Queued up as jungle/support for the first time in weeks and...got support. Big shock.
I know it's a meaningless gesture, but I just honored the whole opposing team because my team won a 5v4 we had no business winning. If their ADC hadn't rage quit after we got first blood bot that match was theirs, easily
Our kindred got first blood during a level 3 bot gank and I see her again around the 8 min mark and she's...level 4. How the fuck does that happen? And no, she didn't AFK herself, I saw her moving around. Bitch when full on gank mode and failed each one after the bot gank. Her and our kog'maw were fucking chicken shit. Our Nasus and Yasuo had deathwishes and kept pushing without vision and dying 1v3, 1v4.
Fucking miserable match.