Why didn't you build a rylai? Sounds like someone's...not a team player.So my Kayle rushes a rylai instead of guinsoo
my Shaco builds a Rylai for fuck knows all
and Gragas builds a rylai too
You peeps don't have ENOUGH slows on your abilities?
So my Kayle rushes a rylai instead of guinsoo
my Shaco builds a Rylai for fuck knows all
and Gragas builds a rylai too
You peeps don't have ENOUGH slows on your abilities?
meddler said:Concern over AP itemization actually leaves me kind of happy in a weird way, in that AP itemization hasn't changed that much over the past year but it's no longer in a clearly better spot than other parts of the item system, unlike this time last year when ADC and fighter items looked comparatively sad next to it.
Do you have stats on this? lolking says Darius hasn't had a single day with >50% ranked win rate until gold...and even then it's BARELY 50%. It doesn't even vary much.
champion.gg shows his highest win% core build as 50.4% win rate.
*edit* Augh double post.
He's saying that's what the graphic says. LS's list doesn't seem to relate very much to win rates, which is, like, suspect.
Rylai Kayle is legitSo my Kayle rushes a rylai instead of guinsoo
my Shaco builds a Rylai for fuck knows all
and Gragas builds a rylai too
You peeps don't have ENOUGH slows on your abilities?
Yeah it is super scary but she need rageblade firstRylai Kayle is legit
Like, it's a 1-1 coaching session that somebody paid for, you need to identify their communication strategy and engage with it, that is literally your job.
rito gave me most of what i was asking for when they reduced athenes and morellos pricesMeddler trolling zkylon here:
Yeah.rito gave me most of what i was asking for when they reduced athenes and morellos prices
zhonyas is still really dumb and rito pretending ad items aren't an issue when maw and steak are making games have anywhere from 3 to 5 adcs is also very dumb
until there are viable midlaners out there that can instaburst squishies before they know what happened that aren't named Zed or Leblanc, 5 ADC team comps will still happen (ashe support believe T_T )
though he requires negative skill to play effectively.
until there are viable midlaners out there that can instaburst squishies before they know what happened that aren't named Zed or Leblanc, 5 ADC team comps will still happen (ashe support believe T_T )
talon gets countered by a pink ward and an exhaust so no
Zed ult can also be countered by exhaust. Zed also can't kill people before they know what happened since his ult damage is on a delay, unless he's so massively ahead that he has IE and kills with a crit or something.talon gets countered by a pink ward and an exhaust so no
you're making it sound like it's a midlane problem tho
problem is graves or quinn buy maw and steak and get super hard to kill and still can oneshot you
I think I have to be done with Bot Lane.
I mean, daaaamn ... so tired of shitty supports.
Someone picked Thresh and apparently had the option to be Nut-the-blitz (Who I'm SURE is far easier to use) or Nami ... but they picked Thresh. Fucker is wiggling behind me, can't land a hook, not harassing anyone and over all can't make basic Thresh plays (cause he's not even trying to hook people and when he does it misses by a damn mile). I don't think I saw him use one skill outter than those Hook misses and one lantern. I ask him why did he pick Thresh seeing as he doesn't seem to know wtf to do and he starts getting salty. It's one thing if you're new to a champ, just give people a heads up... just please don't treat your ADC like a meat shield that's supposed to be between you and the enemy most of the time :/
I'm tired of this shit, having to roll the dice on team members is bad enuff ... having to roll the dice on who will basically help carry you outta the laning phase is just too much. Too many supports at my noob level seem to think that they're some porcelain doll that's just there to look pretty and not be touched.
Guess I should just get Tryndamere and a caster so that I can start putting top as my secondary to Mid (a caster cause Top Lane seems to be the most random assortment of bs counter picks. I normally don't like to top cause I thought it lonely and full of tanks but really it's just a box of chocolates up there. Here's a Teemo to gimp your melee Tank. Here's an EZ or Jhin cause why not? Here's a Xerath or LB ... anything goes).
And I don't think I'm gonna pick up Talon. If I come across a Galio I'm gonna try to counter him with Trist. Might not be the best plan but he's Melee so I'd have that advantage...
Yeah i love having to go an item made for ADs on a mage.>going against a zed and not buying qss
deserves to get bursted tbh
the problems here are:i'd say the itemization is still a core problem for mid lane. you can't build bursty enough quick enough to counter those items. if you could then it wouldn't be a problem, but you know a 100ap item has to cost 3500g for some reason.
Where you at in ranked? I'm no perfect support (still learning) but I know enough that I could help. Except I'm stuck right now in low Bronze. :/
Gotta be real, level 27 is too early for you to be getting toxic about somebody playing a support for the first time. Your rage is just going to scale up from there.
It only gets worstGotta be real, level 27 is too early for you to be getting toxic about somebody playing a support for the first time. Your rage is just going to scale up from there.
I'm currently level 27 sooo basically potato rank![]()
Heavy throws.
Yeah she is one of those champs that i will never buy or play.Luck Fux
What are you guys talking about Zed being op lol. He's winrate is still pretty low compared to stuff like Lux lol. Lux is also much more problematic than Zed because her skill requirement in super low.
no?the build path for zhonyas is supposed to be garbage
skill requirement doesn't mean anything, a champion is either problematic or not, it doesn't matter if it's low elo or competitive if you're causing trouble you gotta goWhat are you guys talking about Zed being op lol. He's winrate is still pretty low compared to stuff like Lux lol. Lux is also much more problematic than Zed because her skill requirement in super low.
and that's only annoying cos she gets easy thunderlord procs thanks to her passiveThe only annoying thing about Lux imo is how easy it is for her to hit her E in lane. If she doesn't mess up, it's very easy to land.
The only annoying thing about Lux imo is how easy it is for her to hit her E in lane. If she doesn't mess up, it's very easy to land.
Lol of course I am joking you are diamond so you gotta be good.If kidding, okay alright you got me.
If serious, I don't think a bronze player should be basing my level off some normal game, where said player put all other lanes behind on jungle by not putting any map pressure.
I play normal games to practice stuff out, not to tryhard. Just like the Quinn was harping on me all game, omg diamond ADC feeding. I like to say that stuff doesn't get to me, but it kinda does.
Idk what you're smoking, Lux is extremely problematic right now. Zed isn't problematic at all. He has a like a strong early game and then people build QSS and he's done.
If anything, the game should remain in it's current state regarding midlane. Champions like Lux and Ahri need stuff to keep them in check, even if it's artificial.
The alternative is a undodgeable E from Lux though. Unlike Zed, Lux doesn't have itemization that shuts her down nearly as hard.Nah, fuck Zed. Forces you to take exhaust and build a terrible item first. If you don't he'll hit you once with his W E Q combo after missing it 10 times and the next time he'll all in you because he doesn't have mana costs. I wouldn't mind if his W E Q combo wasn't so obnoxious.
The alternative is a undodgeable E from Lux though. Unlike Zed, Lux doesn't have itemization that shuts her down nearly as hard.
Maybe Zhonya's is too expensive right now, but the game wasn't fun when it was dirt cheap.
I think the game will be in pretty good state when they nerf Ez, Quinn and Kog'Maw.
how is she problematic?Idk what you're smoking, Lux is extremely problematic right now. Zed isn't problematic at all. He has a like a strong early game and then people build QSS and he's done.
If anything, the game should remain in it's current state regarding midlane. Champions like Lux and Ahri need stuff to keep them in check, even if it's artificial.
undodgeable on a 10s cd that deals the least dmg out of any midlaner's main nukeThe alternative is a undodgeable E from Lux though. Unlike Zed, Lux doesn't have itemization that shuts her down nearly as hard.
Maybe Zhonya's is too expensive right now, but the game wasn't fun when it was dirt cheap.
I think the game will be in pretty good state when they nerf Ez, Quinn and Kog'Maw.