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Kururin Squash! site opens



Flash video #1
Flash video #2




This looks so completely awesome. Already in those two videos they've introduced two totally new gameplay concepts that could be used in all kinds of creative ways - the "squash" (I assume) attack, and the over-under water section. Hopefully this one getting a console release will make some heads turn, though I imagine the battle will be hard-fought as always. Regardless, I'll try my hardest to push this game on here. The first two were two of the best GBA games, easily, and I can't imagine the Cube version will fall short.

Also, the multiplayer modes in the two GBA games are completely fantastic. They're some of the only GBA multiplayer modes that I've spent a substantial amount of time with, and they're a total blast with all kinds of gameplay variations in addition to the standard race. They'll translate awesomely to a split-screen setup.


Is this game at all like those old japanese irritating stick games at arcades where you moved a metal pole along a maze and it buzzed if you hit the side of the wall?

If not, I have totally had the wrong impression about Kuru Kuru Kururin (et all) for ages.
Lost Weekend said:
Is this game at all like those old japanese irritating stick games at arcades where you moved a metal pole along a maze and it buzzed if you hit the side of the wall?

Yes, but unfortunately the game is often labeled as such and as nothing more, which usually turns people off from the game. That's the very basic concept behind it, though, and it's added to by all kinds of other interesting gameplay twists, the main one being that your "irritating stick" is always twirling. You can change the speed of the spinning, and can bounce off of bumpers which reverse its direction, but it never stands still. So you're always on edge, trying to precisely wedge it through a tiny opening before it turns too far and won't fit. It gets really complex and brutal (yet fair) in the later levels. There are tons of cool unlockables (different kinds of sticks, characters, expert levels, multiplayer battle levels, etc) in the GBA versions for perfectly completing levels without touching the wall, and for completing them within certain time limits.

It really is just a ridiculously addictive arcade-style pick up and play game with all kinds of charm.


Yey, that looks great! The new gameplay ideas seem cool, and it really seem to retain the graphical and musical style from previous games. I want to hug this game! Kururin forevah!!
The gameplay videos look awesome. I hope this will be localized, but there probably isn't much of a chance...Add this to the list of games to import...

Deleted member 284

Unconfirmed Member
Don't make me hate you even more than I already do NOA. Get's teh porting.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Oh man, i haven't even touched Katamari yet, but this looks equally as cool. Getting budget pricing next week too. Assuming Nintendo never brings it over here, I will consider importing this in the future.
Wow, looks like fantastic fun. Will definitely be importing this one seeing as though it's only going to cost 35 euro. Hopefully Play Asia will get it in a bit early as well.

Deleted member 284

Unconfirmed Member
You know, with all the recent (and well deserved) hype for Namco's KD, you have to workder why NOA is overlooking this game. Budget price this sucker, put some adds out and watch it sell at least 200k-400k in North America
In case anyone's wondering, Squash kicks total ass. I've been playing it for a few days and will hopefully have the time to start a proper impressions thread for it soon.

But yeah, the short version is BUY IT NOW!
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