So, shaming people who didn't consent to it is OK, so long as it's a joke? Got it.
Saying that a 4 year old has weird habits in a video game is not shaming him. It's a funny and cute fact of life.
You're just shaming yourself right now dude.
So, shaming people who didn't consent to it is OK, so long as it's a joke? Got it.
Some people are projecting really bad in this thread:
So some of us saying why this is a non issue (to the point that we don't find funny the content of the article) is the equivalent to tell them how to be good parents?
I understand that some parents have it rough when other people criticize them for the way they educate their kids but guys, not everyone is against you.
At 4 years old, that might be a tall order.
So, shaming people who didn't consent to it is OK, so long as it's a joke? Got it.
and earning those rewards at four years old are at monkeys writing Shakespeare odds at this point
usually a save near Death Mountain with lava and shit cause my son loves lava
He then proceeds to overwrite the last six saves by jaunting all over the map on his merry way, firing Guardian arrows and accumulating soup ladles
Kids are shitbags.
Of course you love your kids, they're still shitbags. I love my 3 year old nephew, he's a shitbag too.
Kids who cant take no for an answer are big shitbags. Parents who raise their kids without ever saying no are the biggest shitbags of them all.
People taking this seriously have less developed brains than the author's son lol
Kids are awful.
What the hell is up with all these cynicism and negativity with what is a fun article?
Can I play your game, dad?
Fuck off, shitbag.
Games are serious business....
I didnt fully read that post...damn... I thank the OP for this thread. has made my day.
Its not about not saying no...its about saying Yea, Ok sport, here you go.
Where did we get parents never saying no or kids that cant take no for an answer....
I need to go and read this article.
Did you read the article?
I will say, I knew that there would be people who took it too seriously, but never to the degree that people would call this guy a bad dad.
I think the thread is now officially funnier than the article. So, kudos GAF.
Honestly, just by going by this thread I think there's a lot more awful adults than there are kids.
What kids want doesn't matter. They have plenty of other outlets to have fun.
There is also such a thing as teaching your 4 year old how to NOT save over your games, and the reasons why. I did it with my 3 year old after a few deleted save games. It's easy, takes little time and saves your sanity.
But you know, parenting and priorities and such.
If this is what you consider "shaming" you have a very different definition of it than I do.
When I was 2 my parents took me to a kite flying festival. Because I was a toddler, I wasn't capable of flying a kite and I got all tangled in kite strings. The local newspaper took a picture of it and put it in the paper. My parents kept it and showed it to friends and relatives throughout the years because they thought it was a cute story. By your logic I should be irrevocably damaged by the "shaming" my parents subjected me to.
Saying that a 4 year old has weird habits in a video game is not shaming him. It's a funny and cute fact of life.
You're just shaming yourself right now dude.
Really fun text and I can relate![]()
Did they jokingly mention that they wanted to hurt you because of it or use it as a reason not to have kids? NO? Then it's not quite shaming you. Embarrassing you, perhaps, but not shaming you.
And who said anything about irrevocably damaging this kid? You can treat a kid poorly without scarring them permanently. Doesn't make it a good thing to do.
Yeah, there was a way to go about writing this that would achieve all the things you suggest this article is that didn't have to involve jokes of considering child abuse or telling others not to have kids. There was a way through that, and this writer clearly chose not to. You'll have to forgive me for not finding that part terribly funny, cute or indicative of his love for his kid.
Wait so everybody is either making snarky responses without reading or taking the article too seriously? Everyone?
I just don't understand how people can read this article and think the story is "fun" or "cute". By the writer's own admission, his kid messing with his save is "incredibly, incredibly frustrating".
I didn't determine that the father is a bad dad or the kid is a shithead or anything, but what exactly is "cute" about the writer letting his kid have his way to the writer's detriment? That's silly, and a bit sad.
Well your not even reading my posts, otherwise you would've seen the "some". If you're not doing either there's no reason to be offended is there?
I did read it. You said half were making snarky responses without reading and the other half was taking it too seriously. Two halves make a whole, and those are the two categories you listed. I was poking fun at how you stated it.
This is why you should be allowed to beat your kids.