What?pink wards
What?pink wards
Looks like Sivir is back. Time to take my toll on ranked.
IGN?Lost another game because my team absolutely refused to group up despite begging them every 2 minutes for 20 minutes straight (along with multiple pings). I don't know why I still play ranked![]()
Looks like Sivir is back. Time to take my toll on ranked.
Support guide to live by
Support guide to live by
good lord soraka is the dumbest shit i have seen in this game
good lord soraka is the dumbest shit i have seen in this game
Support guide to live by
I don't understand the Soraka hate. Every time I lane against her we easily win lane. Now in ARAM she's hidious.
I don't understand the Soraka hate. Every time I lane against her we easily win lane. Now in ARAM she's hidious.
I don't understand the Soraka hate. Every time I lane against her we easily win lane. Now in ARAM she's hidious.
Shadow Assault (R)
Cooldown increased to 100/80/60 from 75/65/55
Mana cost increased to 100 at all ranks from 80/90/100.
Each person can carry one pink and Exhaust duh"just pink ward and exhaust"
yeah so easy when you have talon and two tanks running at you
this is super creepy and awesome
Laning against a Raka is the closest I've felt to what I think a MMO RPG boss feels like.
"I'm doing all this dmg ... yet this lil fucker is making it all useless."
Raka, the MMO Healer put in a PVP game.
"just pink ward and exhaust"
yeah so easy when you have talon and two tanks running at you
yeah i guess like fat hands or something but the art is really really coolDon't really get why popeye but I'm actually diggin it.
Sivir hits about as fast as illaoi so why go cooldown boots?Looks like Sivir is back. Time to take my toll on ranked.
they're a weird person that draws creepy children versions of popular characters
that's the only other league one, not as weird, and like their other stuff is like super unsettling
but hey it's kinda cool, whatever
Her kit is just not very fun to play against, at least for me. I feel like instead of being a mindless heal bot, her kit should have real sacrifices - make her manaless and have all her abilities cost health, or something. It's so frustrating seeing her heal someone like 5 times then she gets it all back so quickly.
And you are there in the darkness
I mean, her heal does cost health? Literally it costs 10% of her max health. For Soraka to spam heals she has to keep hitting you with Q, a spell which is super slow unless she's standing right next to you.
They are actually nerfing her in an upcoming patch so that her Q gives her a HOT instead of an instant heal and a chunk of her W is also a HOT. Plus some skill play in that you have to W while the HOT is on you to pass it over.
However, her poke is actually getting better and she'll grant movement speed while running away instead, so I tend to suspect people will hate her just as much.
what is HOT
Nasus: don't end the game I need to hit 400 stacks by 40 minutes.
Wtf? That isn't even an achievement lmao
Nasus: don't end the game I need to hit 400 stacks by 40 minutes.
Wtf? That isn't even an achievement lmao
Sivir hits about as fast as illaoi so why go cooldown boots?
Lost another game because my team absolutely refused to group up despite begging them every 2 minutes for 20 minutes straight (along with multiple pings). I don't know why I still play ranked![]()
Not Newt, but I'm guessing because Essence Reaver gives 30% cooldown reduction and ADCs don't have great options for that other 10%.
With max CDR Sivir's W has a 3.6 second cooldown and it grants a ton of attack speed while it's active, so you get some of that attack speed back by getting more Ws.
The item I'm surprised about is actually the Phantom Dancer.
Fair enough i guess.Not Newt, but I'm guessing because Essence Reaver gives 30% cooldown reduction and ADCs don't have great options for that other 10%.
With max CDR Sivir's W has a 3.6 second cooldown and it grants a ton of attack speed while it's active, so you get some of that attack speed back by getting more Ws.
The item I'm surprised about is actually the Phantom Dancer.
I have beat every Janna I have ever played against. She only exist to give first blood
Support guide to live by
Udyr has distinct jungle patterns, and has more strategic decisions to make in team fights, even if they're small. Should more than one target be stunned before stance swapping? Volibear is really just charge at a single target and focus them down, and with the long-ish cooldowns you're looking at a tank who tries to get you in one go and just outdoes you with stats. I hate it.No way he's less interesting than udyr or more frustrating than Mundo. He also falls off late game in ways that they just don't
His cc is garbage though. He's just a bruiser/juggernaut. To say that he's the most unfun champ in the game is kinda absurd when we have mega tanks like malphite that are 10x more useful than voli throughout the game or tanky hyper carries like fiora. There are so many champs with worse design than voli.