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League of Legends Championship Series: Season 5

KaKAO sees that his AD carry just died for free at 32 minutes, and they're taking baron. No problem. Send in RooKie to soften them up, then jump in, kill three of them and steal it.

Yeah that was an insane play. I think it was actually Baron killing them with Kakao's barrel last hit. Crazy smites.

Zz1tai is a fucking beast.

Edit: Zz1tai is the backdoor god

Edit: LCK and LPL happening at the same time... I'm gonna sleep.


At work right now, but sneaking peaks every now and then. The hype is building. It's going to be a long fucking day at work.
I'm happy for GBM and Jin Air, but I'm sad Shy and Madlife have failed to make Worlds yet again, and especially Ambition, who looks like becoming the clear best player never to have made it even once (if iG qualify in China). I thought this would be the season where CJ back with the Korean exodus and a stable roster, but their old weaknesses came to the front when it counted. All credit to Jin Air though. Hope they can come through tomorrow.
The loser of this series will still have the chance to qualify for Worlds tomorrow against either QG or Snake. It's also best of 5 so iG could come back even if they lose this game.
It is good League though. Two of the very best series of the 2015 season were played today. Hopefully tomorrow's matches are as exciting and competitive.
Finally finished the rest of LPL and the entire LCK.
8 minutes for LPL starts again LOLWTF!

So EDG wins their IG series with 3 games of Juggernauts. lol hope the other teams notice.

After all those games and all previous games, Gankedbymom's Gangplank is still the best. I don't even think Pawn's GP, which was pretty good, stood up to GBM's GP performance.
QG are trolling, but they seem pretty weak this series.

Now they have to play the next series right away. Hope they have tricks up their sleeves, cuz IG are definitely strong.

Edit: Celebrity match lol. I never liked Jay Chou's music.


The chinese 3 are going to be fucking scary at worlds.

Lmao I love this Fizz skin so much.

KT hs this in the bag. Wanted another blind pick :(
Imagine being one of the lucky 3rd seeds + wildcards that could potentially get both 1st CN or KR plus 2nd/3rd CN/KR

The variation between the softest draw and the hardest is massive for the 3rd seeds. Consider that the following groups could be drawn:

Group 1: Fnatic, TSM, Flash Wolves, paiN
Group 2: SKT, EDG, H2K, Cloud9
Group 3: LGD, AHQ, KT, Origen
Group 4: CLG, iG, KOO, BKT

paiN would have a group with only NA, EU and SEA teams, while between them C9 and Origen would have four of the five best teams in the world, plus the best SEA team and H2K. Because Origen and C9 cannot, respectively, be drawn into groups with Fnatic and CLG, the odds are high that they get very tough draws with CN/KR top seeds and at least one other elite team.
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