This guy is the Bernie Sanders of U.K.
No, Bernie was competent and had a brain.
This guy is the Bernie Sanders of U.K.
Or UKIP, funnily enough.
Yep, by a landslide if he's still leader by the time the next election happens. Labour are going to be decimated, and it's all thanks to their members.
I was addressing the hostility towards anti-war sentiments. Anyway, let's get back on topic, which is about this Corbyn guy, he's actually a very fascinating person, I like him.
This guy is the Bernie Sanders of U.K.
Corbyn's big problem is that he seems incapable of working people in the political sphere. Yes, he gets unfair media treatment, and yes, many in the party didn't support him from the start, but as a leader, he needs to be able to nullify that. He hasn't. He has a fanbase of supporters which is impressive, but at the same time, it doesn't look likely that fanbase will win a general election, or any chance of real power. I'd love to be proven wrong, but the hostility is there because the dude keeps pulling these frustrating moves that pretty much ensures a conservative government for the next decade.
Any reasonable person would have stepped aside and kept fighting from their fringes. Instead he's thrown a spanner in the works of achieving any incremental progress.
I don't know, the more I read about him the more puzzling some of the replies here become, he seems to be a person you'd disagree with politically, not a Trump type person.
And the exiled people from my home country that are in the UK seem to adore the guy, I don't get the anger here, when I was reading superficial stuff about him months ago I automatically assumed he was the British Trump because of the reaction from presumably left leaning people. I never thought that the vitriol was because he was a far left person.
I was in Iceland last week, and I can safely say the answer is: 'fermented shark'.
Fascinating like a train wreck I guess.
~Senator Bernie Sanders
Despite the persona, Labour has been riven by bullying, bad management and incompetence since he took over. His supporters are fanatics who abuse anyone who talks against him - homophobic language being hurled at one of his challengers, for example. Just because he wears a cardigan and rides a cheap bike doesn't make him a good person, and the events of the last year show that, at the very least, he has surrounded himself by very unpleasant people and his supporters have an extremely unpleasant vile strain.
Yeah, how dare he state his true opinion plainly and say there are merits and demerits to each choice rather than just following the party line. I hate these honest politicians.And Remainers hate him for sabotaging the Remain campaign. Rumours abound of him being a secret Brexiter.
He said he was '7.5 out of 10' in favour of staying in the EU. How does that get people to vote to stay in, by saying 'hey the EU sucks but we can change it from within!'
The only supporters I know of him are exiled people from my country, admittedly because I don't know any people from the UK. but they're anything but homophobic, most of them are civil activists or human rights activists that were exiled by the regime because of their work, they spend most of their day campaigning in the UN or to the British Parliament to stop supporting the Bahraini government, maybe they support him because he's been good to them, I don't know.
I should probably research him more as I feel like I'm defending someone I don't know, but some of his supporters being unpleasant isn't really an argument I buy.
Yeah, how dare he state his true opinion plainly and say there are merits and demerits to each choice rather than just following the party line. I hate these honest politicians.
I don't think you understand the point of a party platform.
If Corbyn is anti-EU that's fine - but he should fuck off and resign leadership of the labour party in that case. You don't get to lead a party and sabotage your own party's campaign because you disagree with it.
Maybe not a good idea to do that when you are the head of and supposed to be campaigning for that party line.Yeah, how dare he state his true opinion plainly and say there are merits and demerits to each choice rather than just following the party line. I hate these honest politicians.
I don't think you understand the point of a party platform.
If Corbyn is anti-EU that's fine - but he should fuck off and resign leadership of the labour party in that case. You don't get to lead a party and sabotage your own party's campaign because you disagree with it.
There's also the matter of there only being two options on the Brexit ballot, at the end of the day. I'm sure Cameron had plenty of things he didn't like, or thought needed changing about the EU, but he made up his mind that we were better off In than Out (maybe it was even 7.5 out of 10, who knows?) and campaigned enthusiastically to that effect!
Yeah, how dare he state his true opinion plainly and say there are merits and demerits to each choice rather than just following the party line. I hate these honest politicians.
Yeah, how dare he state his true opinion plainly and say there are merits and demerits to each choice rather than just following the party line. I hate these honest politicians.