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Last of Us ENCOUNTERS, which do you like playing more?

Which encounters do you prefer?

  • Killing the INFECTED

    Votes: 9 28.1%
  • Killing the HUMANS

    Votes: 23 71.9%

  • Total voters


When playing either THE LAST OF US Part 1 or THE LAST OF US Part 2, in most environments you usually only deal with INFECTED enemies or only deal with HUMAN enemies. Only a place or two has both human and infected enemies.

It’s more easily noticed not when you play the campaign, but when you go to “ENCOUNTERS” from the main menu. You’ll notice each environment has usually only one type.

I can’t believe I’m saying this, especially in a “zombie” (infected) game, but I prefer battling/killing/stealthing the human enemies. I really dig it.

Which do you prefer ?

Killing the INFECTED or killing the HUMANS?
Humans by a long mile.

When the last one standing begs for their life, I blow their head off :messenger_sunglasses:
I wish they would have kept the move from part 1 where you could do it to anyone regardless if they were the last one alive.

Throw brick at them, punch them, then they beg.


Gold Member
my favorites are where you fight both and can pit them against each other in various ways, like Capitol Hill. I hope they develop this mechanic further in Part 3
I prefer executing the infected and dogs. More adrenaline, less stealth, less planning, and zero cover shooting.
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Killing humans in TLOU2 is so fun. Laying a trap mine and luring somebody to walk into it will never get old. I could play the Hillcrest section over and over again.


Gold Member
I think that’s only in Part 2, right?
First time was left behind. Fun fact the higher the difficulty the more spongy clickers get also EvE, so with a bit of luck on grounded they can kill off a whole human squad if lured. Love that shit
Infected are more stressing because they are more erratic and random. Humans are just a question of in what order do you have to kill them. And numbers. The dogs really changed that and make you move more. Shit you made me want to replay the game. I hope that TLOU 1 go to PS+ extra before my sub end.
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