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Lawyer involved with Pokémon, Halo series slams anti-woke gamers, says his job was to purge them


Looks like a tool
Acts like a tool
Talks like a tool

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"20 years in games, 17 in the C-suite, so I am well situated to say: these people blaming one consultancy for everything they don’t like are again demonstrating they know nothing about the subject they purport to be discussing. They are sexist and racist."

"Trans kids are not a threat. Leave them alone"

"And it never occurs to them that the reason nobody made games ‘for them’ was because nobody wanted to make those kinds of games," he wrote. "Nobody wants your money because no one wants you in their environment. Take it from someone most of whose job was figuring out ways to get rid of you."

"Trust and Safety departments exist to get a--holes out of the gaming environment. You end up creating them to get rid of a--holes, because adult humans don’t want to spend their leisure time with a--holes. You’re a GamerGater? F--- off, you g-----n child."

"By the way, if you're f-----g crying about the fact that I'm telling you to eat s--t, think about why you're such a person that the producer of Detective Pikachu thinks you are human garbage

This totally screams like a mental meltdown from a 10 year old kid that just recently learned bad words.
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Turns out he wasn’t helping fix the issue, he only made it worse.

If you want assholes to go away, strip their anonymity from them. It’s an entirely different world when you have to put your name alongside your words.


Gold Member
Not really worried too much about people like this. Usually never ends well for them. Him being involved in games as an executive basically confirms what we already know. They are out of touch.

Not surprised he’s at McGill University either.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Lol cant wait until conscription so these soy boys can see how little their feelings truly matter…
It'll matter as little as the boycott the other soyboys tried against TLOU2 (remember go woke, go broke lol) and that Harry Potter game.
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You know if you would've told me 30 years ago while I was playing Red Alert on my Intel Pentium 1 PC that Video Games were going to be the epicenter of a cultural war that will lead to a national political schism I would've told you to check yourself into an asylum. And yet here we are.

I just want to play cool video games, I wade through enough politics at work and in real life.


When they say they want to "purge" you, they mean it, because you're an adult. If this hobby didn't have a high chance for direct unsupervised reach to children, they would leave it alone. Whatever the activity, if they can reach kids, they turn it into a battleground.


Sounds like he didn't get hugged enough as a child.

This is just insane to read. He basically says "people making games hate their customers and want to get rid of their customers so they can make stuff that they want to make instead of stuff customers want."

Lets Go Yes GIF by Bubble Punk

Okay buddy. Good luck with that.

This is particularly ironic since if I am following correctly he is basically saying that "gamers shouldn't complain that we aren't making games for them because we don't want to make games for them and we don't want your money". But the pronoun and purple hair brigade believe DEI should exist in games, but they are such a small audience.

Channel 9 Reaction GIF by The Block
Targeting different audience, I guess everything happens for a reason, The "targeting different audiences" is pure woke, it's like shitting on existing fans, that's cruel, it's basically telling they don't give a f about exiting fans or future different type of fans, they only care about making money, that kills the way the artistic approach to build trust and merit, it's distructive.
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This whole culture war shit isn't worth anyone's time. It's so unfortunate that so many get caught up in the petty shitstorm of arguments and clashes on a daily basis that never lead to anything productive.

Best thing for most to do is simply avoid these articles, videos and antagonism. Just refrain from giving money to bad ideologies and stay sane.


Gold Member
This whole culture war shit isn't worth anyone's time. It's so unfortunate that so many get caught up in the petty shitstorm of arguments and clashes on a daily basis that never lead to anything productive.

Best thing for most to do is simply avoid these articles, videos and antagonism. Just refrain from giving money to bad ideologies and stay sane.
Raising awareness so more people can make informed purchases is the goal.


This whole culture war shit isn't worth anyone's time. It's so unfortunate that so many get caught up in the petty shitstorm of arguments and clashes on a daily basis that never lead to anything productive.

Best thing for most to do is simply avoid these articles, videos and antagonism. Just refrain from giving money to bad ideologies and stay sane.
Thats the thing, one particular side of this argument does everything they can to make you sure you're unable to ignore them. How much happier i could be if pretending they didn't exist was all that took. Before you know it there'll be some they/them profile pronoun screaming at you for saying something completely innocuous and contacting your employer to get you fired.
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Lawyer says no to money, still somehow flips off the playerbase and takes the so called moral high ground...but barks up the wrong tree anyhow


what in the actual fuck. LOL.
Thats the thing, one particular side of this argument does everything they can to make you sure you're unable to ignore them. How much happier i could be if pretending they didn't exist was all that took. Before you know it there'll be some they/them profile pronoun screaming at you for saying something completely innocuous and contacting your employer to get you fired.
When the West approves a social credit system like they have in China, it's all over.
Just as mentally unstable as many people on GAF that's so anti-woke and thinks Sweet Baby Inc is the death of videogames.
SBI is the death of the games they work on. Our responsibility is for consumers to know when they work on those games, and make an informed decision on where they are spending their money.

A shit company deserve to lose business, we are just letting the invisible hand of the free market to do their thing. SBI don't need to be Satan; they just need to be crappy and useless.


Hilarious that none of these people can see the bigger picture. Makes sense as none of them are gamers to start with. I would say most of us don't think it's just SBI that's the problem. It's the rot that's spread through the industry and a lot of the west. SBI just made themselves a target is all.

Things are starting to swing the other way and all the delusional babies can't stand it and are lashing out.


Who the fuck write LinkedIn bio and posts as if this was a casual social media like Facebook?

I can't even stand the unprofessionalism for even a second. Jeez.



The way somebody acts on LinkedIn is a really good indicator of what kind of person they are. If there's a client I might find myself working with, a look on LinkedIn is compulsory. Anyone who acts in a manner that isn't professional is someone I make a point of avoiding.

If I saw a profile like this, I wouldn't work with the person for all the tea in china. If someone is unable to maintain a professional image on the main platform for professionals to interact, that what does that say about what they'd actually be like to work with?

LinkedIn's going down the toilet these days. We could do with another platform.
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Gold Member
Have you seen LinkedIn for the past 12 months? It’s the new Facebook, and it’s LinkedIn’s fault for wanting more “engagement” from its users.
Yeah I use it daily. I guess I am lucky that my network still act normally and professionally on the site.

The stuff he writes on LinkedIn only makes me cringe, honestly, if this is new trend, the platform is bound to die, it's losing its purpose.
What’s with the language? When someone tries to illustrate his point and uses so many curse words, he instantly looses all credibility. Jesus…
Really concerning…reminds me of this satire.

It’s not a joke anymore, there are legit people who currently act like this 😂
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Really concerning…reminds me of this satire.

It’s not a joke anymore, there are legit people who currently act like this 😂

This foul language is something that has been concerning for me for quite some time now. I mean, this used to be stuff gangster movies were know about, now this is EVERYWHERE. Not every 2nd word has to be “fucking” or “motherfucker”. What the hell?
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