I will get there soon :^)If any diamond gaffers on NA ever want to duo I'm here for you :^).
I will get there soon :^)If any diamond gaffers on NA ever want to duo I'm here for you :^).
Will add you laterI'm currently looking for a Silver duo partner for ranked, playing a lot of mid/top lately but I'm pretty confident everywhere but jungle (where I really need more practice)
I'm willing to play with more than just one person.
IGN: No Fun Nunu.
xin's got quite a few skins, but not a single one that can actually be considered good IMO
blue xin is about the only thing even remotely acceptable
I feel bad. I d/c when my network shut down. We were losing pretty decidedly, but I still feel bad leaving them
that's kind of a neat idea but i'm not sure if it wouldn't have like a nightmarish effect on the game lolThey should let you recharge your GA at the fountain for a fee. Like 1000 gold.
I like his imperial xin the mostBlue Xin is what his base skin would look like he Xin came out in 2012. What I'm trying to say is that all his skins are quite shit.
So who can exactly beat Anivia in lane other than assassins? I've tried Viktor, Twisted Fate, Yasuo, and now Cassiopeia. None of them I can really win lane against her. She just shits damage with a dorans ring and if you're hit once by her q in lane, bye half your health. I know I can beat her with Syndra probably but other than that I'm lost.
spooky post number.
have u tried running cleanse against her? would help quite a bitSo who can exactly beat Anivia in lane other than assassins? I've tried Viktor, Twisted Fate, Yasuo, and now Cassiopeia. None of them I can really win lane against her. She just shits damage with a dorans ring and if you're hit once by her q in lane, bye half your health. I know I can beat her with Syndra probably but other than that I'm lost.
spooky post number.
have u tried running cleanse against her? would help quite a bit
i think ori should be good, anyone that can keep their distance and scales well sounds good to me
i should start doing this against anivia. thanks. what's the cooldown on cleanse again?
So who can exactly beat Anivia in lane other than assassins? I've tried Viktor, Twisted Fate, Yasuo, and now Cassiopeia. None of them I can really win lane against her. She just shits damage with a dorans ring and if you're hit once by her q in lane, bye half your health. I know I can beat her with Syndra probably but other than that I'm lost.
spooky post number.
Third time did it. I duoed and won. To make it even better, I went Galio the game before and had most champ damage. Promotion result:better get that promo, no excuses now!
Anyone in Bronze IV on NA need a queue buddy? Looking for someone, anyone, who knows what the hell they're doing with this game.
just played against a Quinn mid. what an annoying champ. does not go mid though lol
yeah man, let's play some
Have you played anivia before? I recommend trying her next time she's free to help you understand how anivia players aim her QSo who can exactly beat Anivia in lane other than assassins? I've tried Viktor, Twisted Fate, Yasuo, and now Cassiopeia. None of them I can really win lane against her. She just shits damage with a dorans ring and if you're hit once by her q in lane, bye half your health. I know I can beat her with Syndra probably but other than that I'm lost.
spooky post number.
This is a common bronze mentality.Just played a match of Top Shyvana against Top Ekko.
It went REALLY well ... for ME ... for the first half of the match.
Asked the JG Zed nicely if I could take Raptors and he just flat out says No ... but then wants my help with a golems leash? :/
I ended up taking some exp from the small one by accident (which actually may have helped greatly cause things got spicy really fast).
Ekko didn't respect the DMG and before I knew it I was 3 levels above everyone cause I was winning lane and counter JG.
But my team didn't seem to understand the concept of split pushing (or they just sucked) so no matter how many times I got 2-3-4 members of the enemy team to come to me they never took any objectives or went in on their pointless mid lane team fights. When I was actually partaking in team fights I'd simply die cause no one on my team would take advantage of the fact that I was being focused down.
Saw the sup just standing in the top lane late game ... not doing shit for a good min. He was Yorick and I rarely saw his creeps so I'm guessing he wasn't well versed in the champ.
We lost.
(The Nami was their key to catching me so my Split pushing became reckless kamikazes after they figured that out)
Does Sivir W still not crit? I thought it was on PBE a while back.
This is a common bronze mentality.
That is this week's update right?It's coming 6.4.
Maybe. Probably with new champ.That is this week's update right?
There's no new champ in 6.4. We would've seen it on pbe already.Maybe. Probably with new champ.
Looking over it I coulda been a MUCH better tank.
All but 2 members of the enemy team were doing magic dmg but I was so focused on following my test build that I forgot to check what they were building ... so I had no MR tank items. :v
Sucks cause with Diana I always check before I start my def item. Guess being new to her tossed me for a loop.
Lesson for tonight I guess ... will remember to do that next time.
yeah assassins aren't good against anivia
just maybe zed since he has short cds and stupid mobility and auto dmg for killing the egg
lebonk vs anivia is super painful
Have you played anivia before? I recommend trying her next time she's free to help you understand how anivia players aim her Q
Its actually really hard to land and an aware player should dodge nearly all of them
Imo, anivia is stronger against assassins because it's easier to hit your Q and you get free ult-e combos whenever they whiff engages
Poke based mages are whole lot more annoying because anivia will never hit her Q and will never be in range for ult E
Viktor should either go even or just poke her out with his E. Tf loses to everyone. Yasuo can easily dodge her Q and Cassiopeia should focus on landing Qs whenever she's in range so you get the mobility to dodge the anivia Q. Don't chase for double fang spam unless she misses her Q because double fang makes you predictable
Viktor should do fine. You shouldnt have any trouble with pre 6. You can wave clear about as well post 6.
Cass can be a skill matchup. No reason not to get Abyssal on either of them if you're having trouble.
I imagine Ori should be fine too. Zilean, assassins, etc
Anivia really isn't OP in terms of lane matchups.
have u tried running cleanse against her? would help quite a bit
i think ori should be good, anyone that can keep their distance and scales well sounds good to me
Pretty much if she someone pick her you better play like you are challengerI'm terrified of Anivia players because from my experience pretty much the only people that play that champion are people that are actually good at her. It's never some scrublord that runs out of mana in two seconds and can't last hit for shit, no no no no it's always some sick fuck that is able to turn walls into basically a root
for not building one offensive item, shen's damage output is pretty gross.
for not building one offensive item, shen's damage output is pretty gross.
Oh boy. I'm in champ select on support, but my botlane just picked Jinx into Olaf, Talon, and Tryndamere. Am I already dead?
Seems Riot wants all tanks to be able to one shot you while you gently tickle them. Fun.
ha I know, I was ziggs, did the most damage in the game, but was barely tickling him while he dove me and chunks me like a fed irelia.% health damage, man. That's why Mundo felt so stupid a few months ago.
Statistically the lowest overall damage output of all top laners by a fair margin. His damaging abilities scale with HP, both his own and the enemies, and with Titanic Hydra and Grasp of the Undying you can see damage come out, but I don't really find it to be an unreasonable amount that differs from other top laners in the game. Shen is also heavily gated by energy regeneration if he is out of melee range. What part of him do you find particularly frustrating?for not building one offensive item, shen's damage output is pretty gross.
This is a common bronze mentality.