This is a common bronze mentality.
No ADC or Mid on a teamfight, let them die
This is a common bronze mentality.
There's something about my Azir, I think it's cursed. Whenever I play him recently, I get teams who suddenly forget how to play and just feed.
Normals or ranked? I find the problem is worse in ranked for some reason, maybe because the lower bronze levels are a shitshow.
idk he seemed to put out a fair amount from what I saw and he didn't even building titanic, only thing you might call offensive item was sterak's. Idk I just think he outputs a little too much damage for the utility he also brings to the team. Could just be that game we didn't really have a tank, besides a noct that went a little tanky but always dove the back line so me as ziggs was left to try and 1v2 the shen-lee sin and then get ? pings from the team when I'm the only one left alive because shen was chunking me. lolStatistically the lowest overall damage output of all top laners by a fair margin. His damaging abilities scale with HP, both his own and the enemies, and with Titanic Hydra and Grasp of the Undying you can see damage come out, but I don't really find it to be an unreasonable amount that differs from other top laners in the game. Shen is also heavily gated by energy regeneration if he is out of melee range. What part of him do you find particularly frustrating?
it's not ur azir he's just trash atmThere's something about my Azir, I think it's cursed. Whenever I play him recently, I get teams who suddenly forget how to play and just feed.
It's been a while, but I might start playing Nami again. The usual supports I play have gotten boring recently.
Just had to dodge a game.
I know that "only noobs think you NEED a tank" but getting mid and having an Ash top, Kinder JG, Jhin bot and Sona support just seemed like a time bomb waiting to happen (even more so with Brand being some where on the enemy team. Not going Melee into Brand mid if I can help it and my Ahri isn't that great. If I went Lux all but 1 member of our team would be immobile. Maybe I coulda gone Diana into Brand and tried blowing him up at and early level by starting W but what's gonna happen after that when he gets more spells and can stun/ zone me :/ ).
diana is pretty good into brand
idk, diana's pretty safe as far as melees go, she has a shield and strong ranged waveclear as well as the three autos thing for even easier clear and then super kill potential at 6Sounds like a nightmare lane pre-6 though. But yea if you can survive laning phase whole.
Speaking of top-lane counterplay with the Yorick discussion, what's the proper counterplay to Renekton's dash-stun-dash combo? Just try to stay way back and play a ranged champion? Or try to stand in minions and hope he takes some damage from the wave even though he can heal it back?
diana is pretty good into brand
Sounds like a nightmare lane pre-6 though. But yea if you can survive laning phase whole.
Speaking of top-lane counterplay with the Yorick discussion, what's the proper counterplay to Renekton's dash-stun-dash combo? Just try to stay way back and play a ranged champion? Or try to stand in minions and hope he takes some damage from the wave even though he can heal it back?
I understand conceptually, but in practice it's "he has heavy AD items and a wave full of minions to hit you" if you try to chase.One thing I would remember about Renekton is that his combo uses every single one of his abilities. His shortest cooldown is 8 seconds on Q, but his E cooldown is 18-14 seconds. That's a lot of time where Renekton is immobile and not that threatening, so you should take advantage of that period (and any time he uses his E) to push back on him. You will probably have most of your abilities available and he has nothing.
patchnotes are always on day before the patch so tomorrow afternoonWhen we gettin dem patch notes baby
patchnotes are always on day before the patch so tomorrow afternoon
tomorrow's wednesday -__-Oh huh I always thought the patches were on Wednesdays. Guess I was wrong
tomorrow's wednesday -__-
patchnotes - wednesday afternoon
patch - thursday very early morning morning/wednesday night
depends on ur timezone i guess, but patches are always like late at night (like 3 am here)
need a new IGN
any ideas
Tilt5Everneed a new IGN
any ideas
need a new IGN
any ideas
need a new IGN
any ideas
need a new IGN
any ideas