Post it hereHey Costigan, does Riot pay attention to surveys they send out? Cause boy I put a whopper of a response in one they sent me right now.
Edit-I can't wait for the Raven Lord to come out, he seems like my kind of edgy character.
Post it hereHey Costigan, does Riot pay attention to surveys they send out? Cause boy I put a whopper of a response in one they sent me right now.
Edit-I can't wait for the Raven Lord to come out, he seems like my kind of edgy character.
Post it here
You should start a blogDidn't copy/paste it, and some of the stuff I put in the survey box related to the way communities react to dissenting opinions, so it would defeat the point of sharing it with an audience of that regard.
And unlike most of the tripe I post here, it was a well-constructed piece, probably one of my best regarding League, that I've written.
yeah, if you get a survey they'll aggregate and look at data.
I hope you put it as well as you say Breezy and weren't unnecessarily mean.
Nah, it was the most sincere, from the heart thing I've written about League in months. I really do want to come back to League, but it's a combination of factors ranging from balance, community, and the impression Riot gives towards that balance and community, that is stopping me from coming back.
I think people would generally say:Hey, any good general tips for climbing through ranked? Just been demoted for the first time to bronze 2.
i should send rito my champion design idea
Always be doing something useful. Pushing out a wave counts (starting a threat to take an objective). Sieging is NOT useful unless you're getting damage on the turret/enemy champs with each wave. Even then it's often a push.
Don't listen to all the people saying "win your lane." Winning your lane is nice but going even or losing a little is much better than trying really hard to win the lane and losing it instead. Your goal should be learning what you are capable of and then doing the stuff you're capable of right every time.
Don't counterpick your opponent unless you can counterpick them with a champion you actually play a lot.
Don't do baron if the opponents are all alive.
Don't fight if your team isn't there.
Don't stand in front unless it's your job to stand in front.
Ward your flank.
Always be doing something useful. Pushing out a wave counts (starting a threat to take an objective). Sieging is NOT useful unless you're getting damage on the turret/enemy champs with each wave. Even then it's often a push.
Don't listen to all the people saying "win your lane." Winning your lane is nice but going even or losing a little is much better than trying really hard to win the lane and losing it instead. Your goal should be learning what you are capable of and then doing the stuff you're capable of right every time.
Don't counterpick your opponent unless you can counterpick them with a champion you actually play a lot.
Don't do baron if the opponents are all alive.
Don't fight if your team isn't there.
Don't stand in front unless it's your job to stand in front.
Ward your flank.
Don't listen to all the people saying "win your lane." Winning your lane is nice but going even or losing a little is much better than trying really hard to win the lane and losing it instead. Your goal should be learning what you are capable of and then doing the stuff you're capable of right every time.
Win your lane and don't stop pushing til you hit nexus
Pigeon, please teach my Bronze teammates these things. They do none of them and I am tired of watching Sona 1v2 Nasus and Udyr in the top lane or Jinx standing at the front trying to poke the enemy Leona.
Actually he should very much listen to those people saying "win your lane", as it's the healthiest mindset to go in with. You seem to conflate "winning" your lane with killing the lane opponent and only some nuance is in order. Simply slowing the enemy ability to farm, outfarming them, forcing to use critical summoners like teleport when they don't want to, taking their tower, drawing jungler attention to your lane (and thus away from ally lanes/jungle) or denying a superior early laner kills on you also count as "winning" as I define it. Eg if you're mid Kass and survive all the way up to your RoA against a Yasuo or Zed, you fuckin WON. And so to that end it's important that you define your measurements of success are against your lane opponent(s) for the first 15 minutes and accomplish them. Like I said, as don't be the burden on the team. Understand what it means for you to win (that is succeed in your goals) your lane while doing what you can to slow the enemy from accomplishing theirs.
nopeIs the champion you came up with Lux's evil, exiled twin sister, Xul?
This is when you decide you need to dodge. Then again Teemo support did more than Ori mid.
i just want zed to be fixed already, i don't really care about new champions or lore or whatever
now that i think about it, it'd be a really short patch cycle if 6.5 is next week
they might do a second pass since some of these reverts are on experimental crap, but if that were the case then ao shin would be like forever away
i just want zed to be fixed already, i don't really care about new champions or lore or whatever
no sarcasm or joke hereBut Zed is such a FUN champion to play against. How could you ever want him fixed.
now that i think about it, it'd be a really short patch cycle if 6.5 is next week
they might do a second pass since some of these reverts are on experimental crap, but if that were the case then ao shin would be like forever away
i just want zed to be fixed already, i don't really care about new champions or lore or whatever
Probably has to do with the time you play at.
Nah. Before Dynamic Queue, my queue times in plat1-d3 last season were only 3-10minutes.
Now, it's almost always 10+minutes for solo queue. Gets even longer in duo/trio queue.
Second game of the day went so much better. I FINALLY OVERCAME MY TEAMMATES' MISTAKES
hey manjust found out about that doto 2 tournament fiasco
i find it kinda funny that there's a literal 17 page document drama for that game too
it's interesting how extremely different things can be between valve and rito in just communication
still really surprised the game went 40 minutes when your team was so far ahead
dat malphite tho