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Kingdom Hearts Unchained |OT| - It's not an X - [UP] Worldwide Release


Daily Deal Apology Gift
To apologize for the incorrect information displayed on the Daily Deal banner, we would like to offer the following:

- 1,500 free Jewels, distributed starting Sep. 5, 2016 12:00 a.m. (PT)
- The current Daily Deal will end on Sep. 4, 2016 11:59 p.m. (PT) and be replaced by a "Four Days Only!" deal from Sep. 5, 2016 12:00 a.m. (PT)
"Four Days Only!" Deal

Period: Sep. 5, 2016 12:00 a.m. - Sep. 8, 2016 11:59 p.m. (PT)
Deal: Spend 600 Jewels and get 3 Medals (1 x 5★ or higher Medal guaranteed) Max. 3 times per day

We deeply apologize for any inconvenience caused, and we thank you for your patience and understanding.

Yessssssss. More mistakes Square... mooooooreeeee mistakesssss.
Someone messed up copy and pasting the solo ranking reward tiers for the announcement; the titles for top 5 and top 100 all say "#2 Top _" instead of "#<union rank> Top _"
OK, so I tried paying for the weekly unlock and the game took my money without giving me any jewels.

I'll see if it's fixed after I wake up. If not, I'm calling them.


Someone messed up copy and pasting the solo ranking reward tiers for the announcement; the titles for top 5 and top 100 all say "#2 Top _" instead of "#<union rank> Top _"

Nah, it's #2 because it's the second time they're giving out a title as a reward. The last Weekly Rewards event was the first time they did it. This is now the second.
Nah, it's #2 because it's the second time they're giving out a title as a reward. The last Weekly Rewards event was the first time they did it. This is now the second.

Oh, my bad. That's a really weird way to word it imo, though.

Also I'm a little torn - I did one 10-pull (not great, but I can guilt my KH II King Mickey at least); I currently have 1890 jewels left so I could either spend 10 bucks and do another 10-pull, or just do all three of the daily deal...it is more likely to get a premium from a 10-pull than from the daily, right?


Oh, my bad. That's a really weird way to word it imo, though.

Also I'm a little torn - I did one 10-pull (not great, but I can guilt my KH II King Mickey at least); I currently have 1890 jewels left so I could either spend 10 bucks and do another 10-pull, or just do all three of the daily deal...it is more likely to get a premium from a 10-pull than from the daily, right?

Did you collect your free 1500 jewels already?


Divine Rose adamantite quests are out. Was able to get the first one, but none of the later ones as usual :(.

Might cave in and semi-whale before this emc ends. I need to update my medals badly, and no farmables should help.
OK, so I tried paying for the weekly unlock and the game took my money without giving me any jewels.

I'll see if it's fixed after I wake up. If not, I'm calling them.

Tap on your jewels at the top of the screen. A pop up saying "You have one pending transaction" will appear, then your jewels will be rewarded.


I feel this game has some inherent problem with the way it uses their premium currency, but maybe it's just me. But I feel they are a bit devalued since:

A) The game really pushes you to buy the 10-pack deals, as opposed to smaller packs. The daily deal may be cool but due to the HSC, people feels more encouraged to get the biggest pack.
B) There really isn't any thrill in getting any new units, unless that new unit is a Premium or some really specific medals (BC Mickey, boosters, Minnie and not many more). Most of the time, you're better using your guilted farmable units. I bet this is the reason why they added Mickey and brooms. Without them, pulling a new unit doesn't really have much of an impact.
C) The game doesn't really encourage having a wide variety of setups, as opposed to games like One Piece Treasure Cruise. Most old medals have been completely outclasses by newer versions.

Whenever I see the Weekly Deal, I wonder if I should get it or not. After they removed farmables from the Gacha pool I've felt like it wouldn't be that bad to spend money on the game. But, somehow, it doesn't feel like it's really worth it. 3000 Jewels feel like absolutely nothing, and without some reduces AP cost event, unlocking daily quests doesn't feel all that interesting.

What do you think about it?


I'm so glad that Divine Rose had all of its adamantite quests released in one go and wasn't artificially gated. Was able to blow through all 5 quests! Later today when my AP refreshes, I'll have the AP to get more Mythril Crystals, and ALL my keyblades will be +25.

Moogle of Glory when?


Whenever I see the Weekly Deal, I wonder if I should get it or not. After they removed farmables from the Gacha pool I've felt like it wouldn't be that bad to spend money on the game. But, somehow, it doesn't feel like it's really worth it. 3000 Jewels feel like absolutely nothing, and without some reduces AP cost event, unlocking daily quests doesn't feel all that interesting.

What do you think about it?

3000 jewels a week still feels like a lot to me, given how tight the jewel economy is. We still have the crappy jewel login bonues in comparison to JP, and we still don't have a permanent daily challenge.

You do get a reduced AP event technically on Mondays with VIP purchase, the special quests are half AP.

And I agree that the VIP access doesn't feel that special; enhancing it with permanent Chips/Dales and
would be ideal.


3000 jewels a week still feels like a lot to me, given how tight the jewel economy is. We still have the crappy jewel login bonues in comparison to JP, and we still don't have a permanent daily challenge.

You do get a reduced AP event technically on Mondays with VIP purchase, the special quests are half AP.

And I agree that the VIP access doesn't feel that special; enhancing it with permanent Chips/Dales and
would be ideal.

That's the thing. For F2P players, they are really hard to get but they don't really mean much. Combine this and the fact that the Weekly Unlock doesn't really feel as much of a steal as it was when we began, and everything feels a bit lackluster.

I see what Japan did not as a burst of kindness, but a necessity. As the pool diluted, they increased the amount of Jewels players can get so they can pull more. At the same time, they made Chip and Dales less valuable, while introducing a new unit that both makes pulling more desirable and encourages people to play more if set as ranking / colisseum / raidboss rewards.

There are some really insane deals out there. But I bet most people don't have enough self control to wait until they have 15k Jewels :p


that puzzling face
This game's gacha has a weird middle ground where you -want- to pull dupes on stuff you use just because it gets closer and closer to literally becoming a different tier of usefulness.

Which, as pointed out, does get harder and harder as the pool gets diluted with more premiums.

edit: final damages for the week


7 pairs from raid bosses, 4 from boards. We 'wasted' about 3-4 more, so that would be an easy 10 chipmunks per weekend. We'll be more organized lol



As a side effect, SO MANY DUCKLINGS



Not a bad result being forced to use my shitty blue deck for both HSC and the weekend raid. Attack Prize Plus was MVP though. Near turned the raid boss into a perpetual motion machine.


What did I say. My pull today (thanks extra 1500 jewels!) was absolutely horrible. Nothing that I wanted. Nothing that was a positive surprise. No medals giving me pips for medals I use (or really, anything except KHII Mickey & Simba). Very little in the form of useful medals. Shittiest (Epic Medal Carneval) pull ever.


Wasn't able to pull an illustrated Aqua, but I did get a Pooh (Seems useful?) and Illustrated Sora (Ill. medals tend to be good, right?). Also got finally a Minnie. But no boost for my magic-dedk, which was the only thing I really wanted :(.

Also got two pips for my Mushu, which gives it a slight boost.


Well, I got Belle, the Rock Titan, and another Hag to add a pip. That's something I guess, but I'm still a bit bitter to STILL not have a single premium, much less one of the ones needed to get that new medal. :(

Edit: Put in enough for one more draw, got (my third) BC Mickey, Lumiere, and nothing else of note.


In general the best times to pull are Epic Medal Carnevals (the only times you can have certain super rare epic medals) or anytime there is some special offer where you'll get some guaranteed good/great medal that is useful for you (there was an offer where you got at least one Black Coat Mickey with every 3000 jewel pull, which is one of the best medals in the game)

Don't be too quick to sell any non-farmable attack medals. While there are some medals that might not be the most powerful medals at default, they might be better than some stronger medals if you can guilt them before rarer & more powerful medals (since there's a bigger chance you'll get 7 more common medals of the same type before you get 7 of the same super rare ones) and get the special attack bonus multiplier that guilting brings. So keep all medals that are not trash tier crap (i.e. Abu), though even those you might want to keep in the beginning of your journey until you get a bigger collection of stronger, high-ish tier medals.

Storage limit is something you shouldn't focus on almost at all anymore. Nowadays all the exp, evolve, munny and such medals stack and only take 1 space per different type (up to 99 medals) before they take any more space from your inventory, so you don't need much space at all anymore. You might have to add some inventory space, but nowadays you can get really far with 75-100 slots. Only increase space when you fill up your current inventory with attack medals (+ a collection of all those medal upgrade medals) that you don't want to sell and you're over your current limit.

Our party in Vulpes (Key Warriors) has space.

Thanks! I noticed the stacking on items, that's a much better improvement since I played.

I did one daily pull for some better medals, got 4* KH Cloud, 4* Hag, and 3* Vivi. Happy with Cloud, dealing 9-attacks helps with those annoying eggs.

Can someone remind me how to join the party? ID is 1952131, I think I need to be invited?


Is there any GAF guild in Ursus? And if not, does any other GAF guild in other unions have space, and is there any down-side on changing unions?

Mostly asking because my guildmates have mostly farmables like 1-3* Donalds as shared medals >.>


Okay, well, I whaled it up. I went ahead and did enough pulls to guarantee me the Illustrated Aqua, and thus in turn the new super medal. The way I figured it is that I do this now, and then I swear off ever spending money on the game, considering myself plenty buffed at this point.

So yeah, the game both took pity on me slightly and decided to laugh at me. On the super big plus side, those draws did bring me an Illustrated Sora, which I'm super freaking glad to have. I also got a Marluxia and Timeless River Donald, which are certainly nice, plus another dot for my BC Mickey. Though most of the rest of what I got was kinda eh. Also sad that all those draws didn't get me the one more BC Riku I needed for guilt, but I'm sure that'll pop up naturally down the line at some point.

The big kicker, though, is... I got my Illustrated Aqua on the 9th pull, which just feels... weird. I did the darn $50 purchase at the end, so if it had just came 1 pull sooner it would've saved me money, but it did at least leave me with that 3000 jewels I wouldn't have had to save for later if it had made me do the 10th pull, so that's good.

So yeah, I feel dirty, but I'm justifying it as compressing all the nickle and diming the game would have otherwise done to me into this one period, so I can now put a hard mental lock on ever spending on the game again.
I got Belle and Timeless River Goofy and a lot of mediocre/bad stuff (even with the free medals out).

Belle should be clutch though, so yay, I guess?

And I got the last Captain Goofy needed to get a special attack bonus, my first (non event/avatar/freebie).

Is there a more recent best story quest to get Merlin/Sorcerer Mickey during the week?


Thanks! I noticed the stacking on items, that's a much better improvement since I played.

I did one daily pull for some better medals, got 4* KH Cloud, 4* Hag, and 3* Vivi. Happy with Cloud, dealing 9-attacks helps with those annoying eggs.

Can someone remind me how to join the party? ID is 1952131, I think I need to be invited?
If you can find our party, you can send a request, but I'll add you now.


So, Illustrated Sora, Illustrated Aqua, and that TAV (when they distribute it) medal will be my big ones for like forever. I have an Attack Boost II Max, and in theory I will in all likelihood be able to get that Attack Boost III from the colleseum, though that's a while off. Oh, and I have an Attack Boost II or two as well. What do you guys think I should do in terms of assigning skills?


The weekend Raid Boss was pretty crazy. Went from Level 232 to 255. I probably could have done a lot more but was really busy over the weekend. It's too bad there was no weekly reward last week since all that Lux landed me around 200th place.

And I made sure to use all my AP before leveling up. These are my results.



So. Many. Exp. Medals. Inventory stacks is the best thing to happen to this game.

Edit: And I just pulled and got Terra.


This EMC has been fucking insane for me, holy shit.

My Three Wishes/Magic Keyblades will be my best Keyblade forever now.


Thanks, got in!

Also since I'm still learning tiers, is anything below worth focusing on? Did one ten-pull since it's all new to me
Pluto and Jumba are meh, but that's a great draw. Marluxia in particular is highly rated, and same goes for Timeless River Donald. And the rest are all useable to good, as far as I know.


If you wanna grind for divine rose mats, then 431 is the best. It gives 2 pearls, 8 crystals, and 7 candles. Plus all the enemies except the boss are skippable


I would bang a hot farmer!
Nice, 600 free jewels coming on September 13th for everyone who beats (or has already beat) story quest 200 before the end of the day of September 11th.


Man, where the heck is Divine Rose materials? It's not a huge deal, but it's kinda bleh because it makes that upgrade path a minor pain right now. Plus it's just weird because I figured it would've popped up a while ago. But yeah, trying to decide between filling up Divine Rose or Treasure Trove next, now that I've finished Olympia and Three Wishes and will be able to get some more adamantites...

Btw, what do the upgrades above +25 look like for getting them rolling? I've seen something with, like, the symbols for the elements as the upgrade materials on lists? (I know we don't have that yet, but just curious about how it is in the Japanese version).
Btw, what do the upgrades above +25 look like for getting them rolling? I've seen something with, like, the symbols for the elements as the upgrade materials on lists? (I know we don't have that yet, but just curious about how it is in the Japanese version).

Isn't that exclusive to Starlight?

EDIT: Never mind, looks like they got introduced for the other keyblades as well.


that puzzling face
Expect Mickey & Brooms to be helluva rare for a good while.

edit: On the other hand, Pug's selection of guilted medals

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