Don't put up with stupid shit in champ select.welp this sucked
it was even worse because i did good.
Don't put up with stupid shit in champ select.welp this sucked
it was even worse because i did good.
"free cs" is weirdwell all the ahri's i've seen cs pretty easily with q+autos. occasional w to catch cs you might lose.
edit: what's weird??
yeah also thispretty sure that's a support ahri
Yeah i was alt tabbed and didnt see all that shit. I shouldnt have done that :/Don't put up with stupid shit in champ select.
now we have a mid alistar? What is this?
Lol.playing ranked makes me want to unistall and never play this game again. jesus christ
Like that last game is what ever i cant do anything about it now. It is more funny now, that it is over.
I don't like Quinn. I don't think she's good for the game at all. She's one of the worst offenders of mobility creep in the game, and I don't think she carries enough downsides for how much of the map she can control. More than that she is buggy beyond belief in a way that affords Quinn extra luxuries, and removes opportunities for opponents to use their kits to make plays.Im glad everyone here likes quinn. She is great but fucking hell to play against.
got ingame chat restricted, and I think it was the best thing to happen to me. it makes me focus on game instead of type. We even came back and won against a naut, cho, malphite, and lucian.
edit:apparently I have 9 more restrictions
You've got 3 chances to advance now. The odds are in your favor
So, I've been playing League of Legends for a year now. Decided I should probably join up in this thread, so what's up everyone!
Welcome me with open arms pls
Im glad everyone here likes quinn. She is great but fucking hell to play against.
There really is very little benefit to typing during the game except for little strategic things
There really is very little benefit to typing during the game except for little strategic things
Fuck people who play AD mid laners.
There are many champs who are AD and are viable mid.
Talon, Yasou, Varus....
So huh,,,,syndra supp is viable?
eh Nid, Diana, ekko, gragas, and elise are all very viable ap jungle options. Top lane vlad, liss, ekko, heimer, lulu, kennen are all fine solo q picks. yeah all ad can suck, but if they pick intent it, I don't have a problem with the ap responsiblity falling to one of the other 4 team mates. Even a corki AD, or zyra, morg, annie sup would be enough. Also there are a decent amount of armor pen options if worse comes to worse.Gross yas, talon and zed can all go, i would be fine with never seeing them again.
Yeah they are fine just dont pick an ad mid on solo Q, like getting an all as team or forcing your top or jg to play someone ap sucks. Because usually they arnt that great in jungle and top, and 2 there are soooo many ap champs for mid.
what the fuck
You're playing pre-30 right? No-one gives a shit at pre-30.This game is becoming harder to be bothered with playing. 3 straight Ls, 2 cause someone goes AFK and suddenly our lead is gone and in the 3rd one I felt like I was the only one able to even kill someone on the enemy team. Like everyone's doing Peanuts for dmg other than me and it takes the effort of all 4 of them to kill just ONE champ of the same level. Then I die cause they all die as I just get there to help.
Hell, my first Garen L of the day had a team of tanky champs with a Trist and ... the Robot girl mid. Trist was the only one who felt like she could put out Dmg and after the Sup went AFK it became clear we were lacking Dmg. I legit don't know what the Robot girl does other than shields and slows so maybe I shoulda went full AD Garen or something but ehh :/
Just annoying that it's such a mixed bag. Guess I should actually start accepting game request from people on my friends list but the last time I did that the guy that was a Bear God in my past game played like he and his friends didn't care one bit as they fed and lost.
Not like I think I'm good, just annoying to be in so many matches were someone AFKs or someone gets bitchy about something and flaming in chat. For the 0/12 WW jg trying to shot call with the 35%+ Lifesteal Thresh as they blow our early lead because the enemy team can just counter JG themselves back into the game.
When it's good it's good and that's great but rare for randoms ... when it's bad it's like you might as well sit in the base cause why not. :/
I either need fun people to play with, more champs I like playing with (It's becoming very annoying feeling like I have to dodge cause someone counter picks my only 2 decent solo laners. Plus I'd like to offer more in team comp options) or I just need a break.
I should probably do this more often, as I think that's what's been costing me games: not putting pressure on other objectives when my team is already doing things and they don't need my help (example: we win a 5v5 team fight, kill two of them and my team rotates to dragon but there's a wave pushed up on top outer turret. I can go grab that turret while my team finishes up drag and go rejoin them after)
It sounds stupid but it was something I was really failing to do.
playing against a diamond nidalee that was silver last season?? boosted???
Gross yas, talon and zed can all go, i would be fine with never seeing them again.
Yeah they are fine just dont pick an ad mid on solo Q, like getting an all as team or forcing your top or jg to play someone ap sucks. Because usually they arnt that great in jungle and top, and 2 there are soooo many ap champs for mid.
it means move your wards somewhere else.
Is there any way to see ban stats right now? Or at least common bans
Poop, I hope Riot fixes the API soonNope. You can use for worthy bans, but you can't see what's actually being banned.
Supposed new client alpha leak grain of salt and all
Costy neither confirm nor deny inc
Yeah but i hate being forced into playing an ap top laner because my mid laner wants to get yas or zed and then feed his ass off. Im not saying that it is bad to har an ap top laner it just sucks when you have to and i only have 2 to pick from rumble and vlad. Like i usually want to get shen or something tanky, but then im forced to play an AP and unless out support and or jungle picks a tank(which is rare because ppl want to try to carry in the jungle) the game is alot harder.There's no problem with a top laner going AP. I'm always down with playing something like Lulu or Karma up there.
Also AP top laners are usually worse because they arent like tanks or bruisers, they still are good but usually if you can pick them with a good team Nid, Diana, ekko, gragas, and elise are all very viable ap jungle options. Top lane vlad, liss, ekko, heimer, lulu, kennen are all fine solo q picks. yeah all ad can suck, but if they pick intent it, I don't have a problem with the ap responsiblity falling to one of the other 4 team mates. Even a corki AD, or zyra, morg, annie sup would be enough. Also there are a decent amount of armor pen options if worse comes to worse.
what the fuck