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Kingdom Hearts Community Thread: Now everybody can be a Keyblade Wielder!

Its bad yo. Its really bad.
For starters If you legitamately want to know how to get a rare heartless to drop its item/beat it without looking it up youre in for a LOT of trial and error.
As an example take the pink aragcirus (or whatever its called)

Go to tarzans jungle (or atlantis, but good luck with that) and go to the tree house.
If a mushroom appears in front of you cast stop on it. (It looks frozen so it seems logical to do so anyway) Find another mushroom cast stop on it. Find a third mushroom (somtimes strangely hard to find) and cast stop on it.

Then a big pink mushroom shows up in the center, despite the fact that it isnt frozen like the previous mushrooms you also cast stop on it. Then while its stopped hit it as many times as you possibly can. However it wont even potentially drop it unless you hit it at least 40 times in the allotted time period.

This is where it gets tedious, you need like 5 of these items total i believe? So you will be repeating this process MANY times.

The method is after stopping all three initial mushrooms (which gets old really quick) cast aero on your party then replenish your magic and get really close to the pink one, cast stop and wail on it with ars arcnum as many times as you can (ragnarok will potentially get you more hits, but it is considerably more difficult) while calling dolan and gooby into the battle with triangle (which happens anyway while using ars)

That will get you about 55 hits or so on average and MAYBE will drop the item you are trying to get.

The most awful part is that every attempt requires this meticulous process of casting the three stops casting aero replenishing magic, then you can actually attempt the fight.

Now this is just one of the enemies out of about 10.

Speaking of which, how do i do the giant ghost in monstro? It seems like i can cast friendly magic on it but is that the answer?

Also, every day or so i go "wait who is that? Oh its napalm."

Stop changing your avatar lol!!! XD
Sorry Mink, I'm soooooo changeable!



say that again and know that if you're lying to me, i will find you and i will sssssssssskin you.
That will get you about 55 hits or so on average and MAYBE will drop the item you are trying to get.
Don't call them to help you, it will make the counter drop instead of helping you. Cast Aeroga on Sora only and use Ragnarok instead of Last Arcanum. You can do about 2 air combos of 3 or 4 hits between each Ragnarok.

Speaking of which, how do i do the giant ghost in monstro? It seems like i can cast friendly magic on it but is that the answer?
Toss items at him. Better items equal better chances of getting his drop. I always toss elixirs because it's a guaranteed drop. The problem is aiming. I always waste a LOT of items on him because he dissappears right when I confirm and it goes to Goofy...


Don't call them to help you, it will make the counter drop instead of helping you. Cast Aeroga on Sora only and use Ragnarok instead of Last Arcanum. You can do about 2 air combos of 3 or 4 hits between each Ragnarok.

Toss items at him. Better items equal better chances of getting his drop. I always toss elixirs because it's a guaranteed drop. The problem is aiming. I always waste a LOT of items on him because he dissappears right when I confirm and it goes to Goofy...

Really? I saw a couple guides that say call dolan and gooby.
But its problematic not to in HD btw, because calling them is triangle, but ars/ragnarok are triangle also because they moved those type of moves to be reaction commands. Which for the most part is awesome, but is now seeming problematic.

Do you at what point it stops counting hits? Is it right when it starts giving you the techs?
Really? I saw a couple guides that say call dolan and gooby.
But its problematic not to in HD btw, because calling them is triangle, but ars/ragnarok are triangle also because they moved those type of moves to be reaction commands. Which for the most part is awesome, but is now seeming problematic.

Do you at what point it stops counting hits? Is it right when it starts giving you the techs?

Hm... maybe they changed it? I hope so.

The hits stop counting when Stop wears off and he starts deflecting every hit.
Hopefully they changed it.

So if your attacks are still meshing with him its counting? Or not necessarily.

As long as he doens't push you back, it's good to go. The one thing I'm not sure is whether the Aeroga hits count after Stop wears off. Probably not.

For those wondering what's the deal with the heartless:
Giant Shadow - Disappear when they hit you.
Sniper Wild - You need to kill 6+ of them without being seen.
Black Ballade - You need to play a shell game, picking the right one when they shuffle.
Stealth Soldier - Invisible super fast Soldier that hits hard. You can make them visible by casting Stop, but it wears off in a second.
Chimaera - Keeps summoning Gargoyles and jumping around, you need to stun it and keep him from getting up by hitting the floating balls of light he spews when he is down.
Grand Ghost - Can only be defeated by throwing healing items at him, but he disappears all the time, messing with your aiming menu.
Pot Scorpion - Can only be hit after you defend against his tail sting, which he only does after spraying poison all over the place.
Jet Balloon - You need to pursue it around the ship, impossible without Aeroga because of the hundreds or torpedoes he fires.
Pink Agaricus - Stop minigame we've been talking about in the last few posts.
NeoShadow - You need to fight about 6 of them at the same time, they hit hard, teleport around and fully heal nearby enemies when defeated.


Junior Member
As long as he doens't push you back, it's good to go. The one thing I'm not sure is whether the Aeroga hits count after Stop wears off. Probably not.

For those wondering what's the deal with the heartless:
Giant Shadow - Disappear when they hit you.
Sniper Wild - You need to kill 6+ of them without being seen.
Black Ballade - You need to play a shell game, picking the right one when they shuffle.
Stealth Soldier - Invisible super fast Soldier that hits hard. You can make them visible by casting Stop, but it wears off in a second.
Chimaera - Keeps summoning Gargoyles and jumping around, you need to stun it and keep him from getting up by hitting the floating balls of light he spews when he is down.
Grand Ghost - Can only be defeated by throwing healing items at him, but he disappears all the time, messing with your aiming menu.
Pot Scorpion - Can only be hit after you defend against his tail sting, which he only does after spraying poison all over the place.
Jet Balloon - You need to pursue it around the ship, impossible without Aeroga because of the hundreds or torpedoes he fires.
Pink Agaricus - Stop minigame we've been talking about in the last few posts.
NeoShadow - You need to fight about 6 of them at the same time, they hit hard, teleport around and fully heal nearby enemies when defeated.

Why? Why do they do this? Is it some kind of cruel joke?
As long as he doens't push you back, it's good to go. The one thing I'm not sure is whether the Aeroga hits count after Stop wears off. Probably not.

For those wondering what's the deal with the heartless:
Giant Shadow - Disappear when they hit you.
Sniper Wild - You need to kill 6+ of them without being seen.
Black Ballade - You need to play a shell game, picking the right one when they shuffle.
Stealth Soldier - Invisible super fast Soldier that hits hard. You can make them visible by casting Stop, but it wears off in a second.
Chimaera - Keeps summoning Gargoyles and jumping around, you need to stun it and keep him from getting up by hitting the floating balls of light he spews when he is down.
Grand Ghost - Can only be defeated by throwing healing items at him, but he disappears all the time, messing with your aiming menu.
Pot Scorpion - Can only be hit after you defend against his tail sting, which he only does after spraying poison all over the place.
Jet Balloon - You need to pursue it around the ship, impossible without Aeroga because of the hundreds or torpedoes he fires.
Pink Agaricus - Stop minigame we've been talking about in the last few posts.
NeoShadow - You need to fight about 6 of them at the same time, they hit hard, teleport around and fully heal nearby enemies when defeated.
Ugh, I had forgotten about this bullshit.


Really want to play through KH1 again, but don't want to wait for 1.5's Fall (ugh) release. Picked up Birth by Sleep yesterday, so that might keep me away from KH1 for a bit. Maybe not though.

No harm in two playthroughs in the same year, right guys?


Really want to play through KH1 again, but don't want to wait for 1.5's Fall (ugh) release. Picked up Birth by Sleep yesterday, so that might keep me away from KH1 for a bit. Maybe not though.

No harm in two playthroughs in the same year, right guys?

Of course not. I think I played through KH1 and KH2 both two or three times last year. I think it was KH1 twice and KH2 thrice.


As long as he doens't push you back, it's good to go. The one thing I'm not sure is whether the Aeroga hits count after Stop wears off. Probably not.

For those wondering what's the deal with the heartless:
Giant Shadow - Disappear when they hit you.
Sniper Wild - You need to kill 6+ of them without being seen.
Black Ballade - You need to play a shell game, picking the right one when they shuffle.
Stealth Soldier - Invisible super fast Soldier that hits hard. You can make them visible by casting Stop, but it wears off in a second.
Chimaera - Keeps summoning Gargoyles and jumping around, you need to stun it and keep him from getting up by hitting the floating balls of light he spews when he is down.
Grand Ghost - Can only be defeated by throwing healing items at him, but he disappears all the time, messing with your aiming menu.
Pot Scorpion - Can only be hit after you defend against his tail sting, which he only does after spraying poison all over the place.
Jet Balloon - You need to pursue it around the ship, impossible without Aeroga because of the hundreds or torpedoes he fires.
Pink Agaricus - Stop minigame we've been talking about in the last few posts.
NeoShadow - You need to fight about 6 of them at the same time, they hit hard, teleport around and fully heal nearby enemies when defeated.

Oh my god a million thank you's


You sir are a gentleman and a scholar.
Really want to play through KH1 again, but don't want to wait for 1.5's Fall (ugh) release. Picked up Birth by Sleep yesterday, so that might keep me away from KH1 for a bit. Maybe not though.

No harm in two playthroughs in the same year, right guys?

Go for Sword in your other playthru and Staff for the 1.5 playthru :3. Also Play 1.5 in proud mode with EXP 0 equipped for a whole new experience! :3

Wanna bet KH4 releases like 1 year after KH3 just to troll us.

Can someone tell me how Atlus can localize SMT4 in one month and SE takes 6+ months for a game that is 99% localized already -.-
Atlus is cool.

Square Enix isn't.

But seriously, if it doesn't have "Final Fantasy" in the title, Square won't make it a priority.

KH is bigger in the west than Japan *sigh*

I mean SE seems so friggin random with the localization times. They were terrible last gen but this gen they have a range from really fast localization to ridicilous shit like this :(


At... who? Never heard of them. Do they make games or something?

Seriously, though, Square-Enix are great because they at least DO localize their own games for the west. Something Atlus can't be said to do. Square-Enix has Altus beat several times over in localization speed. Not that "never" is hard to beat.

Do note I said "the west" which also includes Europe here.


Junior Member
They could be doing it on purpose, because they did it before and want to keep it going. Either that or reasons.
At... who? Never heard of them. Do they make games or something?

Seriously, though, Square-Enix are great because they at least DO localize their own games for the west. Something Atlus can't be said to do. Square-Enix has Altus beat several times over in localization speed. Not that "never" is hard to beat.

Do note I said "the west" which also includes Europe here.
Well you'd HOPE company as big as SE would localize games in EU without too much outside help :D.

It just annoys me how some PSP games like 3rd birthday were out in Americas+EU in like 3 months and with all sorts of collectors edition boons no less. I can just imagine them being like ''PSP is dying so we need to actually put some effort into this, dat PS3 will be alive a year from now anyway!''

But not to be all negative SE has reached pretty much parity with US-EU releases now. Last gen was TEE HEE HERRIBLE.


I'm looking forward to the Kingdom Hearts HD remix so I can play it at the speed it was intended to be played at. Same with FFX and X-2. So yeah, SE are improving on that front. Atlus just never even started.
I'm looking forward to the Kingdom Hearts HD remix so I can play it at the speed it was intended to be played at. Same with FFX and X-2. So yeah, SE are improving on that front. Atlus just never even started.

Man all the charm from FFX is lost since Tidus isn't living on the moon anymore :(.

I was literally shocked when I saw my own KH2 PAL copy running when my friend borrowed it, felt like the framerate was cut in half or something. I actually bought it just in case since my fat PS2 that I had Swap Magic for is slowly dying. I played the US import first (cause fuck the wait for september or whenever KH2 was released in EU =/ ) and later on the final mix+. Then I just played them on emulator and never touched my own PAL copy and I didn't realize it was that bad :lol.

It is strange since I honestly have no problem with any of the 50hz games cause I got so used to them (with maybe the exeption of FF9 that is slow as shit anyway). I have no prob playing PAL KH1 or FFX or anything but I was in shock seeing PAL KH2 after US and JP versions :lol.


The real tragedy in the FFX/X-2 HD collection will be losing Yuna's slow-mo girly run in X-2. That just looked so weird. On the other hand, it was easier to get the full combos out of Trigger Happy wince the game ran slower, I'd imagine.


Junior Member
The difference in KH2 is huge going from US/FM version to PAL.

I imported KH2FM+ way back when, but never really noticed the difference. I guess I just wasn't paying good enough attention/time between playing the two was so long I didn't even remember.
Or I simply was stupid.


Wait... these games were running at 50Hz? Damn, I never even thought about that.
The milestone in SE PAL localizations is Final Fantasy XII, if I remember right. That game also ran at 50Hz, but... They did it right. The game was changed so it ran at the normal speed just with ten skipped frames every second. Well, five skipped frames, as it might be. That was pretty much the gold standard, most games just had a 60Hz option.

It happened pretty much at the same time as Squaresoft merged with Enix. Square-Enix is a much better localizer than Squaresoft ever were.

Of course, this all became a moot point with the HD generation. 480p, 720p, and even 1080p are all the same worldwide. Just target one or more of those and the game will run the same. It's the one thing I like the most about the HD generation, really, no sloppy PAL ports, because PAL and NTSC are both outdated in video games now.


Ah yeah, fuck PAL 50Hz, I hate that bullshit. Good thing I have a swap magic, I can import or use a 60Hz AR code if it exists. Thank god for HD.

Now if we just got rid of that godawful region locking...


Junior Member
Ah yeah, fuck PAL 50Hz, I hate that bullshit. Good thing I have a swap magic, I can import or use a 60Hz AR code if it exists. Thank god for HD.

Now if we just got rid of that godawful region locking...

Region locking is the devil. I can't believe it's even still a thing, no reasoning is good enough to defend that bullshit.
Finally got to see that interview where Nomutra said he crammed infinite-walljump-abuse FlowMotion into KH:DDD over the protestations of the Osaka Team who correctly pointed out that it destroys the level design and said that it's the future of the KH series.

Ugh, it makes so much more sense. I knew the Osaka team was better at game design than that.
Finally got to see that interview where Nomutra said he crammed infinite-walljump-abuse FlowMotion into KH:DDD over the protestations of the Osaka Team who correctly pointed out that it destroys the level design and said that it's the future of the KH series.

Ugh, it makes so much more sense. I knew the Osaka team was better at game design than that.

Not Reggies problem.

If flowmotion comes back it should be fast traversal only without any jumping boosting or even just put it as a skill on some drive form/limit break thingy.

I don't remember using it much after traverse town anyway when not needed.
Finally got to see that interview where Nomutra said he crammed infinite-walljump-abuse FlowMotion into KH:DDD over the protestations of the Osaka Team who correctly pointed out that it destroys the level design and said that it's the future of the KH series.

Ugh, it makes so much more sense. I knew the Osaka team was better at game design than that.

That really does explain a lot.

Wouldn't be surprised if it was his decision it was to scale back on the battle system mechanics in favor of the Dream Eater stuff. Even Re:Coded of all things had a better battle system than 3D for fuck's sake.
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