If I set up an alliance with the Moon people and we attacked the Mole people it would be all about one of these fictional people in this similarly stupid scenario.
Yes, the situations are almost exactly the same.
If I set up an alliance with the Moon people and we attacked the Mole people it would be all about one of these fictional people in this similarly stupid scenario.
I'm glad we both agree you concocted a dumb scenario to facilitate your whataboutism.Yes, the situations are almost exactly the same.
So because the Soviet Union changed to Russia, we can ignore everything they did before 1991?Tell me more about the Warsaw pact that Russia signed?
Was it different to the one signed by the Soviet Union in 1955?
Pretty much. We in the West have a few generations now that pretty much don't know war or oppression or even the possibility for it. So we don't see how it can pretty quickly return if things go bad.We reached this terrible point in history where a fullblown armed conflict involving the west is ancient history and the memory of the effectiveness of a defensive coalition is fading, too. I've heard too many alarming things from European politicians in the last years that I didn't think were possible, not only from the left. Pretty concerning to be honest.
I'm glad we both agree you concocted a dumb scenario to facilitate your whataboutism.
Well, no. That would contradict some of Russia's legal claims on certain territories...So because the Soviet Union changed to Russia, we can ignore everything they did before 1991?
Russia has got lots of problems and have had foreign policy disasters.
But so has America
Bigger countries have larger contributions? I'm shocked!
A commitment to preventive measures is more representative of Corbyn's policies than chin-wag. The second part is implicit with the policies already in place.
look at those fucking Iceland moochers
Luxemborg gives more!
Well to be fair where I live - Ireland - we're not even a NATO member yet we benefit from NATO protection![]()
To be fair, just geographically Ireland is pretty unlikely to be attacked by anyone unless a particularly angry whale pod comes by.
Strategic position to control the arctic I guess. And pretty much halfway between Europe and America.Same could be said for Iceland. I mean, they don't even have a military so I dunno what the fuck they're bringing to the table.
Strategic position to control the arctic I guess. And pretty much halfway between Europe and America.
This only happens because of Western capitalist sympathizers undermining the proven scientific process of Marxism that a people's democratic dictatorship would bring about.That's still better than mass genocide and starvation every time people try the other option.
While I don't know a lot about this guy, I can't believe how hostile some people here are towards anti-war sentiments.
If it was up to me, every single military institution would be disbanded, fuck war and militarism, it's always people in third world countries that suffer the consequences of super powers going at it, and nobody ever fucking cares.
If it was up to everyone of course we'd go for world peace. But it isn't, we have irrational state actors like Russia invading their neighbours and seizing their land. To back out of mutual defense pacts increases the chances of conflicts.
Murica too. Both are terrorist states. How many millions of lives were ruined because of those two countries and their allies?
America is a terrorist state? Sure buddy.Murica too. Both are terrorist states. How many millions of lives were ruined because of those two countries and their allies?
I'm just tired of diet-nationalism on the internet, the only lives that matter are the lives of people living in one's country, and if one happens to be courteous enough, the lives of people living in other first world countries.
All the whataboutists coming out the woodwork.
Not whataboutism, just hypocrisy, both countries should be condemned for all the misery they have caused around the world. They continue to play chess in third world countries, they support bloody dictatorships that advance their interests (Russia with Syria, US with the Gulf States), and dispose of dictatorships they're not happy with.
While you sit in your privileged first world armchair, who ends up being the victim? Us of course, I doubt your tone would be the same if you have to live under US or Russian supported dictatorships, or living in a proxy warzone setup by Russia & Murica.
The Soviet Union wasn't a threat to Europe, it was the people of Europe's greatest ally, peacefully trying to help establish true democracies where the working class campaigned for them. NATO was an imperialist counterrevolutionary force that imposed capitalist hell and social fascism on western Europe after the Great Patriotic War.You are aware that it is a defensive alliance formed to keep mostly Europe safe from the Soviet Union and now sadly Russia, right?
America is a terrorist state? Sure buddy.
America is a terrorist state? Sure buddy.
Please tell, which countries has NATO fucked up exactly? Which countries did NATO use as their playground? Which millions of people in third-world countries has NATO hurt?
You are aware that it is a defensive alliance formed to keep mostly Europe safe from the Soviet Union and now sadly Russia, right?
You can be against the US interference in other countries, but still support NATO. Because NATO has little to do with those things.
Not whataboutism, just hypocrisy, both countries should be condemned for all the misery they have caused around the world. They continue to play chess in third world countries, they support bloody dictatorships that advance their interests (Russia with Syria, US with the Gulf States), and dispose of dictatorships they're not happy with.
While you sit in your privileged first world armchair, who ends up being the victim? Us of course, I doubt your tone would be the same if you have to live under US or Russian supported dictatorships, or living in a proxy warzone setup by Russia & Murica.
Please find evidence that I don't also condemn the US for its overseas "adventures". Go ahead, I'll wait.
None of this has anything to do with democratic governments who voluntarily joined a defensive alliance against their historical oppressor.
Edit: It's true what a previous poster said. All of the people ranting about US interference in the Middle East just equate NATO to the US, so the reality distortion field keeps them from saying anything coherent about this particular situation.
My post wasn't about this particular situation, my post was about the hostility towards anti-war sentiments in this thread.
Which isn't here either.
NATO is a defensive alliance. It has been activated ONCE, after 9/11. No-one in this thread is calling for an invasion of Russia, or indeed anywhere that I can see. It's been a guarantor of peace for the west since it formed - there's a reason so many countries that escaped Russian domination immediately wanted to join it.
Conflating NATO with american interference in south America and the Middle East is a complete straw man argument that has no relation to the crux of the issue - would Jeremy Corbyn order Britain to go to war if Poland or Lithuania were invaded?
That's it. that's all that matters. That's what he was asked, that's what he failed to answer. There are a million ways you can answer that question whilst still stressing diplomacy, first and last, and war only as the ultimate last resort. But he didn't - because he wouldn't.
Jeremy Corbyn is unfit on every level to lead the UK, or indeed anything.
Same could be said for Iceland. I mean, they don't even have a military so I dunno what the fuck they're bringing to the table.
I never said you didn't. I said my statement isn't whataboutism, Russia & America are linked together in their destructive foreign policies.
NATO != US. That's why we're talking about the leader of a UK political party. Why are you trying to derail and deflect by bringing up the US in a thread about an article that made zero mention of them?
Nah.This guy is the Bernie Sanders of U.K.
~Senator Bernie SandersRussia's aggressive actions in the Crimea and Ukraine have brought about a situation where President Obama and NATO--correctly, I believe--are saying we're going to beef up our troop level in that part of the world to tell Putin that his aggressiveness is not going to go unmatched. We have to work with NATO to protect Eastern Europe against any kind of Russian aggression.
I don't know, the more I google him, the more I like him. I don't get the hostility towards him?
Then again, I am a far left person. I am an Arab far left person living in a far right region, am I an appropriate Trump comparison?
Everyone in NATO nations is a puppet of the imperialist US.NATO != US. That's why we're talking about the leader of a UK political party. Why are you trying to derail and deflect by bringing up the US in a thread about an article that made zero mention of them?
I don't know. You got a number for me?How many civilians have they killed in Pakistan with drones?
You are confusing the actions of separate countries with those of NATO.The Gulf States? I happen to live in one. They're extremely stable of course, they're the most stable countries in the Middle East, do you know why?
In my country, the top "police advisers" were setup by the US & the UK, look up John Yates & John Timoney. Under them, people are tortured to death for opposing the government.
What Russia is doing with Bashar is exactly what Murica is going with the Gulf States, how much longer is Saudi Arabia going to be allowed to ban women from driving or force them into covering their head?
It genuinely surprises me that people can't see it.
America, the leader of the West, has had a fucked up foreign policy for years. Even under Obama you're killing hundreds of civilians in sovereign countries (pakistan etc). You've got thousands of nukes and you got the world's largest defense spending program.
If I was Russia I'd be a little bit worried if you lot rocked up in my surrounding countries (even under the guise of NATO)
There must be a little bit of you that could see that?