT of trial and error.
As an example take the pink aragcirus (or whatever its called)

Go to tarzans jungle (or atlantis, but good luck with that) and go to the tree house.
If a mushroom appears in front of you cast stop on it. (It looks frozen so it seems logical to do so anyway) Find another mushroom cast stop on it. Find a third mushroom (somtimes strangely hard to find) and cast stop on it.

Then a big pink mushroom shows up in the center, despite the fact that it isnt frozen like the previous mushrooms you also cast stop on it. Then while its stopped hit it as many times as you possibly can. However it wont even potentially drop it unless you hit it at least 40 times in the allotted time period.

This is where it gets tedious, you need like 5 of these items total i believe? So you will be repeating this process MANY times.

The method is after stopping all three initial mushrooms (which gets old really quick) cast aero on your party then replenish your magic and get really close to the pink one, cast stop and wail on it with ars arcnum as many times as you can (ragnarok will potentially get you more hits, but it is considerably more difficult) while calling dolan and gooby into the battle with triangle (which happens anyway while using ars)

That will get you about 55 hits or so on average and MAYBE will drop the item you are trying to get.

The most awful part is that every attempt requires this meticulous process of casting the three stops casting aero replenishing magic, then you can actually attempt the fight.

Now this is just one of the enemies out of about 10.

Speaking of which, how do i do the giant ghost in monstro? It seems like i can cast friendly magic on it but is that the answer?

Also, every day or so i go "wait who is that? Oh its napalm."

Stop changing your avatar lol!!! XD
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