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KINGSGLAIVE: Final Fantasy XV Thread: Everything for the future king






I don't see it. That's, like, the antithesis of a Nomura design.

I'll probably get some flak for this, but Nomura's designs aren't as homogenous as some make them out to be. Snow and Gladiolus are very much in line with proto-Nyx and would work well together.


I'll probably get some flak for this, but Nomura's designs aren't as homogenous as some make them out to be. Snow and Gladiolus are very much in line with proto-Nyx and would work well together.

Yeah, you're right. I thought of Snow, too, before I replied, but I was a bit confused as to how Nyx is so much less FF compared to that prototype. Could you explain, I'm curious?^^




Jokes aside, i'm really happy they're dubling down on the geo-political themes, hope its the same for the game

Hey don't complain, aren't you living in Altissia? :p

Sadly i'm leaving at the end of the month once and for all.
It's going to be a bittersweet experience to visit it in the game :'(



Jokes aside, i'm really happy they're dubling down on the geo-political themes, hope its the same for the game

Sadly i'm leaving at the end of the month once and for all.
It's going to be a bittersweet experience to visit it in the game :'

Oh, studying abroad?


Yeah, you're right. I thought of Snow, too, before I replied, but I was a bit confused as to how Nyx is so much less FF compared to that prototype. Could you explain, I'm curious?^^

Well, first of all I should probably mention that everyone has a different interpretation of what Final Fantasy constitutes and that his is why disputes are bound to happen. My interpretation of FF is mostly related to a certain visual style. The settings change, the gameplay systems change, even the art direction changes, but I feel like despite all these changes, the visual style of the characters remains mostly consistent (FFIX being the obvious exception) and more or less serves as an immediate indicator that what I am seeing is FF.

For the better or the worse, the way the characters are modelled in FF games was heavily influenced by Nomura and the interpretation of his work by Visual Works. Visual Works has a very distinct way of rendering human eyes and to some extent other facial features. This becomes evident when you compare various recent projects by them and interestingly extends beyond Nomura's designs. FFXIV was spearheaded by Yoshida, but looks similiar to the CG cutscenes from The 3rd Birthday (with designs by Nomura and another artist) because of this. This style is what constitutes FF to me and I understand that not everyone shares my view.

Nyx and the other Kingsglaive designs (Minus Regis, actually) lack this distinct visual footprint. They were based on actual human beings and while there's nothing wrong with that approach by itself, it clashes with my personal interpretation of FF.


As much as I enjoy seeing and experiencing the final work, as an artist myself, I equally love seeing the process and concepts for projects ( especially when it comes to FF.)
Seeing the amount of collective work that goes into the production, makes me appreciate the final work all the more.

It's a shame I don't understand Japanese, considering there's a lot of talk focusing on technical and creative aspects of development. Hope to become a part of a team like this someday.


Final Fantasy XV |OT| Save the Wall
Final Fantasy XV |OT| Make Lucis Great Again

Oh, studying abroad?

The opposite actually, i moved in Venice for college, but i finished all my exams and i'm graduating this Fall, so i'm gonna move back to Milan.


I was kinda hoping for a hot scene to randomly appear in this movie but if there was one... people would be talking about it nonstop. I'm so disappointed....


that puzzling face
It's interesting to hear that Insomnia's westernized design is seemingly actually the result of Japanese fans complaining about the city's similiarity to Tokyo. According to one of the art directors, the goal was to create something that would feel distinct for Western and Japanese audiences.

So kinda like a reverse-Sanfransokyo


Well, first of all I should probably mention that everyone has a different interpretation of what Final Fantasy constitutes and that his is why disputes are bound to happen. My interpretation of FF is mostly related to a certain visual style. The settings change, the gameplay systems change, even the art direction changes, but I feel like despite all these changes, the visual style of the characters remains mostly consistent (FFIX being the obvious exception) and more or less serves as an immediate indicator that what I am seeing is FF.

For the better or the worse, the way the characters are modelled in FF games was heavily influenced by Nomura and the interpretation of his work by Visual Works. Visual Works has a very distinct way of rendering human eyes and to some extent other facial features. This becomes evident when you compare various recent projects by them and interestingly extends beyond Nomura's designs. FFXIV was spearheaded by Yoshida, but looks similiar to the CG cutscenes from The 3rd Birthday (with designs by Nomura and another artist) because of this. This style is what constitutes FF to me and I understand that not everyone shares my view.

Nyx and the other Kingsglaive designs (Minus Regis, actually) lack this distinct visual footprint. They were based on actual human beings and while there's nothing wrong with that approach by itself, it clashes with my personal interpretation of FF.
Ahh, got it. Well explained. Thing is, that's the same "FF-ness" that I'm always talking about, too, and for me Kingsglaive has exactly that w.r.t. the overall aesthetics and unique mix of settings, even if some of the character design admittedly look more realistic than the FF-typical "Anime humans" (for lack of a better word). Personally, I love Nyx, Ravus, Ardyn and Crowe's look especially and would be happy to see more of that direction in future FFs. Agni's Philosophy already teased that years ago and ever since I've been waiting for a mainline FF in that vein.

Also, if we look at costume design in Kingsglaive, those are still unmistakably FF, lol:

But I understand what you mean now. For me, luckily, this new style is right up my alley, nowadays.

Final Fantasy XV |OT| Save the Wall
Final Fantasy XV |OT| Make Lucis Great Again

The opposite actually, i moved in Venice for college, but i finished all my exams and i'm graduating this Fall, so i'm gonna move back to Milan.

Oh, misread it as "I'm leaving Italy". Congrats, mate! Wish you the best :)


Oh, misread it as "I'm leaving Italy". Congrats, mate! Wish you the best :)

To be honest though, i'm working everyday at my graduation thesis and i'm listening to FFXV soundtrack pratically all the time, this game is going to be my long earned reward when it releases lol.

Damn. Was that confirmed? I've been looking forward to exploring the city since the old Versus days.

We will get a chance to play in it, most deifnitely into late game or even as the final area, but it's going to be a war-like zone, so it's not going to be explorable in the same sense as a classic RPG city.
It's interesting to hear that Insomnia's westernized design is seemingly actually the result of Japanese fans complaining about the city's similiarity to Tokyo. According to one of the art directors, the goal was to create something that would feel distinct for Western and Japanese audiences.

Whoa, Western fans are complaining because Insomnia is losing it's heavily Japanese/Shinjuku feel, which is a direct result of Japanese fans complaining that Insomnia looks too Japanese! Oh the sweet irony!

It seems like with what is made known in Kingsglaive and that sign, the Versus take on "A Fantasy base on Reality" is pretty much alive. I know people have kinda come to the conclusion that it means "more realistic looking world", but from what I recall from an old interview, it means MORE realistic political relations and such. They said they were inspired by some things going on in OUR world. I can see the whole protesting against Regis's decisions, as well as the hopelessnes felt by the smaller towns/districts outside of Insomnia being handed over to Niflheim as being something reflective of this. I really hope this is carried into FFXV itself. Considering you are traveling around, it would be interesting to see how those people, the ones of the communities outside of Insomnia that were basically given to Niflheim by Regis himself, treat you, son of Regis.


To be honest though, i'm working everyday at my graduation thesis and i'm listening to FFXV soundtrack pratically all the time, this game is going to be my long earned reward when it releases lol.

My last exam this semester is 3 days before FFXV releases and afterwards I have almost two weeks of free time before the next semester starts - I don't have to explain what I'll be doing during that time :D Me and a few of my best buddies, one of which will take leave at work, joked about getting enough food and drinks beforehand, turning off our phones and shutting ourselves in our room for two weeks, haha.

Since the movie just came out in Japan, were there any reviews?

Lots of positive impressions so far, yes.


Towards the end of the lecture, Sakaguchi-san encouraged the audience to go see Kingsglaive. He found it “incredible,” and as someone who made a movie himself, he understand well how much work went into it.

According to Sakaguchi-san, the visuals are “even better than the trailer makes them look,” the story is “great,” and it justifies the group of four men who appear in the game.

He explained that at first, when he saw the four protagonists, they annoyed him because there was no female character. After watching the movie he understood, and he thinks players will be able to enjoy the game even more after watching it.​

Some GAFers who saw it:


The movie was great, action sequences were amazing as expected. Nyx was a great character. Luna was excellently portrayed and I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of her story in the game. Ravus was super cool but was barely in it.

Some dislikes:
There wasn't really that much backstory given into the lore of XV like I was hoping for, but maybe I missed a few things because my Japanese isn't the greatest. Also it was kind of distracting because the lips are very obviously synced to the English voice so it didn't match at all to the Japanese voice.


Although the action sequences rival any typical Hollywood summer blockbuster, there isn't so much payoff with the story, which is intentional as it merely sets up things to come in XV. Those that are not familiar with XV might not appreciate the dramatic moments as much.

However, I think this would absolutely entertain general audiences. The story is basic enough to follow, and borders on Game of Thrones like vibes with the political drama. Hopefully they market this properly, it could do really well.

A friend I went with who is not a FF fan and was unfamiliar with XV found the movie to be quite entertaining and asked if their would be a sequel to see what happens when Luna finally reaches Noctis. So if SE's main goal with Kingsglaive was getting average people interested in the game, I think they have a chance at succeeding.​


Just came back from the cinema. I really enjoyed the movie, although Japanese voice felt really off for some reason. I'm saying this as someone who prefers Japanese VO in the game.

As for the movie itself, I really enjoyed battle scenes, which for the most part felt much less "chaotic" like some moments in Advent Children. Regarding the story, the movie did a really good job of introducing the world of FFXV. World building might have even been... too good. By which I mean, depending on how the game tackles introducing this part of the story, people might feel a bit lost if they don't see the movie.


This one might be the most beautiful CG movie yet. The people in this movie, sometime I can't tell the difference between them and real people

By the way, one thing that surprised me is that even old people came to watch Kingsglaive too. Like 50 years old or something. Not just one or two but maybe more than 10 of them watched in the same theater​

@Masked Man:

The film is excellent. Get hyped, y'all!​


And from the early showing a few days ago where mostly industry folks were:


Katsuhiro Harada (Tekken series):
-Those who are planning to buy FFXV - you have to watch it. Those who aren't planning to buy - you will if you watch the movie. It respects the series' predigree, but damn, what a way to handle the baton to the next generation.

-Thinking that SE made it in-house kind of drives me crazy. How long did it take to render every second of the movie? Hours? Dozens of hours?

-Yeah, the bad guys are an annoying geezer and a weird dude. I bloody hate them now, but considering how well they were depicted, mission accomplished. I've already sworn I'm going to absolutely wreck them in the game.

Other impressions
-Holy s***. Just... holy s***. Final Fantasy at its best and then it shot into Hollywood. Monsters felt outright alien sometimes.

-Tears. Cried a lot. I think the whole theater was crying at the end. There was outright sobbing around the mid-point, too. Wonder if Noctis realizes what a huge burden he's really inherited.

-I won the tickets, but it was much better than expected. Will go to see again.

-A huge work, really. Kind of unexpected in some aspects, but in a good way.

-Amazing! Having to wait until September to play the game makes me depressed now.

-A beautiful movie, though the action scenes were sometimes so fast they were hard to follow (lol). Wish the heroine's VA was a bit more expressive.

-Fantastic, might go to see it in the theater again. Story felt like a part of a really huge tale. Knew nothing about the setting before watching it and still could follow the movie just fine.

-Luna is a seriously bold and audacious heroine. Not the angry screaming type, but very daring. Final verdict: why isn't it September 30 yet!

-The Versus/XV project might have had a troubled history, but Kingsglaive definitely delivered. Really interested in the story now.

-Putting CGI aside (we all knew it'd look great) I was impressed by the pacing and composition. Even the prologue alone felt like a fully realized tale. The story also doesn't get bogged down in exposition and the balance of silence and motion is superb. My only criticism is that considering how rawly realistic and gruesome the story is, it should have been more bloody. Really recommend watching it before playing the game, because people who know only the demo might get floored by how dark the story really is.

-Highly recommended, seriously. The previous FF movie felt sappy and soap-opera-ish, but KG is very different. It felt Western. Those who like action and stories more focused on strength of will, zeal, and pride should definitely watch it.

-Simply put, fantastic. The visuals, the music, the impact, everything. Was worried about the VAs, but they did an excellent job.

-Been waiting for this since Versus' announcement and yeah, it delivered. Very emotive and the story reduced me to tears. Nyx is a great character and it really drives home how much hope and desperation rests on Noctis' shoulders. "Everything for the Future King", indeed.

-Way too amazing. Stunningly beautiful world and effects, the sunrise scenes in particular. The OST delivered too: powerful and dynamic, but also beautiful. Spent the whole credits crying. The OST was giving me constant goosebumps,
but the peak was probably the party scene, accompanied by haunting Somnus
. For people who had been following the project since the Versus days, the whole thing hit like a truck.​



My last exam this semester is 3 days before FFXV releases and afterwards I have almost two weeks of free time before the next semester starts - I don't have to explain what I'll be doing during that time :D Me and a few of my best buddies, one of which will take leave at work, joked about getting enough food and drinks beforehand, turning off our phones and shutting ourselves in our room for two weeks, haha.

Yeah starting from October i should start looking for a job but you know what, that can come later, XV will have the absolute priority over everything else.


Kingsglaive Luna is perfection

XV Luna


Heh, Luna in that Kingsglaive poster looks nothing like the CGI model, it's actually very similar to the in-game one and that second artwork.


Heh, Luna in that Kingsglaive poster looks nothing like the CGI model, it's actually very similar to the in-game one and that second artwork.

I think KG Luna looks pretty close to the art if we were to look from a similar side view. Her in-game model looks nothing like the second artwork though.




Crystal Bearer
It's interesting to hear that Insomnia's westernized design is seemingly actually the result of Japanese fans complaining about the city's similiarity to Tokyo. According to one of the art directors, the goal was to create something that would feel distinct for Western and Japanese audiences.
This is why we can't have nice things.


Wow all that Lucis concept art, highly disappointed they cut it out as being a town.

Nomura used to talk about it a lot and after all this time we will just see it in CGI and play in it only as a smaller battlefield, missed opportunity.

That setting alone sold me on Versus.


Wow all that Lucis concept art, highly disappointed they cut it out as being a town.

Nomura used to talk about it a lot and after all this time we will just see it in CGI and play in it only as a smaller battlefield, missed opportunity.

That setting alone sold me on Versus.

Uhm, Versus wouldn't have had an explorable Insomnia either. It only was a battleground/set-piece during the treaty party/invasion at the start of the game. After that it certainly would've been destroyed and closed off for the main party. In FFXV it's now at the end of the game instead, where the final battle will be apparently.



Uhm, Versus wouldn't have had an explorable Insomnia either. It only was a battleground/set-piece during the treaty party/invasion at the start of the game. After that it certainly would've been destroyed and closed off for the main party. In FFXV it's now at the end of the game instead, where the final battle will be apparently.

Oh yeah? then what was the meaning of this concept art? Tabata said it himself it would have taken years to pull off Insomnia so instead they did the movie.

Since we aren't meant to explore it anymore, I would have rather they made Lucis some generic town and put this setting in another town and made it fully exploreable, still a missed opportunity.

That's from the end of the game. That's still in the game.

There's just not some 16 square kilometre explorable metropolis beyond that, and there never was, even in the Versus era.

This is why so much of the "they changed it since Versus is dumb", because the thing it is being compared to is this version that's built up in peoples heads as this perfect game and only exists there, rather than what the actual plans were, which was for it to be the Midgar sequence at the start and then a dungeon at the end.

Versus didn't exist, all they managed from four years was some CG cutscenes and a short tech demo that looked outdated and rough the moment it was unveiled. Let it go!


The never ending "what could have been" of FFvXIII....

look, we never got vXIII.. for years and years. There is no telling what vXIII would have actually been if it came out so just give it up already. There's no point in going on and on about something that never materialized, and its not for no reason. The game we are getting looks great, let's see how it turns out and judge it on its own merits.


Oh yeah? then what was the meaning of this concept art?


That's from FFXV, though. Who knows, there might be a short playable intro sequence in Insomnia where this CGI scene is from, or well, it's just an intro video and then it skips to you hitting the road. We'll see.



At what point do you think the main party could explore Insomnia in a peaceful state in Versus, if it's known that it would've started with the treaty-signing party from the Versus 2011 trailer?

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
It's interesting to hear that Insomnia's westernized design is seemingly actually the result of Japanese fans complaining about the city's similiarity to Tokyo. According to one of the art directors, the goal was to create something that would feel distinct for Western and Japanese audiences.
I feel like this is a situation that happens often when western fans complain about changes made..that's some amazing irony.


That's from the end of the game. That's still in the game.

There's just not some 16 square kilometre explorable metropolis beyond that, and there never was, even in the Versus era.

The never ending "what could have been" of FFvXIII....
look, we never got vXIII.. for years and years. There is no telling what vXIII would have actually been if it came out so just give it up already.

Funny how we go from, "I can't wait to explore the Shinjuku based city" to "What are you talking about it was never there"

Also last I remember Midgar had shops and we spent 20 hours/1 Disk in Midgar, so don't give me that BS. Point is, it is a missed opportunity, regardless if I "let go" or not.

That's from FFXV, though.

It's actually from Versus not XV, Noctis doesn't wear a suit in Insomnia to attend the formal party like he was meant to.

Like are people actually forgetting why we were upset in the first place? There are concept arts and even videos of us in Insomnia at the start of the game in a peaceful state that were cut.

Stop acting like we never knew, I'm just saying it was a missed opportunity.
Regarding villain speculation, according to what I've heard from around the net, Kingsglaive basically
dispels the notion that Ravus (hooded man) is the main antagonist as some like to theorize, and more or less confirms Ardyn as our villain.

Can anyone confirm?
Funny how we go from, "I can't wait to explore the Shinjuku based city" to "What are you talking about it was never there"

People who said the first were mistaken.

Also last I remember Midgar had shops and we spent 20 hours/1 Disk in Midgar, so don't give me that BS. Point is, it is a missed opportunity, regardless if I "let go" or not.

Like six at most, and most of those were dungeons. And Versus would have had even less exploration due to the invasion.

Like are people actually forgetting why we were upset in the first place? There are concept arts and even videos of us in Insomnia at the start of the game in a peaceful state that were cut.

That stuff is still in.


Regarding villain speculation, according to what I've heard from around the net, Kingsglaive basically
dispels the notion that Ravus (hooded man) is the main antagonist as some like to theorize, and more or less confirms Ardyn as our villain.

Can anyone confirm?

Those who saw it said that he's a bit of a whimp and doesn't give the "main villain" vibes too much, but this doesn't prove anything to me. Like, if anything to me it looks like they're building him in a specific way and actually grow as a villain throughout Kingsglaive and XV, with his jaded view of Luna and Lucis royal family after the Tenebrae accident, as well as being power hungry so much to try to use the ring's magic (but he does not get killed). Regarding Ardyn, they simply say he's a scheming character, same as Iedolas, but i think it's too early to judge.


It's actually from Versus not XV, Noctis doesn't wear a suit in Insomnia to attend the formal party like he was meant to.

Like are people actually forgetting why we were upset in the first place? There are concept arts and even videos of us in Insomnia at the start of the game in a peaceful state that were cut.

Stop acting like we never knew, I'm just saying it was a missed opportunity.

That's Naora's FFXV concept art he showed in 2015... He did a presentation at USC.



It's actually from Versus not XV, Noctis doesn't wear a suit in Insomnia to attend the formal party like he was meant to.

It was shown last year during Yusuke Naora's lecture tour at SMU Guildhall and that concept art was shown during the FFXV section: http://www.novacrystallis.com/2015/...ept-art-behind-final-fantasy-xvs-modern-city/

Noctis wears that same suit that we also saw in Versus and in that recent image from FFXV I posted above of the main cast standing at Insomnia's gates:

Like are people actually forgetting why we were upset in the first place? There are concept arts and even videos of us in Insomnia at the start of the game in a peaceful state that were cut.

Stop acting like we never knew, I'm just saying it was a missed opportunity.
Okay, now I'm curious. Can you show me which one? I don't remember any of the cast exploring Insomnia at daytime and while it's not under attack.


Versus would have had even less exploration due to the invasion.

In FF7 Midgar you are rebels with a hideout within that first large major city of Midgar.
There are many areas such as the Slums, Shinra HQ, each sector. Just because you are being invaded, or terrorized upon never mean't you had to leave the country all together.
You can still be on the run and hide while inside of that huge territory. That could have been part of the opening a few hours for XV/Versus. Instantly the stakes are high and I'm automatically involved.


XV is trying to be better than VII but can't even do a proper opening sequence, instead the game starts with us pushing the car.


Any indication of when we'll get a list of theaters showing this? It's just over a month away at this point.


That's Naora's FFXV concept art he showed in 2015... He did a presentation at USC.

It was shown last year during Yusuke Naora's lecture tour at SMU Guildhall and that concept art was shown during the FFXV section.

SHOWN at , not MADE around that time.

I can present old art too, that doesn't necessarily mean it's new or up to date, you also remember that Visual Works showed off that Work in progress CGI of Altissia when we already saw the final product. This isn't something new, they didn't discard the art but the events do not play out like they used to. They can still use Versus art for XV.

I can promise you Noctis will not wear the suit in the intro of game.


In FF7 Midgar you are rebels with a hideout within that first large major city of Midgar.
There are many areas such as the Slums, Shinra HQ, each sector. Just because you are being invaded, or terrorized upon never mean't you had to leave the country all together.
You can still be on the run and hide while inside of that huge territory. That could have been part of the opening a few hours for XV/Versus. Instantly the stakes are high and I'm automatically involved.


XV is trying to be better than VII but can't even do a proper opening sequence, instead the game starts with us pushing the car.

You talk about it but we don't know if that was the plan or not.
For what we know, the game could have started during the treaty sign party and from then it was just a long escape.

Also the game does not start with us pushing the car, there's a whole prologue chapter of which we know nothing about, and could very well be slightly closer to what was in store for Versus. (last part is a speculation of mine)
Instead of fighting our way out of Insommia we're fighting our way in now. If you look at the versus XIII 2011 trailer I'm sure we gonna do the same but near end game now.



In FF7 Midgar you are rebels with a hideout within that first large major city of Midgar.
There are many areas such as the Slums, Shinra HQ, each sector. Just because you are being invaded, or terrorized upon never mean't you had to leave the country all together.
You can still be on the run and hide while inside of that huge territory. That could have been part of the opening a few hours for XV/Versus. Instantly the stakes are high and I'm automatically involved.


XV is trying to be better than VII but can't even do a proper opening sequence, instead the game starts with us pushing the car.

The ideas you have in your own mind about what FFvXIII was going to be based on concept art and early footage that probably had no real game behind it is probably always going to be better than what XV ends up being. Its probably best not to inject too much of that into it. Its your opinion of course, so ill stop talking now.


It was shown last year during Yusuke Naora's lecture tour at SMU Guildhall and that concept art was shown during the FFXV section: http://www.novacrystallis.com/2015/...ept-art-behind-final-fantasy-xvs-modern-city/

Noctis wears that same suit that we also saw in Versus and in that recent image from FFXV I posted above of the main cast standing at Insomnia's gates:

Okay, now I'm curious. Can you show me which one? I don't remember any of the cast exploring Insomnia at daytime and while it's not under attack.

This hippie should be cutting his hair, not growing it out.

XV is trying to be better than VII but can't even do a proper opening sequence, instead the game starts with us pushing the car.
It doesn't. There is an additional "prologue" sequence that Squeenix hasn't been showing to the press, for reasons.

Ran rp

In FF7 Midgar you are rebels with a hideout within that first large major city of Midgar.
There are many areas such as the Slums, Shinra HQ, each sector. Just because you are being invaded, or terrorized upon never mean't you had to leave the country all together.
You can still be on the run and hide while inside of that huge territory. That could have been part of the opening a few hours for XV/Versus. Instantly the stakes are high and I'm automatically involved.


XV is trying to be better than VII but can't even do a proper opening sequence, instead the game starts with us pushing the car.

Isn't there a chapter before the whole car thing?
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