So, recently I've been trying to find well-known PS3 games that I have missed and, among other titles, I've just bought both HD remixes off Amazon, mainly because I'm curious about the Disney stuff.
Problem is I'm totally unfamiliar with this series and Jrpgs in general (I think Anachronox is the only one I've ever played), I hope this is the right place to ask a few questions:
- First of all, how are the remasters compared to the PS2 originals?
- Should I play all the series or just focus on the two "main" entries?
- Are these games even good? How do they compare to other JRPGs?
- Any advice for a novice of this genre?
1. Overall better with more content. Graphically this is one of the best remasters on PS3 and they redid the the soundtracks for 1+2.
2. This is hard to say at this point. I'd suggest trying out KH1 if you even like the series. If you are into the series after that you might want to try out Chain of Memories but it's very different and many can't stand it. If you want to know more about the plot you can always just watch the cutscenes online or if you really like the main game style, Disney cameos ect. and have mindless fun you can jump straight to KH2 (and BBS after that which is a ''main entry'' by pretty much every meter).
3. That's a very hard question to answer, you have to form your own opinion. Like personally I adore how KH1 plays but there are tons of people who think it's very clunky early PS2 era game and in some cases they are absolutely right. But at the same time it is a game where Square really took risks to make a game like no other mixing elements from multiple game styles.
If you look it as an pure action (rpg) game KH2 is by far the better game but KH1 has many elements that are lost in the sequel like platforming (some people hate this), secrets and overall a much more interesting world where you can discover new little secrets and things every time you play. Like if I had to really strech it I would say KH1 is the ''Zelda'' of the series while KH2 is the ''Devil May Cry''.
It's hard to compare it to other JRPGs. It's totally a thing of it's own.
4. It's pretty straight foreward game, you can't really screw yourself over. I suggest playing on Standard (Final Mix) difficulty for the first playtrough. Don't worry too much if you get a little lost in some of the worlds (Tarzan), you ain't alone.