Honestly, top feels like a "battle of advantages" lane. Mid is all about reaction time and direct outplay or die. Bot is annoying, dependent on some idiot you got paired with. Jungle is all about macro play, deciding each moment what the best move is. But top really feels like you're outplaying the opponent on a much broader strategic level instead of simple reaction times.
Most champions in top lane are melee bruisers/tanks (if you play vayne/quinn/teemo top, go die in a fire). These champions have decent damage and good tankiness early, so they're not going to insta-kill each other early. As a result, you end up looking for little advantages constantly. Because it's an island, you usually have only yourself to rely on for winning the lane. It's a pure 1v1. Every little advantage you can eek out sticks because there's little else they can fall back on. In mid you play aggressive and dodge their skillshots. Because top has few of those flying around, it's all about positioning right to win every trade possible. Frequently in high elo, those trades never actually happen as both top laners know at all times who will win an trade in a given situation, and the losing party avoids it. In low elo, it's more fun because they don't actually avoid every fight possible.
Essentially, top is about setting yourself up to win every 1v1 situation possible through tactical play and intelligent trading. Poke doesn't exist, you will almost always take damage back in any situation. It's just a matter of skill and tactics. That's fun to me, it's the purest lane, with heavier consequences due to lethal mistakes meaning you have to go back to lane still 1v1 with the enemy now really scary, but depending on your champion, rarely completely dooming the lane. You just have to be smarter. (as opposed to those midlaners who just have to dodge things to win trades. Maybe more mechanical skill, but less tactical skill).
I play pretty exclusively in the top lane. If enemy picks him before me, I just lock or and play stupidly passive.