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Konami Is Open To Remaking More Metal Gear Solid Titles If Fans Want Them


Gold Member

"We chose Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater because it depicts the birth of BIG BOSS (Naked Snake), which is the starting point of the Metal Gear series," a Konami spokesperson said. "Another reason is that many fans have been requesting a remake of this game for a long time."

The fans also appear to be a big factor as to whether there will be future Metal Gear remakes or even brand-new games. Konami was careful not to mention new games despite us asking, but it did share that, "regarding remakes of previous games in the series other than Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, we will listen to player demand and consider accordingly", Konami said.



Id only be interested in a ambitious ground up remake of Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2.
Outer Heaven is such a perfect setting for a espionage game, a nation built around conflict, surely there would be some interesting conflicts no? Open World, Subsistence, Survival mechanics from MGS3.
Id take a MGS1 remake if they made it bigger, more areas in the facility, larger snowfield and wilderness. Great opportunity to really make Shadow Moses feel like a working facility, why not a Workers Village as a side area that the Genome Soldiers have occupied, or a larger Dock area to accomodate freighters. Idk just make Shadow Moses bigger, longer, more detailed.
MGS2, ONLY if they include a ‘Part Two’ where you get to play Snakes side of the story, and reincorporate the cut content, such as having to escape the sinking Tanker as it floods, Raidens original insertion into the Big Shell with the Great Whites stalking you etc etc. Its pointless remaking these games 1-1 and only giving it modern over the shoulder controls since all it does it make the gameplay way too easy. Has to be built from the ground up to accommodate the new mechanics.


We need 1 and 2, 5 is fine on pc but could do with a next gen patch on consoles. 4 I would be happy with 4k 60+fps but it probably needs a remake due to it being on that PS3 Cell processor shit. Either way get this great series playable on current hardware.


No, thanks.

Dead franchise should stay dead
Please go away.

I hate it when companies say this, you pay people to make these decisions, I'm not your product manager. Make it or not.
Relax, what are they supposed to say? And you see that product manager you are talking about, that is literally what this is.

All this is saying is, based on sales of MGS3R, then they know if to make more remakes. To which I would say, focus on making the game good, and sales will be good.
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Writes a lot, says very little
Honestly, not even trying to be a bitch (I am) they should just legit remake those old games.

So they are correct to be like "open to remaking more" as that team can't create a ground up MGS game to save their life and at this point, just make the fucking remakes and call it a day.


Enough of Metal Gear Solid 1, 2, 3

We need brand new ways to play Metal Gear 1 and 2. I'd be happy if they just upgraded the controls and gameplay to be like the GBC game if they won't go full 3D.

If you're gonna shut down stuff like this then do it yourself.


I’d take a remaster of MGSV that also properly finishes the game with chapter 3. I’d also like a complete remake of Peace Walker. Same story but with MGSV engine and assets.


Their statement means nothing.
"we will listen to player demand and consider accordingly" is a standard response designed to suggest that if enough people buy this one they'll do more. It doesn't mean they have any real intention of doing so regardless of how well this one sells.
Yeah, I mean, if MGS3 remake isn't shit for sure I'd love a remake of MGS. But who can say so far.

I lost interest with the series once I played MGS4, I was horrified with that experience. So honestly I don't think they could capture that same lightning in a bottle that was MGS/2/3.
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Of course they have plans to remake all the games should sales permit.

But better to remake mgs1 next. Mg1 and mg2 would essentially just be mgs delta again as they are both jungles. Mgs1 and a redesigned bigger shadow moses would be a better shift for a sequel.
Id only be interested in a ambitious ground up remake of Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2.
Outer Heaven is such a perfect setting for a espionage game, a nation built around conflict, surely there would be some interesting conflicts no? Open World, Subsistence, Survival mechanics from MGS3.

Id take a MGS1 remake if they made it bigger, more areas in the facility, larger snowfield and wilderness. Great opportunity to really make Shadow Moses feel like a working facility, why not a Workers Village as a side area that the Genome Soldiers have occupied, or a larger Dock area to accomodate freighters. Idk just make Shadow Moses bigger, longer, more detailed.
MGS2, ONLY if they include a ‘Part Two’ where you get to play Snakes side of the story, and reincorporate the cut content, such as having to escape the sinking Tanker as it floods, Raidens original insertion into the Big Shell with the Great Whites stalking you etc etc. Its pointless remaking these games 1-1 and only giving it modern over the shoulder controls since all it does it make the gameplay way too easy. Has to be built from the ground up to accommodate the new mechanics.

I love this, I'd also want some the things they tried in mgs4 refined, like infiltrating a large scale conflict as a third party


I hate it when companies say this, you pay people to make these decisions, I'm not your product manager. Make it or not.
True. If you make it good make more, like the Resident Evil remakes. If it's shit, don't make more. Actually just don't make it shit.


Remake MGS4 ...this time with actual gameplay.

Also make sure to get HGW to score the cutscenes more so Im not forced to sit through 10s of hours of a "near silent" japanese soap opera.


King Snowflake
No, thanks.

Dead franchise should stay dead
No. I don't need to play them again, but remastering / remaking old games to look good on 4k and to be playable on all future platforms is good for gamers of the future and for the ones that want to replay something they enjoyed. I want my kids to have the chance to play MGS on something much better than PS1/2/3 if they want to. Why not. Why say no to that just because you don't care. That is absurd.


Remake MGS3, MGS1 & MGS2 and then leave it.

Kojima is integral to MGS, without him you can't have MGS6


I'll buy a $70 MGS4 Remake. There, I said it!
To get this opportunity you need to cast your vote by buying the Vol 1 collection Day 1 full price and next year buy the MGS3 remake Day 1 full price. In fact pre order early so they can greenlight more remakes ahead of schedule.

Jesus we're turning into a bunch of Nintendo fans here. To be fair I can not go around calling myself Kerotan and not buy a MGS3 remake Day 1.
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