I think I'm going to learn MF, finally.
Adding her to a champion pool of Jinx, Ashe, Trist, Graves, Sivir and Ezreal should be pretty helpful to help me get better.
You're bronze right? IMO the champ pool is way too big. Narrow it down more. Specialize in 2-3 champs for each role tops. Even mechanically "easy" champs like ashe and tristana require a lot of experience with different matchups and situations to really feel super comfortable with them and carry hard. With a higher comfort level you can focus more on the situations and flow of the game than when to click what.
Gold and below I'd offer the same advice. I'm trying to stick to it myself.
The pool you have looks fine, just pick 2-3 of them based on your comfort level.
Who were the games against?
I always find it odd the way you guys bring up your massive champion pools.
Ikr. I only have like 1 - 2 champs per off role. Like 4 for my main (Top).
Yeah, it is a bit big. I normally stick to Jinx, Ashe and Caitlyn as my three picks since they're the three I'm most comfortable on and have the most mechanical skill with, but I'm not sure it's a strong enough trio in the current meta.
Then again, in bronze ... what the heck is a meta, right, lol?
pfft, void. read the lore!!
Fixedlore for nerds
i just assume all deities in league of legends are the voidpfft, void. read the lore!!
pfft, void. read the lore!!
Me too.my roster is
bad at
league of legends
I always find it odd the way you guys bring up your massive champion pools.
It's more fun to guess from pretty teasers
I mean I'm not telling you what this is or isn't about or who
just it was referenced in pantheon's lore page the other day
Ashe and cait are more than fine. Ashe is low mobility but has the advantage of a very strong initiation tool. She's great for that reason. Caitlyn is really strong right now. Safe due to her range and packs a punch. Jinx I'd replace. I love her, she's always been one of my favorite adcs and I do have a perfect winrate with her right now (all two games lol) but she is risky. I'd replace her with a safer adc like Lucian, tristana, ezreal or someone with a stronger laning phase like MF. Safer is better IMO. Can't rely on team to peel for you so the mobility adcs are good.
That's an eye right there.
Can anyone give me a rundown on vision or other notable meta stuff for season 6? I want to place back into gold again for this season and I've no idea what's happened to this game in the past year. I will bequeath gaf gold to all who help me.
I play it all but I enjoy top (Jax/Vlad) and ADC (all of them) the most. Also, I just read something about having premade stacks on ranked q?What are your two roles? Noteable change is you queue up for two roles. A primary and a secondary. Makes the games better as people are in more comfortable roles.
Champ pool.
Done. Except I might need to find another top laner because it seems like I can't play Renekton into Shen very well.
Shen counters Renekton pretty hard tbh. If he lands the shadow dash, that's basically a free Q combo right there. Not to mention Shen's W directly counter's Renek's.
I play it all but I enjoy top (Jax/Vlad) and ADC (all of them) the most. Also, I just read something about having premade stacks on ranked q?
I don't know what any of the last 10 or so champs do but I watched the spotlights.
Can anyone give me a rundown on vision or other notable meta stuff for season 6? I want to place back into gold again for this season and I've no idea what's happened to this game in the past year. I will bequeath gaf gold to all who help me.
I don't think cait requires that much practice.To the low elo adc champ pool discussion
Don't pick up Cait at low elos. Her early in game lane bully nature is lost on a lot of low elo players because they don't know how to actually punish the enemy adc with her for every cs. Cait is legit a champion who can, when played optimally, challenge the enemy adc for every single piece of farm they try to get, but recognizing the proper way to apply meaningful damage in early lane phase with her can be difficult.
Then past lane phase you have the period where to get her maximum dps you have to manage your headshot passive proc to make up for her natural power trough (which if you can do properly makes it feel like she has no power trough). It's harder to do than you think.
Then if the game goes long enough it doesn't matter because a 70+% crit full build Cait is going to murder everything.
Tldr if you're not willing to put in the massive time learning her don't bother.
I don't think cait requires that much practice.
1. Set traps for poking/fleeing/ sieging
2. Don't use R when they enemy is right next to you
3. Switch targets when you are about to proc headshot.
I think the point is that unless you exit laning phase with a huge CS advantage or several kills, you didn't really succeed with Cait, and when it comes to midgame teamfighting, you'll be weaker than the enemy team because Cait spends her power budget on lane bullying rather than teamfighting.
It's like playing Renekton. If you exit laning phase 0/0 and with like 10 CS lead, then you're actually in trouble, because Renekton's scaling isn't as strong as other top laners. Playing a champion that's strong early game means that your win condition is winning early game, not just not losing.