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Knowing what we know now: is NiGHTS still the best game ever?

BenT, would you walk around the level before changing into NiGHTS and get as many orbs and what not off the bat? That can really help as then you go into the idea changer right off the bat, and then its all bonus time, and rack up huge links until the very last second if you can...

GTA being better than NiGHTS, MGS too? Is that a joke?!

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
can someone describe how the game plays? The screenshots have boggled my mind.
kinda quick description here that doesnt do it justice..

side scroller/2.5D game, has you flying however on various 2d planes with the view changing, your primary concern being points and collecting 20 orbs that you place into a thing which then disappeasr, and now you are in bonus time, and collect as much points goign through the same levle flying around before the time runs out.. you ahve 4 "courses" for a level, and then a boss..

thats the ghetto description of it.


Nights is overrated, never was anything special. Sure trying to perfect each level gave it a little more replay, but there are way better games.


Actually I am wrong. A crappy game that no one cares about outside of 100 or so stubborn diehards on a message board can't be classified as overrated :p


kpop100...long time no see.

Yeah I wouldn't argue with him LuckyBrand...I'm not sure if he likes any sort of videogames :)


LuckyBrand said:
BenT, would you walk around the level before changing into NiGHTS and get as many orbs and what not off the bat? That can really help as then you go into the idea changer right off the bat, and then its all bonus time, and rack up huge links until the very last second if you can...
Hmm, it was my understanding that the invisible bonus clock ticked down while you did that, meaning that's actually a bad strategy for high scoring. I could well be wrong, though.


Fight for Freeform said:
kpop100...long time no see.

Yeah I wouldn't argue with him LuckyBrand...I'm not sure if he likes any sort of videogames :)

Yeah last semester was killer, had to take a break from gaming (except for FFXI :p )

Anyway I kid about Nights. A Nights thread pops up every few months or so, and I always try to derail it :p
Nights is fun because there's so many colors, and graphics are insane for the Saturn in 1996. Very, very nice. Best ever? Not a chance.

My memory's rusty. What is the 2nd pic (the 1st after the title screen) of?

One of the boss battles.


It may be one of your favourites, but it's hardly a game I'd consider even among the best ever.

"Is _______ the best ______ ever?" -- I'll never understand questions like these. Think this shit through people.
i think its a fair question to ask, as it seriously is that good...

and it seriously has effected so many videogamers in such a big way...

and who gives a shit? its a videogaming forum, the thread title wasnt misleading.. it clearly says night into dreams and my opinion on the game..

I'll personally never understand someone who clicks on a thread, to then just say they dont understand why people make those threads.. thats dumb.


I don't think you get what I'm saying.

And I clicked on this thread for two reasons. To answer your question (ie, NO) and then to criticize the utter subjectivity and irrelevance of such a question. It's great that the thread encouraged NiGHTS discussion, but it could have been far less cluttered.

So moving on, I'd like to actually beat the damn game one of these days. I rented a Saturn with it twice. Hopefully emulators make that possible.


no point playing it on an emulator with f*cked up sound. personally i liked it a lot...simple/addictive gameplay, fluid controls, LSD induced graphics and fantastic music...as a whole package, nights is a bit of a masterpiece. it's just really fun to play...its got good vibes.
on the other hand, if you sorta didnt quite "get" the whole package, then you'd just think its a neat game but no more than that.


soft museums music KICKS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH ASS when it starts remixing itself. MY GOD. that and stick canyon. geeeeeeeeeeeeeez. best levels and music EVER.
Socreges said:
I don't think you get what I'm saying.

And I clicked on this thread for two reasons. To answer your question (ie, NO) and then to criticize the utter subjectivity and irrelevance of such a question. It's great that the thread encouraged NiGHTS discussion, but it could have been far less cluttered.

So moving on, I'd like to actually beat the damn game one of these days. I rented a Saturn with it twice. Hopefully emulators make that possible.

you never beat the game? theres like 8 fucking levels (with 1 of them shared, so really 7)!!!!

if you havent even beaten the game, i dont think you've spent enough time with it to truelly appreciate it..

i have probably beaten each level hundreds of times... and then also played christmas nights countless times.. and it never gets old..it is a reason to keep sega saturn still hookd up..

infact, i was thinking about hooking up my dreamcast again.. but ill hook up sega saturn again, its still one of my favoriet systems ever.. Sonic Jam, Burning Rangers, Sonic R, NiGHTS, Fighter's Megamix, Sega Rally.. I'd rather have those games than any comparable lineup on todays generation systems personally...


The ghost of Dreamcast past
NiGHTS into Dreams exemplifies design cohesiveness. Instead of various play mechanics and objectives that just serve to provide a diversified game experience, each action and challenge of NiGHTS also contributes to the larger aerial ballet that is the game's essence.

The dream of being able to fly is a core desire. The solution for a smooth control arch for this was extended to the very reaches of the interface: a custom-made analog controller for the Saturn was designed for the game (this is one of many reasons why it won't end up playing properly through emulation.) An analog thumb pad can provide complete 360 degree freedom for a single dimensional plane, so the character uses this intuitive set-up and progresses along tracks through the game's 3D levels. Pressing the button accelerates NiGHTS ahead faster.

The player continues to lap around each track for a set time limit. The objective is to score as many points as possible on the aerial stunt courses that make up each track. The stunt courses have the player fly through sets of hoops, boost along speedways, shoot off of springboards, pinball off walls, smash through giant snowballs, swing on bars, sled down slopes, swim through pools, ride gusts of wind, bounce around fun houses, etc. The inventiveness of the obstacles and a layout which - while providing both high pathways and low pathways through sections of a level (reminiscent of Sonic design) - gives the free-flying player the freedom to mix parts of multiple paths together, is what elevates the game to brilliance.

To score points, gems and stars floating around the level are collected. While flying around, NiGHTS can collect clusters of them at a time by simply closing a flying loop around them, capturing everything inside. The 2D tracks that the character flies along arch in 3D across the level and intersect one another, so often times the obstacles that the player encounters or items they can collect are also part of another stunt course - just oriented so that they're close enough to both tracks.

So, in summary, all of NiGHTS actions are part of his/her flight trip across the tracks, but what ties all of it together into a cohesive aerial ballet is the linking system. Every time items are collected and/or hoops are flown through in succession, a link is made. If another is added without too long of a break, the link combo is increased. A good run will see the player dancing from obstacle to obstacle and scooping up the items in between while managing it all in one connected swoop, which links it all together with pure gracefulness.


Lazy that was beautiful!!! I couldn't explain the game play any better. I have Nights and Christmas Nights but I'd like to lock down the soundtrack to Nights anyone know where to get the full soundtrack? I loved that promotional music Sega used for this game it's just awsome...


Knows the Score
adelgary said:
I don't think there has ever been a perfectly working Saturn emulator, the hardware was too complex for its own good or something.

GiriGiri isn't far off, but I think Sega own that nowadays.

User 406


Wee hee hee!
BeOnEdge said:
i dont even think there IS a game more replayable than NiGHTS. the problem is people who "think" they know how to play it DONT. I'll see someone playing who thinks they are playing it correctly and almost wanna cry. NiGHTS played correctly is almost comparable to something like todays SSX or Crazy Taxi or something along those lines.

Well at the risk of sounding cocky, considering my scores in nights are in the 600,000+ area on each level save the last, I think I know how to play it :)

My freakish scores aside, does anyone know how to repeatedly get the time trick to work? I've had it happen twice on Stick Canyon. The timer would be at 5 seconds then blast up to 900.

My time with NiGHTS was one of the most enjoyable gaming experiences ever. Making freaked out Nightopians (multi-colored eggs, ones bred with monsters, etc, etc), exploring the levels, and finding all the little tricks. I used to spend hours trying new things in the game to increase my score, or see fun easter eggs. There were so many fun tricks you could with by changing the clock inside the Saturn.


BeOnEdge said:
soft museums music KICKS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH ASS when it starts remixing itself. MY GOD. that and stick canyon. geeeeeeeeeeeeeez. best levels and music EVER.

yeah, Soft Musemes music rocks hard! My favorite stage music is prolly the last level--growing wings, where u jump off the ledge and fly as clarise or eliot. I also really love splash garden( I think it's called that, can't remember, I know it's eliots first stage), but it is a total rip-off of the never ending story theme song. I always wondered why I liked that song so much, then a couple years later after I bought Nights, I re-watched the never ending story for the first time in like 6 years, and the theme song is almost identical to eliots first stage. I dunno, I love every song, Nights has the best soundtrack ever!!!!!!!
I love all the levels... my least favorite would be the industrial/desert stage, however... never liked the overly long portion where you are stuck onto the moving metal thing...

soft museum was beautiful..

the first level for each claris and elliot were also both amazing... loved how the bushes/flowers arranged in the shape of a clock below you actually showed the exact time!


The ghost of Dreamcast past
The play of NiGHTS is so cohesive because there’s no break in the fluidity of the flight action even as the player experiences the full range of challenges. The rhythm of flying is never broken between: paralooping things, which is just flying in a tight circle around them (and, by the nature of a loop, ends the player back where they started to retain their momentum); bumping things, which is just flying straight into them; and pulling off the tricks, which are just various flight control maneuvers.

The immersive aspects of NiGHTS also exhibit this cohesiveness. To have graphics and sound that not only reflect the game’s themes but also reciprocate to the user’s play, another distinct gameplay system is intertwined to complement the user’s influence.

Each level is its own persistent, living world where the Nightopian inhabitants, running off artificial life algorithms, crossbreed and evolve by themselves. The player's influence on the world, by bouncing enemies into 3D space as they fly along or by accidentally getting them caught up and captured inside a loop (or purposely, depending on the player's morality!), can effect which residents meet up with one another, which survive, and even how they feel about the player - whether the feeling is somewhere toward happiness or sadness. This interaction then influences the user’s experience in return as the behavior of the creatures determines little touches like where they’ll show up in a level, where they gather to socialize and trumpet the player’s successes with their little horns, and whether they build miniature structures like castles on the ground. The wonderful music of each level is actually remixed dynamically to reflect the current mood of the Nightopians.

As the common ideal of the game is the wonderment of flight, the context and details of NiGHTS into Dreams also reinforce this. There’s a real synesthetic vibe to the selection of effects accompanying the flight: each link that is made chimes in a successively higher tone such that a row of hoops results in an ascending musical scale, colliding with different objects sets off discrete instrumentation like a cymbal or a drum roll which ties the themes of the level to the player’s actions, a cornucopia of colorful streamers shoot off when a springboard is hit, the loops drawn in the sky by the trail of stars coming out of NiGHTS’ hands gain form and solidity, the terrain incredibly morphs near the presence of NiGHTS in Soft Museum, and destructible objects decompose and attach to the player as they pass through in some parts of the canyon stage. Even the secrets in the levels are uncovered as a result of natural play, as paralooping along the way on the right pockets of space can reveal hidden power-ups. The type of replayable, evolving levels described before and the musical accompaniment of discrete instrumentation are the kinds of systems that titles like Rez would later employ. It’s obvious this game was a labor of love by the developers because its rife with all of those subtle details that only get bothered with for pet projects.

The whole package is appropriately rounded out by its connectivity to the companion disc, Christmas NiGHTS. Innovative usage of the NiGHTS save file allows a Music Box feature for analyzing the Nightopians’ feelings and experimenting with different combinations for songs. The Saturn’s internal clock is also tapped to keep the stages decorated with the changing of the seasons and holidays.

Musashi Wins!

Holy shit, Lazy8 do you work for Sega? That was masterful. I felt my will dissolving as my legs stumbled toward the door murmuring "nights...nights...sell me nights..."
I started playing Burning Rangers last night, for the first time in a long time..

it doesnt hold up as well as NiGHTS does..

while NiGHTS still is an amazing 10/10 experience.. burning rangers isnt.. however, it is still a great game and one of Sonic Team's best ever.


Tre said:
NiGHTS is pretty much still the best game ever. Perfection, an absolutely flawless work of art. Which is why I never want a sequel.

Which is why it should be remade every 5 years for everyone to enjoy fo-evah!


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Lazy8s said:
(this is one of many reasons why it won't end up playing properly through emulation.)

With an emu with joypad support and any analogue controller or a PC Magic Box controller adapter, I don't see any control issues possible.


The ghost of Dreamcast past
With an emu with joypad support and any analogue controller
The NiGHTS 3D Pad is not just any analog controller. Also, it should have the triggers to properly allow for the character's ballet tricks.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
that's why the second half of my sentence mentioned the PC magic box so you could use the saturn pad.
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