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Lawyer involved with Pokémon, Halo series slams anti-woke gamers, says his job was to purge them


Don McGowan, is the former chief legal officer of The Pokémon Company as well as a producer of the film "Pokemon: Detective Pikachu," in addition to having served General Counsel and a producer for Bungie, the company behind the Halo games. He wrote a long, now-deleted thread about how his job in the industry was to purge "a—holes" from gaming. He was responding to the consumer backlash against DEI consultancy companies like Sweet Baby Inc., calling anti-woke consumers "human garbage."

McGowan wrote, "20 years in games, 17 in the C-suite, so I am well situated to say: these people blaming one consultancy for everything they don’t like are again demonstrating they know nothing about the subject they purport to be discussing. They are sexist and racist."

He retweeted a thread from Kotaku senior editor Alyssa Mercante, who wrote about the Sweet Baby Inc. controversy. She appeared to claim people who followed the "Sweet Baby Inc. Detected" list were engaged in a "harassment campaign."

Under the social media username, "Trans kids are not a threat. Leave them alone!," McGowan argued people who are upset with DEI messaging in games are loathed by the industry, stating it had been his job to "get rid" of them.

"And it never occurs to them that the reason nobody made games ‘for them’ was because nobody wanted to make those kinds of games," he wrote. "Nobody wants your money because no one wants you in their environment. Take it from someone most of whose job was figuring out ways to get rid of you."

He continued, "Trust and Safety departments exist to get a--holes out of the gaming environment. You end up creating them to get rid of a--holes, because adult humans don’t want to spend their leisure time with a--holes. You’re a GamerGater? F--- off, you g-----n child."

McGowan touted his work for The Pokemon company, noting, "By the way, if you're f-----g crying about the fact that I'm telling you to eat s--t, think about why you're such a person that the producer of Detective Pikachu thinks you are human garbage, and maybe work on being less s----y."



Al Pachinko, Konami President
ryan gosling shut up GIF


Sounds like he didn't get hugged enough as a child.

This is just insane to read. He basically says "people making games hate their customers and want to get rid of their customers so they can make stuff that they want to make instead of stuff customers want."

Lets Go Yes GIF by Bubble Punk

Okay buddy. Good luck with that.

"And it never occurs to them that the reason nobody made games ‘for them’ was because nobody wanted to make those kinds of games," he wrote. "Nobody wants your money because no one wants you in their environment. Take it from someone most of whose job was figuring out ways to get rid of you."

This is particularly ironic since if I am following correctly he is basically saying that "gamers shouldn't complain that we aren't making games for them because we don't want to make games for them and we don't want your money". But the pronoun and purple hair brigade believe DEI should exist in games, but they are such a small audience.

Channel 9 Reaction GIF by The Block


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Grown man with the user name “Trans kids are not a threat. Leave them alone!” does not like the pushback against SBI. Color me shocked.
Foxnews was the only outlet to pick up this guy, and made a point to note the above…

They are trying to light fires with this dude, not treat him as a credible source of info or “someone who speaks for everyone”

The best part, is the guy shopped his story around for clout and will end up advancing anti-woke agendas


What’s striking is it’s all bullshit. 🤡🤡🤡

Nobody attacked trans kids. There were no Anti LGBT posts. Nobody was being racists.

One Brazilian dude got tired of increasing BS in games, made a Steam curator group and dumb SBI asshats boosted the shit out of it through Streisand effect.

But no, people are harassing SBI apparently when they started the whole harassment campaign against the curator.


This guy blames people who don’t think like him and uses quotes like this: "By the way, if you're f-----g crying about the fact that I'm telling you to eat s--t, think about why you're such a person that the producer of Detective Pikachu thinks you are human garbage, and maybe work on being less s----y."

He is yet another person that says they want to be accepting of everyone but only accepts those that are convenient to his cause.

I’ll leave this here:



So - in my current job - I (sometimes) unfortunately have to deal with these high profile lawyers, attourneys, etc. I find usually the same pattern with these types of people:


2) they like to spew lies after lies - its a tactic they use to try to bury you in lies so that you have to spend lots of time digging through it all. They are not interested in doing the right moral thing. They are interested in winning for thier client at all possible points.

3) they all play dirty. They usually call in favors from other high power, high standing individuals to try to win. Again, like the idiot this topic is about - he is being paid top dollar for his client to do what the task at hand calls for.

Thankfully, I work in a federal job so we have the power to bite back against these assholes. private sector or just plain ol individuals living their daily lives? not so much unfortunately and these are the prime targets they prey upon. Big men wearing big pants to cover up their micro dicks making themselves feel powerful going after the small guy. it sucks.

Just my personal insight.


So - in my current job - I (sometimes) unfortunately have to deal with these high profile lawyers, attourneys, etc. I find usually the same pattern with these types of people:


2) they like to spew lies after lies - its a tactic they use to try to bury you in lies so that you have to spend lots of time digging through it all. They are not interested in doing the right moral thing. They are interested in winning for thier client at all possible points.

3) they all play dirty. They usually call in favors from other high power, high standing individuals to try to win. Again, like the idiot this topic is about - he is being paid top dollar for his client to do what the task at hand calls for.

Thankfully, I work in a federal job so we have the power to bite back against these assholes. private sector or just plain ol individuals living their daily lives? not so much unfortunately and these are the prime targets they prey upon. Big men wearing big pants to cover up their micro dicks making themselves feel powerful going after the small guy. it sucks.

Just my personal insight.
Sounds like a lawyer alright


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Somebody having a midlife crisis here methinks!

Why create a social media account to then flame-out with an embarrassingly juvenile rant? What's the point of that?

Seriously, what's the point? Its not effecting change, its just making yourself look like a raging twat, Don! You chump!
This is the same piece of shit from this thread.

I understand studios like Bungie attracts scumbags like this, but Nintendo being related to him is quite a disappointment.


Perpetually Tired
This is the same piece of shit from this thread.

I understand studios like Bungie attracts scumbags like this, but Nintendo being related to him is quite a disappointment.

I think there is a reason why he is no longer associated with Nintendo.


Gold Member
A pity to see a fellow lawyer behaving like such an insufferable, colossal prick.

We’re almost always cunts. But we’re certainly not progressive cunts.

And GCs aren’t really lawyers. They’re just managers.
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