Does DDD have secret bosses or anything?
It's a little shorter than the other ''full fledged'' KH games but it's not a short game, 20+ hours or so. That combined with 0.2 I think there is enough gameplay there to keep you busy for a while. The other question is if DDD is worth the full price. If you are a KH fan, then I would probably say yes even if I'm not the biggest fan of that game.
I just finished Back Cover (even doe I was supposed to do it after 0.2 lol). It was... ok I guess. Few interesting things, looks neat. Still not ''paced'' as a proper movie doe (nor does it feel like a coherent narrative or standalone in any way). Not as dissapointed as some seem to be but I don't really know what they were expecting.
Does DDD have secret bosses or anything?
It has one secret boss yes.Does DDD have secret bosses or anything?
I do appreciate that between Final Fantasy XV and now Kingdom Hearts 2.8, Square seems to be adopting auto-saves for their main titles now. I think the only other (non port) release from them I know of that supported that out the gate was XIII-2?
I'd like more games to offer manual-save-anywhere feature. Auto-save is okay as a backup option.
I agree with this. Auto save is nice, but manual save anywhere is the most user friendly.I'd like more games to offer manual-save-anywhere feature. Auto-save is okay as a backup option.
You have been visited by the UE4 Terra.
If you post in this thread complaining about the numbering and naming of the Kingdom Hearts games, he will come for you in your sleep and drag you to the realm of darkness and shovelware models.
This one worked amazingly, considering the Undefeated trophy.
When you die, you can now load an autosave from right before those battles and it doesn't invalidate that trophy like continue and retry does. You can still manually save and whatnot, but it's a fantastic addition imo.
Does DDD have secret bosses or anything?
Yes.Does it keep auto-saves and manual-saves separate so players can load whichever?
Hoping this goes on sale rather quickly. Just can't justify paying $60 for 0.2
Hoping this goes on sale rather quickly. Just can't justify paying $60 for 0.2
Guys I haven't been following this much but can I walk into best buy, target or gamestop tomorrow to pick up the LE? Or is LE the only version?
so i'm clearly missing something with the shotlock ability. you hold r1 to target, then hit x to fire...then you have to hit x again and aim it at the target or what?
Press X when the contracting circle lines up with the one in the middle for extra follow ups. Wait too long, and it'll fail. Time it right for extra damage.
Hmmm weird looks like the Xbox logo got removed from all regions of the KH3 page including UK and US. I guess that means 2.8 is likely not gonna be coming to Xbox either.
The site recently updated.I still see the logo.
Okay, the super shadow wave boss I thought would be pretty lame from the trailers (same boss again on a short demo? C'mon son) but it's actually probably visually the best looking fight in the entire series.
Beat the 0.2 secret boss on critical after ~3 hours of consecutive attempts.
PR team pulling the trigger early before the KH3 winter announcements... Nah most likely a mistake.https://twitter.com/Nova_Crystallis/status/823706216287338496
Hmmm weird looks like the Xbox logo got removed from all regions of the KH3 page including UK and US. I guess that means 2.8 is likely not gonna be coming to Xbox either.
Beat the 0.2 secret boss on critical after ~3 hours of consecutive attempts. Fight is really difficult, but fair, and feels like a KH2FM boss on steroids. Puts to rest a lot of my fears re: Osaka team working on KH3.
Dude, the unique command style animation was so sick.
EDIT: Very nifty how they use the colouring of the environment to signal uninterruptible attacks.
Yep.Do you live in the US or Canada for that matter.
Awesome man, thank you, I rather play that first and then pick this up I think.I would highly recommend waiting until March then, when a collection (KH HD 1.5 + 2.5 Remix) with Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 included will be released.
I remember the biggest BS was trying to beat the Mysterious Figure in BBS on Critical with Terra. I remember spending like 7-8 hours on it.
I never beat it.
Glad to hear that it is seemingly better.
Donald proves yet again to be the best character. I gotta say if that last cutscene is what to expect of KH3 I am way more confident in it than I was before.
Where do I find the secret boss of 0.2 btw?
I remember the biggest BS was trying to beat the Mysterious Figure in BBS on Critical with Terra. I remember spending like 7-8 hours on it.
I never beat it.
Glad to hear that it is seemingly better.
Ray Chase as the Master of Masters is the best English VA performance in the history of the series.
Only competition is Billy Zayne Ansem and Leonard Nimoy Xehanort.
Awesome man, thank you, I rather play that first and then pick this up I think.
I'm honestly blown away at how good the performance (He was great as Noctis, too) and the character is. Easily one of the most enjoyable characters to grace the series.Ray Chase as the Master of Masters is the best VA performance in the history of the series.
Only competition is Billy Zayne Ansem and Leonard Nimoy Xehanort.
Not sure if the promotion is still running but Best Buy is teaming up with Visa. If you use Visa checkout and purchase $100 worth of stuff, you get $25 off. There's a thread on this already. A lot of people have been pre-ordering tons of games because of that and GCU.
Even if the Visa promotion is over, you should sign up for Best Buy Gamer Club Unlocked. Instant 20% off of the price.
I got KH 2.8 for $38 cause of Visa Promo + GCU. Picking it up tomorrow.
Few questions about DDD HD:
1. Is the framerate stable 60? Standard PS4.
2. Have the Balloon commands been rebalanced at all? They really borked the original game at parts.
3. Does the game play better now that the camera seems to be considerably pulled back from the 3DS version?
The second world. You need to collect all 12 zodiacs (they are spread around all the worlds inside the treasure chests)