Loss prevented has nothing to do with individual players dcing.finally hit promo and our mid doens't even connect. Of course it is not loss prevented even though it was literally 4vs5 and ended before 17 mins.
finally hit promo and our mid doens't even connect. Of course it is not loss prevented even though it was literally 4vs5 and ended before 17 mins.
Loss prevented has nothing to do with individual players dcing.
It's not like League is more/less toxic than other mobas. Maybe Heroes is less toxic but they literally hold your hand in heroes.From my 10 or so games I've played this year the toxicity is a bit underwhelming, annoyingly so. Maybe I'm just acclimated to the baseline aggression that an unregulated Dota community musters but League players are very passive aggressive and whiny. Like fuck off if you can't talk shit without coming across as an ultra beta bitch.
My queue times are pretty fast usually.I really liked hashinshin's post about queue times on reddit. Even at a shit tier like plat1-3, Rex and I regularly get 20-30 minute queue times, sometimes longer when it involves champ selects that go to lag pick and then a dodge, over and over. Our record is 40 some minutes iirc
I even stopped putting support as secondary from time to time because it had 0 effect on getting into lobbies faster
Its the primary reason that I pretty much only play on my smurf now (the basis of his post)
The thing is if these queue times were ONLY for master or challenger it'd be fine but it's ridiculous for even my low elo plat main account. And it'll get worse with the pure solo q option.
how do I get a loss prevented because this is crazy.
Server issues.
i don't mind teasing, just make it meatyI can guarantee you there's a lot of data that suggests otherwise. I know you like less teasing and want it all at once, but that's not true for everyone.
The longer lead up and teasers and hype pieces are liked by a lot of players.
It's not like League is more/less toxic than other mobas. Maybe Heroes is less toxic but they literally hold your hand in heroes.
I've only played 3 ranked games so far and there are lots of sighs, zz's and ?'s
I can appreciate someone who mixes creativity and an aggressive tone but what I've seen so far in mid gold is really disappointing. I think it might have to do with Riot's culture on punishing players. I remember a reddit post a couple years ago on reporting people who say bg instead of gg and couldn't believe the support that discussion held.
I agree here a bit. Riot places a lot of emphasis on chat, so people tend to get passive aggressive.I've only played 3 ranked games so far and there are lots of sighs, zz's and ?'s
I can appreciate someone who mixes creativity and an aggressive tone but what I've seen so far in mid gold is really disappointing. I think it might have to do with Riot's culture on punishing players. I remember a reddit post a couple years ago on reporting people who say bg instead of gg and couldn't believe the support that discussion held.
My queue times are pretty fast usually.
I agree here a bit. Riot places a lot of emphasis on chat, so people tend to get passive aggressive.
It also means that troll picks and troll summoners almost go completely unpunished.
Probably has to do with the time you play at.what a wonderful world you live in![]()
i don't mind teasing, just make it meaty
tho can't say anything cos i haven't watch today's video, maybe that's like the bard anime or whatever
it's also frustrating cos it's so inconsistent and random. not only between different champion releases but in the same one
and if the payoff is just gonna be "here's the champion" i just feel like my time's being wasted
Yeah I can understand that. We're not perfect at it.
Honestly though, anyone who posts in here are like the most engaged players. We've been through dozens of champion releases and it's understandable that you just want to go straight to the kit with minimal teasing or a short cadence. There are so many players out there though that don't go seeking the latest PBE notes and know patch cadence etc. that this stuff just works for.
Also, it comes down to what the folks publishing this stuff think is cool too. They're smart people that have different ideas for every thing they publish so there will be a lot of variance. They want to hit the right thing for the right character.
Probably has to do with the time you play at.
I really liked hashinshin's post about queue times on reddit. Even at a shit tier like plat1-3, Rex and I regularly get 20-30 minute queue times, sometimes longer when it involves champ selects that go to lag pick and then a dodge, over and over. Our record is 40 some minutes iirc
I even stopped putting support as secondary from time to time because it had 0 effect on getting into lobbies faster
Its the primary reason that I pretty much only play on my smurf now (the basis of his post)
The thing is if these queue times were ONLY for master or challenger it'd be fine but it's ridiculous for even my low elo plat main account. And it'll get worse with the pure solo q option.
Same here, I don't have any issues with queue times. Below 4 minutes, usually.My queue times are pretty fast usually.
i just want like a bigger payoff if there's gonna be a long teasing period (this is gonna be like a three weeks-month i guess? since splashes are already up i'm guessing 6.5 is next week so his reveal will then probably be wednesday or something)Yeah I can understand that. We're not perfect at it.
Honestly though, anyone who posts in here are like the most engaged players. We've been through dozens of champion releases and it's understandable that you just want to go straight to the kit with minimal teasing or a short cadence. There are so many players out there though that don't go seeking the latest PBE notes and know patch cadence etc. that this stuff just works for.
Also, it comes down to what the folks publishing this stuff think is cool too. They're smart people that have different ideas for every thing they publish so there will be a lot of variance. They want to hit the right thing for the right character.
It will be interesting to see if space is treated like an "element" in the kit.
The dragon face was really goofy when it appeared. I almost cracked up.
I hope he is a mage, his role hasn't been confirmed yet has it?
Yeah it would be cool to have another ap bruiser the only 2 i can think of is rumble and maybe ekko, i guess elise is also.i imagine he'll be a mage or an ap bruiser of some kind since he does sound magical
i hope he's a midlaner, tho i haven't been playing all that much and i'm low on ip after wasting it all on random runes lol
You play the second least popular role, when bot laners start getting massive queue times under Masters matchmaking is doomedMy queue times are pretty fast usually.
gragas and elise are the big twoYeah it would be cool to have another ap bruiser the only 2 i can think of is rumble and maybe ekko, i guess elise is also.
Yeah.gragas and elise are the big two
Is the person designing the champ in charge of the reveal? Or is it split between them and a different group of people?
i just want like a bigger payoff if there's gonna be a long teasing period (this is gonna be like a three weeks-month i guess? since splashes are already up i'm guessing 6.5 is next week so his reveal will then probably be wednesday or something)
jhin got the whole sona, zed, vi thing and he got a fancy slow mo trailer and whatnot and for what, it was all just a big red herring that didn't matter at all in the end
that was a huge disappointment
illaoi was an example of a long running story that had a good payoff, even if the champion is kind of crap. azir is another example
Hey Costy, how big is the team that designs a new champ? Like from art styles and renders to modeling to skill set and animation?
I'm guessing it'll be the usual cycle: teaser one week followed by reveal/pbe either this coming Tuesday or next.
I'm not personally a fan of drip feeding information, but it's pretty easy to see why teasers are done this way.
i mean, the targon stuff started on the 25th and by then it was assumed it was gonna be a new champ or something like that but yeah, hasn't been that longall in all, considering his first tease was on February 29th, it'll be just over a week (providing everything goes well). I'm not counting the context post because that was more a look into our process of why Ao Shin was no more, rather than a part of the Aurelion Sol tease.
cool. i'm not 100% sold on bard but i feel like the cool shit in his kit (like the portals and the aoe zhonyas) was held together pretty wellbtw, Aurelion Sol's designer is Rabid Llama. His first champ was Bard.
one of the visual designers was also Nami's visual designer amongst other things.
btw, Aurelion Sol's designer is Rabid Llama. His first champ was Bard.
one of the visual designers was also Nami's visual designer amongst other things.
is zeronis no longer working on champions?
That's pretty good. At least it wasn't certainlyt.