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Neil Druckmann: "don’t bet on there being more of ‘Last of Us. This could be it"


Interbaldactic is probably gonna be arcadey aswell and it's not gonna be as gorey and violent as tlou so that doesn't cut it.
Outside of jumping around and the sci-fi elements, I don't think we can conclude these things yet. Though I do think it won't be as depressing


This series is so badass, this can't be the end. I don't understand why people talk like Part II had a satisfactory closure; it barely told a very constrained revenge story within three days. We learned nothing new about the infection, a potential cure, and when things were just going to start moving forward (the Fireflies reunion) the game abruptly ends.

We need Part III. I need more Abby Schwarzenneger.
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Outside of jumping around and the sci-fi elements, I don't think we can conclude these things yet. Though I do think it won't be as depressing
They are making a proper fantasy action, it is never gonna be as heavy, slow, realistic and methodical as tlou2.

Also enemies seems to be robotic this time, hopefully we get to fuck up some human enemies aswell, their human violence tech is too good to scrap everything to just kill robots.


I don't care about the plot or the story like i didn't cared in the first 2 games, i just need another gritty, heavy, realistic super violent 20 hours long tps with some stealth, they can call the game the turd of us and have a bumch of reptilians protagonists for what i care.

Majority of games are arcadey, even "realistic" stuff like cod or sniper elite, we can't just wait 10 years for rockstar to release an heavy, superbly animated tps.

Interbaldactic is probably gonna be arcadey aswell and it's not gonna be as gorey and violent as tlou so that doesn't cut it.

Nothing hit the mark quote like tlou series for me.
There are games that I can easily ignore the plot.. like souls games for ex... heavily narrative games like Last of us not so much .. the plot moves everything including your actions so for me at least is impossible to cast aside this huge part of the game...
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There are games that I can easily ignore the plot.. like souls games for ex... heavily narrative games like Last of us not so much .. the plot moves everything including your actions so for me at least is impossible to cast aside this huge part of the game...
I hate not having a story like in fromsfot games, but if the gameplay is good, even a bad story is enough to make me go forward, monster hunter games are the epitome of that.

If gameplay and story are both good then it's even better.

Also, i'm one of the few that really didn't gave much fucks about tlou1 story and charas so tlou2 was just par for the course personally, i can understand people being angry because they loved tlou1 story but i always thought it was a super predictable and derivative story and i didn't liked any chara other than joel, so ..
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They are making a proper fantasy action, it is never gonna be as heavy, slow, realistic and methodical as tlou2.

Also enemies seems to be robotic this time, hopefully we get to fuck up some human enemies aswell, their human violence tech is too good to scrap everything to just kill robots.

There are games that I can easily ignore the plot.. like souls games for ex... heavily narrative games like Last of us not so much .. the plot moves everything including your actions so for me at least is impossible to cast aside this huge part of the game...

Same here. Good thing for me is I didn't have to cast it aside. I loved it! *runs away*
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But not for Joel. In first game his character did go through heroes journey. Second game ruins his character, present his actions as an ambiguous thing and kills him off - so no chance for redemption.
Nope Joel had redemption by saving Ellie's life and lived a good life towards the end. The whole second game is about that.


That already happens at the end of the game. Her atonement is sparing Abby's life and starting anew.

The first game wasn't about Ellie; she isn't more than a walking MacGuffin, like R2 in Star Wars IV. It was Joel's journey.
The game ended at the bottom of the cycle

Game 1 she had
The call to adventure - leaving across the country after understanding she was immune
Meeting the mentor - obviously Joel
Crossing the threshold - Joel's lie and killing which spurs on the next set of responses

Game 2
Starts by pushing Ellie into the unknown world - the deepest and darkest ordeal and that is the majority of game 2
She ends the game having just come out of it. Having spared Abby and forgiven and accepted Joels fate

Game 3
Will be the road back from the ordeal. In the standard heroes journey this is the biggest test but they've come out stronger in character and/or capability from the ordeals they've faced.

This will cover the fireflies and the redemption for Ellie. Solidifying her own life meaning which she constantly questioned in Part 2. Her point of resurrection may be her sacrifice for the cure or something else

Now Naughty Dog could do anything but so far Ellie's journey is following pretty standard literary arc as long as they continue that path. Anyone saying there is nowhere to go with Ellie must stop reading books halfway through.
The game ended at the bottom of the cycle

Game 1 she had
The call to adventure - leaving across the country after understanding she was immune
Meeting the mentor - obviously Joel
Crossing the threshold - Joel's lie and killing which spurs on the next set of responses

Game 2
Starts by pushing Ellie into the unknown world - the deepest and darkest ordeal and that is the majority of game 2
She ends the game having just come out of it. Having spared Abby and forgiven and accepted Joels fate

Game 3
Will be the road back from the ordeal. In the standard heroes journey this is the biggest test but they've come out stronger in character and/or capability from the ordeals they've faced.

This will cover the fireflies and the redemption for Ellie. Solidifying her own life meaning which she constantly questioned in Part 2. Her point of resurrection may be her sacrifice for the cure or something else

Now Naughty Dog could do anything but so far Ellie's journey is following pretty standard literary arc as long as they continue that path. Anyone saying there is nowhere to go with Ellie must stop reading books halfway through.
This sounds good in theory, but in practice it would be more unhinged Neil Druckmann writing. I don't think he has the talent working solo to pull something like that off. Put him on a writing team? Then, yeah, I think you have something.


Simps for Amouranth
I'm firmly in the TLOU1 & 2 are absolute classics and so far beyond there contemporaries that they may as well be a different medium..

To not get a Part3 would be a bloody travesty, we need Ellie's redemption arc, I grew to hate her in the 2nd one, her revenge no matter the costs maddened me whereas over the course of the game Abby supplanted Ellie, so I need Pt3 to right all the wrongs and give me a satisfying end to these incredible characters and their stories.

Having said that, knowing the genius that is Druckmann and all the other wizards at ND, they won't start on Pt3 unless it's perfection.
I'm bad at multiquote, so here are some bullet points about the previous posts.

- Ellie's redemption already happened. When she had Abby for the kill, she remembered her last meaningful conversation with Joel and realized she was wrong. She learnt from it and moved along. That's her true ending.

- She's not the protagonist of the first game, where she's a passive plot device that only becomes a character past the midpoint. She doesn't make any decision about her fate, nor do her actions have any impact on the story.

- The cure was never a solution for humankind. The main problem of TLOU's world is that society is fucked up, regardless of infection. The infected had become "background noise." Nothing in the game suggests they are a major issue. Communities are fighting one another for resources, pretty much like in Mad Max. The fireflies are a paramilitary group that would never deliver the cure to any people other than themselves. That premise contradicts everything the game has shown you up to that moment.

Besides, the cure doesn't prevent the infected from attacking and murdering people. What would it solve exactly??? Yeah, you don't get infected if you survive their attack, but most likely, they would eat you alive. This is not like in WWZ. The game never tells how it would work because it is bullshit and Neil knows it.

Therefore, a hypothetical TLOU 3 with "the cure" as the main theme would be an awful decision. It would need a dozen plot holes to work, and even worse, it would deem Joel's death and other events of previous games unnecessary, and there is no worst mistake you can make in a saga than cancelling what has already been established.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Honestly, there's really nowhere to go with the series after 2.

Elle is so psychologically fucked, and her inane treatment of Joel in TLOUII before he died really eroded my interest in her character.

Abby is a now a meme and so if they made a TLOUIII with her as the protagonist, the game would bomb so hard given that the only person who would buy would be Neil Druckman to use for his intimate stroke material.

A new protagonist would mean a lack of narrative continuity with the previous games would significantly lower its appeal even further. TLOU lives or dies on the back of its character stories. The world itself is not interesting, original or unique enough to carry a third game on its own.

It makes sense that ND focus on developing a new franchise.
Remember when it was about a man who lost his daughter and found solace and meaning 20 years later in a girl that was immune to the virus that begins as just a package.
I don't care what people say, they can say it until they're blue in the face but the person that wrote TLOU did not write TLOU2.
not on their own anyway, and the one missing from the TLOU2 was the real talent behind it.


I hate not having a story like in fromsfot games, but if the gameplay is good, even a bad story is enough to make me go forward, monster hunter games are the epitome of that.

If gameplay and story are both good then it's even better.

Also, i'm one of the few that really didn't gave much fucks about tlou1 story and charas so tlou2 was just par for the course personally, i can understand people being angry because they loved tlou1 story but i always thought it was a super predictable and derivative story and i didn't liked any chara other than joel, so ..
I think this game is very divisive and I can understand both the love and the hate for it .. imho they are both valid
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Gold Member
I just don’t care about Ellie or her girlfriend and vengeance is the most tired story element I can imagine. I would end up playing it just for the gameplay and I just can’t see myself enjoying that. I played TLOU1 for the story, gameplaywise it’s nothing special.
Like VulcanRaven VulcanRaven is saying I'd recommend it someday. The gameplay is worth it (i know you said story was more important).

That said it's a good story. Vengeance does get old in media but it's well executed.

Graphics are great and there's alot of variety in combat.

You can massacre dogs too if that's your thing. Thought this was a bold choice cause people are OBSSESSED with dogs, oh sorry, fur babies.

Personally I thought that would get the game tons of hate but 2 girls kissing is what did it. Oh and Lev too cause you can't have video game characters portray how real people are


Gold Member
The game ended at the bottom of the cycle

Game 1 she had
The call to adventure - leaving across the country after understanding she was immune
Meeting the mentor - obviously Joel
Crossing the threshold - Joel's lie and killing which spurs on the next set of responses

Game 2
Starts by pushing Ellie into the unknown world - the deepest and darkest ordeal and that is the majority of game 2
She ends the game having just come out of it. Having spared Abby and forgiven and accepted Joels fate

Game 3
Will be the road back from the ordeal. In the standard heroes journey this is the biggest test but they've come out stronger in character and/or capability from the ordeals they've faced.

This will cover the fireflies and the redemption for Ellie. Solidifying her own life meaning which she constantly questioned in Part 2. Her point of resurrection may be her sacrifice for the cure or something else

Now Naughty Dog could do anything but so far Ellie's journey is following pretty standard literary arc as long as they continue that path. Anyone saying there is nowhere to go with Ellie must stop reading books halfway through.
You must like Joseph campbell! Dude was the fucking man.

You forgot an important one though- the hero's refusal to go on the quest. I guess the hero in the 1st game would be joel not wanting to take ellie (wanted to pawn her off on tess).


Like VulcanRaven VulcanRaven is saying I'd recommend it someday. The gameplay is worth it (i know you said story was more important).

That said it's a good story. Vengeance does get old in media but it's well executed.

Graphics are great and there's alot of variety in combat.

You can massacre dogs too if that's your thing. Thought this was a bold choice cause people are OBSSESSED with dogs, oh sorry, fur babies.

Personally I thought that would get the game tons of hate but 2 girls kissing is what did it. Oh and Lev too cause you can't have video game characters portray how real people are
I never even liked Ellie. And then there is the new man-woman muscle thing who erase my fav character, not a fan. And just playing for the combat is like playing Gears of War for the story.
It’s just not for me.
But if the PC port is amazingly upgraded and if mods are fun and if I can find it dirt cheap, then I’ll try it.
Michael Biehn Wtf GIF by GritTV


Yeah the guy who wrote TLOU and Uncharted 4 can't write. Come on.
You mean the guy who tried to get them to have Tess kill Joel in part 1 and tried to kill off Elena in Uncharted? That writer?

Bruce Straley is the reason TLoU 1 was a masterpiece. He reigned in Druckmann and his nonsense, and his not being there for part 2 why it ended up the way it did. The second game is just Druckmann’s failed ideas from the first game.

As much as they’ve tried to erase this dude he’s solely responsible for the first game not going off the rails. If Druckmann had his way the series would have died with the first game.


You mean the guy who tried to get them to have Tess kill Joel in part 1 and tried to kill off Elena in Uncharted? That writer?

Bruce Straley is the reason TLoU 1 was a masterpiece. He reigned in Druckmann and his nonsense, and his not being there for part 2 why it ended up the way it did. The second game is just Druckmann’s failed ideas from the first game.

As much as they’ve tried to erase this dude he’s solely responsible for the first game not going off the rails. If Druckmann had his way the series would have died with the first game.

Druckmann is the only credited writer of the first game and he alone received the award for Outstanding Achievement in Videogame Writing at Writers Guild of America Awards 2014. I feel like people are trying to exaggerate Straley's role. I'm sure he could have got co-writing credit if he thought he deserved it. They seemed to be in very good terms at the time. Its very odd how Druckmann suddenly became the worst person ever for some because he made a sequel they didn't like. It somehow erased how great the previous game was. Ridiculous.
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Yeah well Druckmann can't count on a third one being wanted. The second one was unnecessary from a story perspective and tore the fanbase in half (which resulted in less sales).
He is not a good actor, neither a good fit for Natan Drake. Tom Holland don't have the same height as Natan Drake, don't have the same face as Natan Drake, don't have the same physical body as Natan Drake.

But nice flex you did here.

I can't believe you actually replied to me seriously lol. I agree Tom Holland is an awful actor. But Nathan Drake is also a generic shit character so I have no clue what you could possibly expect.



Druckmann is the only credited writer of the first game and he alone received the award for Outstanding Achievement in Videogame Writing at Writers Guild of America Awards 2014. I feel like people are trying to exaggerate Straley's role. I'm sure he could have got co-writing credit if he thought he deserved it. They seemed to be in very good terms at the time. Its very odd how Druckmann suddenly became the worst person ever for some because he made a sequel they didn't like. It somehow erased how great the previous games was. Ridiculous.

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Good. we definitely don’t need another one and I’m happy that they’re working on something else. although I’m not super impressed with the reveal of their latest game. I hope it’s something closer to their classic action adventure days because that’s what they’re best at. Although it’s been so long now since they’ve made a game that I’m super interested in that I don’t even know if any of those people are still there anymore. But now I think about it is really sad and I feel really old now 😂
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You are taking that entirely out of context. He is trying to say that they worked together, thought about the other's work and provided feedback, so that story and gameplay go hand in hand. Bruce had as much to do with the story as Neil had to do with the gameplay design. Not a lot, but enough to make it cohesive. Of course they would have challenged each other along the way to make things better. That's how teams work. You don't put their name in the credit if they just provided input and it's not their core responsibility.
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If Intergalactic flops (very likely), rest assured he'll get fired...

I hate it when Sony gives a free pass to higher-ups (Hermen Hulst included), only to muck up projects.
He would just make Part 3. They wouldn't fire someone like him just because one game doesn't do well. Also we have seen very little about Intergalactic. Maybe a gameplay trailer will look amazing.
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You are taking that entirely out of context. He is trying to say that they worked together, thought about the other's work and provided feedback, so that story and gameplay go hand in hand. Bruce had as much to do with the story as Neil had to do with the gameplay design. Not a lot, but enough to make it cohesive. Of course they would have challenged each other along the way to make things better. That's how teams work. You don't put their name in the credit if they just provided input and it's not their core responsibility.
You can read whatever you want into it but we also know that half the shit that ended up in part two were things that Bruce stopped Druckmann from doing in the first game and that’s straight from the horses mouth during their Reddit AMA.

The fact is Druckmann has intentionally tried to erase Straley since his departure from Naughty Dog after the first game. And even worse, it’s a pattern with Druckmann to take all the glory for himself, he did the same shit with the Art Director, Erick Pangilinan, where Druckmanns name replaces Pangilinans in the Remakes credits.

The fact is, before the second game it was all about a collaboration of people and since that time this dude acts like he’s Hideo Kojima, which is hilarious because he’s not even Amy Hemming.


You can read whatever you want into it but we also know that half the shit that ended up in part two were things that Bruce stopped Druckmann from doing in the first game and that’s straight from the horses mouth during their Reddit AMA.

The fact is Druckmann has intentionally tried to erase Straley since his departure from Naughty Dog after the first game. And even worse, it’s a pattern with Druckmann to take all the glory for himself, he did the same shit with the Art Director, Erick Pangilinan, where Druckmanns name replaces Pangilinans in the Remakes credits.

The fact is, before the second game it was all about a collaboration of people and since that time this dude acts like he’s Hideo Kojima, which is hilarious because he’s not even Amy Hemming.
I wasn’t objecting to discussions around the allegations or Neil’s capacity as a writer. Just had to challenge the screenshot of that specific Reddit post, as it is not saying what the poster thinks it says. It isn’t incontrovertible evidence. Like you said, you can read whatever you want into it. That’s all.


An Absolute Desaster
Who is asking for a third game. 2 already went in the wrong direction, so the future don’t really excite me. Also unless they stop pretending to be all in for dei, they can be closed in my opinion. We have already enough games with strong female characters in the lead.
Neogaf is so childish and toxic sometimes. Seriously. What is so bad about TLOU 2? Seriously even if you didn’t like the story, TLOU 2 is one of the best pieces of media ever created. Graphics, sound, controls, animation, ambition and cinematography are next level…

What was soooo bad about the story? Oh noes Joel died and I don’t like Abby!!!! Wahhh wahhh. Call the wambulance and go play a COD campaign for a good story?
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The fact is, before the second game it was all about a collaboration of people and since that time this dude acts like he’s Hideo Kojima, which is hilarious because he’s not even Amy Hemming.
You seem to forget that he was the only credited writer of the first game but Part 2 had two writers. Its even more about collaboration than before.
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