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Kingdom Hearts Unchained |OT| - It's not an X - [UP] Worldwide Release


That's an insane pull. Two of the illustrated BBS characters, that one Org XIII dude, KH Cloud and Hag, all great medals, + now you'll get TWO of those three-pipped TVA medals on top of it. Super cray cray pull. Mad jelly #2 here -_-

Btw, "damage on one raid boss = damage on all of them" wut?


that puzzling face
What I meant by that is, if you were to do e.g. 300,000 damage to your own raid boss, if you'd instead been working on any other instance of the boss, it'd have been also 300,000 damage to that other raid boss, since it's all asynchronous and your buffs/debuffs do not affect anyone else doing the same instance.

This is as opposed, to, say, Granblue Fantasy, where debuffing a raid boss' armor has a multiplicative effect for everyone else on it, making it more efficient to all pile into one instance of a raid boss.

In other words, I was getting at that it was advisable for everyone to simply just tunnel their own boss instances, a stance I've amended in light of new information.


That's an insane pull. Two of the illustrated BBS characters, that one Org XIII dude, KH Cloud and Hag, all great medals, + now you'll get TWO of those three-pipped TVA medals on top of it. Super cray cray pull. Mad jelly #2 here -_-

Btw, "damage on one raid boss = damage on all of them" wut?

I was able to guilt my hag @ 49% too so it was that much better.


Ok, this raid boss event is actually much better than the old setup. I urge people not in an active party to get in one. Your enjoyment of the game will increase 10 fold


that puzzling face
Well, we ended up with 4 chip and dale medals in 2 hours which was... rather slow. But there were only maybe 6 of us going at it. With a bigger warning/lead time we probably could field at least 15 and make it much faster.

The chipmunk rate mathematically should be more or less proportional to the number of people on and helping tunnel bosses.

A full guild of 30 could potentially be getting upwards of 30 each per weekend. That's rather absurd to think about.
Well, we ended up with 4 chip and dale medals in 2 hours which was... rather slow. But there were only maybe 6 of us going at it. With a bigger warning/lead time we probably could field at least 15 and make it much faster.

The chipmunk rate mathematically should be more or less proportional to the number of people on and helping tunnel bosses.

A full guild of 30 could potentially be getting upwards of 30 each per weekend. That's rather absurd to think about.

Yeah, I brought this up to my party. If we can get every person to get their boss to level 10 by the end of the weekend, we'd get 30 Chips & Dales each.


that puzzling face
Yeah, that maths works out when enough people have the time (and medals/progression, lol) with mental fortitude to kill a 3-5.7M HP boss 9 times.

The alternative, which we're gonna be doing for foreseeable future, is everyone piling on at a specific time and tunneling one by one then.

Speaking of which, GAFKingdom, 4pm Sunday Eastern, or 20 hours from this post - we start again, 2x Lux hits an hour after. Assuming ~12-15 people can show up we should get at the very least 6 chip and dale medals each.

Probably looking at similar times for future weekend raids too.

Don't really want to turn the game into some kind of mandatory chore but free Chip and Dale medals are too good to pass up, especially considering they're kinda hard-limited.
Just barely managed to break 500k on the HSC with a 38% bonus, I could get another 7% on top of that but I probably wouldn't be able to take out the level 200 enemies then, so no point wasting the Cids on anything.


Bleh, my score multiplier medals for this HSE suuuuck ass. Ice Titan (4 gauge cost, yo), Mowgli and Pals (3 gauges) and a 5* Alice that doesn't even give a score multiplier. The only useful ones are COM BC Riku and Illustrated Aeris.

3 out of 5 are magic medals. And no one is sharing an Illustr. Aqua in our party.

No fear I'll be competing for top spots & Attack Boost IIIs.
I was just about to give up on trying to get any of the bbs illustrated medals and then this happened

I better be able to beat TW 3 when it comes around again.


I haven't been this jealous in a long time. GAH! I really want to do a pull but I don't know if my luck is good enough.
Bleh, my score multiplier medals for this HSE suuuuck ass. Ice Titan (4 gauge cost, yo), Mowgli and Pals (3 gauges) and a 5* Alice that doesn't even give a score multiplier. The only useful ones are COM BC Riku and Illustrated Aeris.

3 out of 5 are magic medals. And no one is sharing an Illustr. Aqua in our party.

No fear I'll be competing for top spots & Attack Boost IIIs.

Mowgli & Pals is 4 gauges, actually.


Neo Member
I just had a good look at this HSC and... lol, Alice as score bonus medal. I'm just gonna put in minimal effort and hope that the end result lands me somewhere at the edge of 5000.

I have the 3k jewels. Dunno what to do. Do i pull or buy the Roxas clothes?

Why not just save the jewels?


This game... does not like me much. Cogsworth and KH Kairi from my guaranteed epics which are fair enough, but my "best" other things in this pull are the meh KH II Riku and Captain Goofy. The epics at least can see some use if I ever need crazy boosting, so that's something. Please, though, game, when I end up putting more money into you tomorrow, just have mercy and give me the darn Aqua!


I did a pull today too. Didn't get Aqua (noooo) but did get Lumiere, Marluxia, hades and finally my very own Namine

I really hope I get Illustrated Aqua tomorrow
I'll have 6000 gems tomorrow, gonna pull twice and probably gonna base my future on that cause I'm definitely digging on Mobius and really need to drop a game.

I'll probably keep getting dailies tho just to finish up the cost boards and such.


that puzzling face
GAFKingdom reminder that we're going hard in 4 hours. Already got ~1-2 chipmunks lined up, plust maybe another every 15 minutes assuming a dozen people show up and we tunnel the right bosses.

edit: woops, way high prediction there, my bad lol.


Lucky you. In our party I was the only one to kill 10 raid bosses. And then some random dude doesn't read the ingame chat and killed my boss really quickly when I thought I'd let it be for (closer to) 2h30min before killing it so that as many members would have a chance to attack it and get in on the Chip action.


Lucky you. In our party I was the only one to kill 10 raid bosses. And then some random dude doesn't read the ingame chat and killed my boss really quickly when I thought I'd let it be for (closer to) 2h30min before killing it so that as many members would have a chance to attack it and get in on the Chip action.

Same seems to be happening in my party, where I'm the only one who's bothered to get his Raid boss past Level 5. I've been more casual about it, but I let everyone know I'll be pulling the 10th during the last 2x Lux time. Whether they actually show up or not is a different story.
Lucky you. In our party I was the only one to kill 10 raid bosses. And then some random dude doesn't read the ingame chat and killed my boss really quickly when I thought I'd let it be for (closer to) 2h30min before killing it so that as many members would have a chance to attack it and get in on the Chip action.
That was me, my bad. I had no idea there was anything to this raid boss (even no raid board) and was just absorbing Lux like the others.

Next time it comes up I'll bring up my own Level 10 and let the party in on it.


That was me, my bad. I had no idea there was anything to this raid boss (even no raid board) and was just absorbing Lux like the others.

Next time it comes up I'll bring up my own Level 10 and let the party in on it.
Ah, it was you. Didn't mean to sound too angry. :D Just that one of my IRL friend didn't even have time to get in on the Chip action because the boss was killed so quickly.


that puzzling face
Well, that was... interesting. Had 10-12 people show up, which was pretty great.


For something on short notice that went pretty okay, although I feel we likely could have done a lot better. In greater detail:

- People need to respawn their bosses faster. Felt like this accounted for a lot of downtime or 'wastage'. Especially if you're the one being focus-fired to get to 10. When the boss dies just throw yourself at the event mission as many times as it takes to spawn, then auto the boss leaving the parts up. More likely than not others in the group can take the parts out faster.
- It felt like a few of the guys stopped respawning their bosses around lv5 or 6? Why? We ended up doing a bunch of damage to lv3 bosses instead in the downtime when we could have been pushing those to 10. Also that means all the damage we did to those bosses to get them to lv5/6 were wasted.
- Feels like spawning bosses above 20 are a complete waste of time, or at least during the designated farm times. The amount of damage done to push from lv25 to 30 would probably be enough to bring like 2 people to lv10.
- Discord would have been a much better tool for yelling @ each other for organizational stuff for this. Again, short notice, etc. but I think it's worth getting people accustomed to Discord in the long run. See Siara's post above for dets.
- Overall, we probably could do to focus specific people's bosses a little better organized. Again, that boils back down to every other point prior (not respawning as fast as we could have, ingame communication being a PITA since you can't use it while doing bosses, etc. etc)

Lux gains were ridiculously awesome with 55% on top of 2x though. If nothing else if we get more organized it'll be a crapton of chipmunks on top of that. With the raw damage it looked like we were doing we definitely could have gotten another 3-4 pairs of chipmunks, but a lot of it went to waste due to un-ideal organization. (yeah yeah blame Falk lol)

We'll see if Weekend event happens again next week, although I get the feeling it's going to be a regular Raid event coming up (meaning no Weekend event)

p.s. if this sounds like a whine or blame post, it's anything but. I really appreciate everyone who managed to show up. We'll fix these problems and do better next week for better loot. Chipmunks are SRS BSNS


p.s. this is the blueprint we'll be following. Posting it here in case any of the other GAF guilds can benefit from the methodology and reasoning.

Yeah, I have to say for a spur of the moment thing, it came together pretty well. Thanks for stepping up and laying a foundation, we should have a pretty nice system in place for next weekend, I think.


Hey all. Just (re)started this game after giving up on it at launch. Working my way through main story missions now. few questions:

- Is there any time I should pull? now VS upcoming? Or should I Reroll for anything?
- Anything I should be focusing on/keep my eye peeled for besides working through story mode? I know to focus on costumes and not storage limit for a bit
- Any guilds open? Vulpes here


that puzzling face
It seems that they'll be switching up weekend raid bosses every month.

Of course they would. The same way I beefed up my green deck last week and it was both a red HSC and red boss this time around, it'll be whatever's strong against what I beef up this month hahahaha


I wasn't planning on getting my raid boss to 30, but decided to try for it while waiting for others to appear. Ended up clearing to level 32. I tried to quickly clear any other raids as soon as I saw them to max out the chips.
Just did my first pull in a long time.

I think my new Three Wishes build will be Cogsworth, HD Aqua, King Mickey (4 dots), I.Aerith, Hades (1 dot). IDK if I should put Paralyze+ on Hag (1 dot) and replacing someone with her.

Pete will likely replace Y.Herc (21%) on my Treasure Trove build. DiZ/Phil, KH Cloud, Pete, Wakka (22%), Cerebus.


Can they pls make the VIP skill & mat upgrade quests permanent in the daily deal? I would legit buy one every week to have that convenience


Hey all. Just (re)started this game after giving up on it at launch. Working my way through main story missions now. few questions:

- Is there any time I should pull? now VS upcoming? Or should I Reroll for anything?
- Anything I should be focusing on/keep my eye peeled for besides working through story mode? I know to focus on costumes and not storage limit for a bit
- Any guilds open? Vulpes here
In general the best times to pull are Epic Medal Carnevals (the only times you can have certain super rare epic medals) or anytime there is some special offer where you'll get some guaranteed good/great medal that is useful for you (there was an offer where you got at least one Black Coat Mickey with every 3000 jewel pull, which is one of the best medals in the game)

Don't be too quick to sell any non-farmable attack medals. While there are some medals that might not be the most powerful medals at default, they might be better than some stronger medals if you can guilt them before rarer & more powerful medals (since there's a bigger chance you'll get 7 more common medals of the same type before you get 7 of the same super rare ones) and get the special attack bonus multiplier that guilting brings. So keep all medals that are not trash tier crap (i.e. Abu), though even those you might want to keep in the beginning of your journey until you get a bigger collection of stronger, high-ish tier medals.

Storage limit is something you shouldn't focus on almost at all anymore. Nowadays all the exp, evolve, munny and such medals stack and only take 1 space per different type (up to 99 medals) before they take any more space from your inventory, so you don't need much space at all anymore. You might have to add some inventory space, but nowadays you can get really far with 75-100 slots. Only increase space when you fill up your current inventory with attack medals (+ a collection of all those medal upgrade medals) that you don't want to sell and you're over your current limit.

Our party in Vulpes (Key Warriors) has space.


Can they pls make the VIP skill & mat upgrade quests permanent in the daily deal? I would legit buy one every week to have that convenience
We've had it when it was during a 0/1 AP Event. I would hate to know what the costs are without it.
Oh God. Avatar parts? Now I have to do the event

Hey, maybe we can get some different accessories with Skill perks. I wouldn't mind.


that puzzling face
Don't be too quick to sell any non-farmable attack medals. While there are some medals that might not be the most powerful medals at default, they might be better than some stronger medals if you can guilt them before rarer & more powerful medals

Hear hear. Being a packrat is awesome.
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