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League of Legends |OT| Free to play Dota clone (PC)

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Yeah, I'm still playing. LoL is currently the only online multiplayer game that I play.

I've been playing Kat and Singed a lot lately. Singed is such an aggresive tank/initiator. Going in teamfights with his ult on flinging squishies is awesome. I love how you can melt people in teamfights with sunfire and poison (RoA gives that little ap boost and I use magic penetration runes teehee).
I also like to play Nasus sometimes, he really shines in team fights. I usually take a chalice and mercury or ninja tabi. Then I prefer to go sunfire cape, unless the enemy team is caster/ap heavy then I'll get some mr stuff first. I like him best with (double) sunfire capes and his ult on. Like Singed he's also very I'm in your face, melting your team. I usually don't get any damage items on him, not even sheen. I feel tank items are much more worth it on him, because you have to get in there when there's a teamfight.
I just got back in to this, not really sure why I gave it up. Funfunfun. I'm playing as Nasus mainly. Tank talents, crit runes. I vastly prefer going 1/1/1 and then pumping the slow up first. It's nice they change the smashy to give full bonus damage at rank 1. Rush Sheen, dodge boots, then get the HP/MP/AP stick that increases over time.

All these new heros are kinda intimidating though, I haven't played in 6 months and theres a shitload more than I would have expected. From what I can tell Kennan and Udyr are terrible, some other Ninja is completely unkillable and turns into a god with low hp, people complain to high hell about the undead pirate guy but I've never seen him do anything, there's some metal tank that has rage or something and is amazing, and every other hero sucks. I bought Yammy or whoever. The dwarf tank, she's fun enough if stupidly straight forward.


Mardil said:
Not trying to start up anything, but I played this back when it was in beta and I remember the camera system being very different from what you can find in DotA or HoN (it follows you instead of you having complete control over it). Is this still true? How can I, as a DotA veteran deal with it?

Yeah, if you unckeck the follow button (it's a little green circle in the bottom right) the camera is totally in your control, and space bar snaps back to you. You can then hold spacebar to keep it following on you. Of you can just keep it trained on you at all times.
Son of Godzilla said:
I just got back in to this, not really sure why I gave it up. Funfunfun. I'm playing as Nasus mainly. Tank talents, crit runes. I vastly prefer going 1/1/1 and then pumping the slow up first. It's nice they change the smashy to give full bonus damage at rank 1. Rush Sheen, dodge boots, then get the HP/MP/AP stick that increases over time.

All these new heros are kinda intimidating though, I haven't played in 6 months and theres a shitload more than I would have expected. From what I can tell Kennan and Udyr are terrible, some other Ninja is completely unkillable and turns into a god with low hp, people complain to high hell about the undead pirate guy but I've never seen him do anything, there's some metal tank that has rage or something and is amazing, and every other hero sucks. I bought Yammy or whoever. The dwarf tank, she's fun enough if stupidly straight forward.

Udyr is good actually. He's underated. Kennen is good if only fed, but he's hella squishy. Morderkaiser is OP. He's boring as fuck to play as well. He dishes too much damage and is hard as fuck to kill.


I was out for like 4 or 5 months too (I think that keg throwing dude was the last new champion I remember). Doesn't seem to matter, it's still ashe, twitch, ryze and the same old champions wrecking house.


eznark said:
I was out for like 4 or 5 months too (I think that keg throwing dude was the last new champion I remember). Doesn't seem to matter, it's still ashe, twitch, ryze and the same old champions wrecking house.
Twitch is easy to counter, really. oracle or exhaust pretty much breaks him. I always rejoice when there's a twitch on the enemy team. :lol


I'm really digging the new hero, Kog. He's got two very valid play styles - AS with focus on Q/W skills and AP with emphasis on E/R.

Personally, I play hybrid. His R is AWESOME, lets you harass so well! At level 3 you can hit enemies by the inhibitor from the entrance of the base.

Anyways, feel free to add me, my name is ExcelBeyond.


I've chosen LoL over HoN for a couple reasons. The most important reason is that my online friends have all migrated over so... you know... it's just so much more fun playing with people you know. The second reason is that the game just feels more 'relaxed.' The community isn't completely full of dicks... not worrying about denying really changes the game completely for me (being a DOTA/HoN guy.. I thought I would miss this a lot -- I don't)... not losing gold upon death... inhibitors respawning........ it's just a bunch of little things that equate just a generally more enjoyable experience. The game isn't as polished as I think it could be... and I'm eagerly awaiting what they do with Season 1... but overall I've been pleasantly surprised with the experience I've had with LoL.
Had the most cheesy/epic "fuck you" moment today. We were losing all game and the mother fuckers were dragging it out forever. Like 45+ when the game should have been over at 20. Finally managed to poke into their base and our entire team suicided into the castle turrets, barely finishing em off.

So instead of rushing our shit and ending the game, they go baron. Well, I had stuck a ward down right next to the castle during our push, so one teleport later along with a Shen rescue and it's Victory and tons of cursing from the peanut gallery.


So what's the story with the season 1 thing? If you want to participate do you need to have a premade team?


aka surume
There will be 3 ranked queues: solo Summoner's Rift, 5 man Summoner's Rift, 3 man TT.

edit: also, there's no team ranking at launch so you can 5 man with whoever.
HeartAttackJones said:
There will be 3 ranked queues: solo Summoner's Rift, 5 man Summoner's Rift, 3 man TT.

edit: also, there's no team ranking at launch so you can 5 man with whoever.

Is there an ETA on Season 1 besides the vague "summer" date?


I like the game and all, but I've met some huge assholes in this game. You know the type, the guy that thinks he's the man and complains about other teammates sucking. He spends the whole time typing about how much they suck instead of trying to win. I really wish I could just have the option to make the chat log disappear.

I got some Riot points for my birthday. I think I'm going for the a double ip 3 day pass. The costumes and buying champions with points doesn't seem like a good use.


Honestly, it does seem like there are a ton more childish assholes. Two leavers in a match today. Level 30's with a couple hundred wins and 25+ leavers each. The hell? Tons of "/all noob team total"

Probably 90% of my matches are now either with a team mate like that or against someone else. Nothing you can really do "I try to offer positive, constructive criticism to new players" but it is lame. Really did not see that as much in the beta and when the game first launched.


eznark said:
Honestly, it does seem like there are a ton more childish assholes. Two leavers in a match today. Level 30's with a couple hundred wins and 25+ leavers each. The hell? Tons of "/all noob team total"

Probably 90% of my matches are now either with a team mate like that or against someone else. Nothing you can really do "I try to offer positive, constructive criticism to new players" but it is lame. Really did not see that as much in the beta and when the game first launched.

I don't wish to offend any of the younger Gaffers, but this is pretty much how it goes with ALL multiplayer games during the summer when the kids are out of school. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of "adults" that are just as bad, if not worse, but if there's one thing I have noticed in playing multiplayer games over the years it's that the summer months are the worst for the community.

That said, I'm having a lot of fun in LoL. I never played DOTA, and I only really got into this a month or so ago when the SC2 beta ended and I needed something to play with friends. I've played all the champs that come with the $20 version of the game, and bought a couple more (Malzahar, who I think needs a buff, and Kog Maw, who is gonna get nerfed). I still can't quite find a favorite champ though. I'm hoping they give Karthas a free week soon; he seems like he could do some damage, and I very rarely see him in games, but I don't want to drop 6300 IP on a guy I might hate.


I went ahead and bought the retail bundle for this, the 19.99 one, after messing with the base kit for awhile. This is really fun! Kind of smacks of WoW Battlegrounds in a vaccum (I've never played DotA, which is pretty sad considering the years of RTS fandom and all the fare on my shelf)

I'm doing pretty good so far, I've not run across too many rude people. I'm still in the lower ranks, I don't plan to get too serious.

I'm using mostly Tristana, Rammus and Poppy at the moment. I can't really find any Mage types I like, which is sad considering I tend to run those in most games with class selection.
Yea solo queueing sucks, but there aren't really many Gaffers on at the same time. Anyone want to make a 5v5 season 1 group with me? We should get 5 people and try to set up times when we can all play. I usually play AP or tank heroes.

Post in this thread if any of you guys want to set up a 5v5 with me. Having a vent server is a plus too. If no one has it, I could always jack someone else's. My ingame name is J Rizzle. Add me then let me know either there or here. I'm usually on prime time during weekdays and almost all day on the weekends.


Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
I know I'd play more if I had more gaffers to play with. I just get bogged down with pubbers.
The new PVP.net client is probably the most exciting thing. That's how awful the current PVP.net interface is, that I'm more excited for it than ranked matches/ladders.


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
I bought Kennen after I tried him out a couple of times when he was in the free rotation and I think I like his playstyle. Normally, I didn't really think Kennen would be the perfect playstyle for me, but I am finding that he is the most fun to use out of all the Champions I had previously used. I just have to get used to the fact that he's very squishie.


Obviously the PVP.net interface could be better, but how often do you sit there in the lobby or on your profile? It doesn't bug me too much since I just hop into a game asap.


Teknopathetic said:
The new PVP.net client is probably the most exciting thing. That's how awful the current PVP.net interface is, that I'm more excited for it than ranked matches/ladders.

The PvP.net client is probably one of the most uninspired things I've seen in awhile. I, too, am very excited to see what they do with its next iteration. Can't say I share the same feelings as you... being more excited for PvP.net over rankings and ladders... but I certainly will welcome both with a warm embrace.


Its tiring to solo queue and have a team where if you don't start off well there's a person immediately writing off everyone as noobs and basically calls 'gg' for a negative early game start. There are so many games that could have been won if there weren't any negative nancies and continued to play. Morale is just as an important factor in these games as much as skill sometimes.

Jazzy Network said:
Post in this thread if any of you guys want to set up a 5v5 with me. Having a vent server is a plus too. If no one has it, I could always jack someone else's. My ingame name is J Rizzle. Add me then let me know either there or here. I'm usually on prime time during weekdays and almost all day on the weekends.

I think I've played with you before either with or against, it sounds really familiar. . My ingame name is Wuxtry and I suck.

EDIT: Well fancy that... I just checked my friends list and turns out, you're actually on it!
I always try and joke around with my group before starting to get them in better moods. It really helps most of the time, but it backfires sometimes with assholes.
My only complaint about PVP.net is that it's a bit laggy. Not sure what else is wrong with it.

Up next:



Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
The game indeed suffers from irregular lagging. Sometimes but rarely it's a constant 1-2 second lag and other times it's totally random 5 second lag spikes. Adds spice to your gaming life I think :lol


thestopsign said:
I always try and joke around with my group before starting to get them in better moods. It really helps most of the time, but it backfires sometimes with assholes.

I find a gl;hf works to at least let you know what kind of folks you are playing with/against. I've been playing a lot of early-to-mid day matches (so I assume the demographic is younger) and it's much, much worse.

Seems to be enough of us here, we should try to figure out a time where a few of us can get together. Seems like any premade is an auto stat-pad anyway...at least when I run into them!


What is with the load times on this game for some folks. I'm only on an E8400, 8800GTX and 4gb of ram and I cook to full instantly. Some people gotta be rocking overclocked pentium IIs by the way they load.


Alex said:
What is with the load times on this game for some folks. I'm only on an E8400, 8800GTX and 4gb of ram and I cook to full instantly. Some people gotta be rocking overclocked pentium IIs by the way they load.

Yea some peoples bars go real slow.

Been trying Morgana a bit now and she is good! Snare-AoE-Shield Spell and her Ultimate is great if you can stay near people. :lol


I wish, for at least the unranked/more laid back sessions, this game had options for votekick and getting people in mid session.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Just came back to the game (stopped in the beta, was playing too much along with some other concerns). Great time, for the most part, aside from the annoyance of having to go into the ini to bind keys to the numpad (left-handed setup), but at least I can even do that now.

Prepurchased the digital CE back in the beta, but never tried to redeem the code until now, and it says my code is invalid. No word back from support, either. :|


Sometimes when I buy an item ingame, it replaces something I already have, even though there's empty item slots. Why does it do that?


Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
mrpeabody said:
Sometimes when I buy an item ingame, it replaces something I already have, even though there's empty item slots. Why does it do that?
The only time I know that happens is when you get all the components for an item and then pay for it to be combined. You keep all the stats on the individual items and then get some sort of bonus.


I really chose a bad week to play Heimerdinger (after deciding I wanted a change of pace after 100+ Malzahar games).

-Ashe bitching that I didn't have a huge K/D ratio despite having nearly all of the team's tower kills. The Ashe also had Berserker Greaves and couldn't land his ult to save his fucking life.

-Being told to go mid as Heimer by both the Katarina (?) and Twitch (!) on our team.

You teach me, solo queue. You teach me so much.

mrpeabody said:
Sometimes when I buy an item ingame, it replaces something I already have, even though there's empty item slots. Why does it do that?

What oxrock said. Many of the more expensive items often have one or more lower-level components (like how all of the advanced boots have Boots of Speed as a component). You can either buy the item full out or buy the individual components if you don't have the money. In general the higher-level item has all the stats of its lower-level components, although a few things don't transfer (Heart of Gold's gold bonus -> Randuin's Omen, for example).


Chozo said:
I really chose a bad week to play Heimerdinger (after deciding I wanted a change of pace after 100+ Malzahar games).

-Ashe bitching that I didn't have a huge K/D ratio despite having nearly all of the team's tower kills. The Ashe also had Berserker Greaves and couldn't land his ult to save his fucking life.

-Being told to go mid as Heimer by both the Katarina (?) and Twitch (!) on our team.

You teach me, solo queue. You teach me so much.
Heimer is currently the most broken champion in the game by a long shot. The Ashe had no place bitching at you for not having kills. But Heimer is a tower pusher extraordinaire. You should be going mid with heimer though, and you should have the first tower down in mid by the 10 minute mark. A team with a competent Heimer will beat any other team without one. You will have ton of scores like 2-0-11, 2-2-15, etc but your team will win games. I can't stand playing against him and I can't even stand playing as him... I've played maybe 20 games as him since the patch that completely ruined his balance and I've won them all... Most of them < 30 min games.

Take cleanse and clarity, max out your turret skill first, stay in your turret camp and creep the turrets closer and closer to their nexus. Just keep pushing, the solo laner won't be able to deal with you alone and chances are a 2nd hand to help isn't either. You need to be good with your grenades to deal with multiple people but that isn't tough if you let them get close first. Eventually after you've taken the first and you are knocking on the 2nd they will have to pull people from other lanes to deal with you... and usually this happens too early in the game and now creates a situation where the people pulled from the lanes will end up under-farmed and under-leveled... not to mention you still have 2 people in each lane working the towers and farming.

It's a lose-lose situation for the other team when you have the only heimer on the field. Either they come gank you at mid and possibly shutting you down, all the while giving up lane control in the 2 others. Or they play straight and lose their inhibitor at mid in 10 minutes.


GAF parliamentarian
Herbspicesoy said:
My only complaint about PVP.net is that it's a bit laggy. Not sure what else is wrong with it.
I've played both HoN and LoL during their beta phases, and only just returned to LoL (because I only had access to my brother's laptop yesterday). PvP.net is just as amateur and unrefined as it was a year ago during beta.

I've seen more cohesive interfaces on Newgrounds and Kongregate. There's no style, it's slow as all hell, it's small and requires too much scrolling (such horrible, horrible scrolling) to change tabs. The chat interface, implemented what, 10 months ago, still looks like someone slapped two gradients together and called it a day.

I hate brining up HoN, since I know that when people bring up LoL in our threads, arguments rage, but you really need to play that game to get a handle on front-end done right. HoN is snappy, fast, small (1/4 the size of LoL) and so much more feature-rich. Even before the interface was updated during beta, it beat LoL's (both ingame and out) all around the playing field.

Obviously, PvP.net's biggest problem is that it is based on AIR, so to me, it'll always feel like a sluggish, clunky flash website circa 2004. Crappy gradients and all. So hopefuly that new Season update will fix some of my gripes. I'm not expecting anything (even Battle.net!) to be as professional as what S2 did with HoN, but it would be nice to see LoL move away from their beta client. I had fun playing a few matches yesterday but the client and in-game interface always keep me from coming back.

Oh, and allow an option to remove the stencil outlines while keeping high character textures. I think it just makes things look too aliased without adding anything.


Cheeto said:
Heimer is currently the most broken champion in the game by a long shot. The Ashe had no place bitching at you for not having kills. But Heimer is a tower pusher extraordinaire. You should be going mid with heimer though, and you should have the first tower down in mid by the 10 minute mark. A team with a competent Heimer will beat any other team without one. You will have ton of scores like 2-0-11, 2-2-15, etc but your team will win games. I can't stand playing against him and I can't even stand playing as him... I've played maybe 20 games as him since the patch that completely ruined his balance and I've won them all... Most of them < 30 min games.

Don't know what balance patch you're talking about. Is it the one where he went from 5 max turrets -> 3 max turrets? I've only been playing since the latter. In any event, the sheer amount of Heimer bitching seems to be due to the fact he's free this week, since I tend not to see a lot of him otherwise.

Take cleanse and clarity, max out your turret skill first, stay in your turret camp and creep the turrets closer and closer to their nexus. Just keep pushing, the solo laner won't be able to deal with you alone and chances are a 2nd hand to help isn't either. You need to be good with your grenades to deal with multiple people but that isn't tough if you let them get close first. Eventually after you've taken the first and you are knocking on the 2nd they will have to pull people from other lanes to deal with you... and usually this happens too early in the game and now creates a situation where the people pulled from the lanes will end up under-farmed and under-leveled... not to mention you still have 2 people in each lane working the towers and farming.

I run ghost + teleport, because I find that Doran's Ring + mana pot usually tides me over against most people until mid-late game where Heimer's mana becomes less of an issue. That's neither here nor there, though.

I don't think Heimer is a good mid because one of the qualities of a good mid (beyond, usually, being a ranged attacker) is that they have a powerful ult that is advantageous to get early on. Upgrade is not that ult. Plus, I've been on too many teams that seem to think that:

1. Heimer destroys first mid turret
2. ??????????

People seem to psychologically overestimate the value of taking out the first mid tower to the point that they want Heimer there over a character that, practically speaking, is going to be a lot more effective there in the long run.

And you seem to really overestimate how hard it is to gank Heimer. Having someone peel off from a lane to help gank a mid Heimer is not the drain on exp/gold/lane presence you think it is, at least not in my experience. If you need three people to gank one Heimer chances are he's hanging out near his friendly turret, which means he's not pushing yours.

But then I'm level 27 and I play with people who think Malady is good on Teemo because "it stacks with the poison," so who knows.


Been playing this game hardcore for the past few weeks though I'm still hella noobish. Been messing around with Cho. All I get is Warmongers, Boots of Swiftness/Mecury, and Guardian Angel. I have no clue what to get for him afterwards.


Everyone plays champions different and this past week I have seen a ton of amazing Heimer's that worked awesome as mid. They controlled the lane like nobodies business then we'd have a top or bottom laner gank early, push mid and the game would be essentially over super fast. Since he can control a lane so well it also helps slow the progression of the opponents solo champ.

To me, he seems super overpowered, but then any champ can seem that way in the right hands...sadly none of them seem that way in mine.

Is the game ever going to get released through Steam?


Fighting against Heimer is hell when I'm Katarina. It is way easier as Mordekaiser, I feel like I'm the one controlling Heimer with him. :lol
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