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Late to the Party(Games) - Super Monkey Ball 1 & 2


After, I believe, two seperate posts wondering if both of the Super Monkey Ball titles were worth my money, I finally ended up caving and purchasing both (Thanks goes out to all who assisted me in my quest). Granted, it took a SMB2 price drop to $25 Canadian (EB) but it seems like it was worth it...sort of.

When it comes to Multiplayer, SMB is definitely a solid title. I spent most of my time playing either Monkey Target or Monkey Bowling, one because it rocks and the other because I always crave a good round of bowling. I haven't had a chance to play a lot of multiplayer with it, but what I have has proven fun.

SMB2, in my honest opinion, was worth the $25 simply for Monkey Tennis, if only because it will tide me over until Mario Tennis releases next Spring. Played a 3-Set Match, and can honestly say it was worth the price tag for it alone.

However, I am disappointed by the changes to monkey Golf (I have Mario Golf for that) and Monkey Bowling...seems like the Spin is all thrown out of whack. While I have no doubts the other modes will provide variety, a favourite and a solid game in the first title seem to have taken a downhill dive...I'm waiting on Monkey Target until I play through the single player some more, although I am curious to see how exactly it changed.

Speaking of Single Player...what the fuck happened? Seriously, if it wasn't for Monkey Tennis I'd be disappointed gravely by this title. Sure, some of the levels are providing some exciting moments, but I remember a general feeling of Luck over skill throughout impressions, and it seems true for SMB2. Whereas SMB was all about skill, it seems that too much of SMB2 is about getting past moving obstacles, not about traversing tough slopes. I can't say I'm a fan of the launch ramp into them either...they're nitpicky things, but I can honestly say that the game has thus far not exactly been there for me, single player wise, compared to the first.

And Story Mode? I lost IQ points. I swear, they really should have just turned it into an animated cartoon show, at this point. They have all the craptacular dialogue, the idiotic catchphrase, the villain with a plot more pointless than imaginable, and a villian's sidekick. It's seriously like a nail through the skull.

And thus, my verdict is the following.

SMb Single Player>Monkey Tennis>SMB Multiplayer>Rest of SMB2 Multiplayer>SMB2 Single Player (Challenge)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SMB2 Story Mode

The guy tried to sell me a used copy of the game, with the line "You can save $10, and you got the same guarantee". I countered, having down my research in the store, with "Actually, it's $5, and I plan on spending the extra money for a new copy". I was in a pretty crabby mood, or something.

Should be fun to really get into some multiplayer...those standings may change considerably.


great choices there...and I 100% agree with you as to SMB2's SP mode being much more luck orientated in comparison to SMB1's

SMB1's target mode is better as well, though all the new sports modes in 2 are great fun

even with that in mind, both of those games are some of the most fun imaginable in multiplay...great great games


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Socreges said:

We need a Super Monkey Ball 3. Has one even been rumoured?

SMB3 was announced and then essentially un-announced. Well, not really, but it's been AWOL since the initial news stories of it's development, and those came out a hella long time ago.
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