Yeah but i hate being forced into playing an ap top laner because my mid laner wants to get yas or zed and then feed his ass off. Im not saying that it is bad to har an ap top laner it just sucks when you have to and i only have 2 to pick from rumble and vlad. Like i usually want to get shen or something tanky, but then im forced to play an AP and unless out support and or jungle picks a tank(which is rare because ppl want to try to carry in the jungle) the game is alot harder.
Also AP top laners are usually worse because they arent like tanks or bruisers, they still are good but usually if you can pick them with a good team comp.
Trust me 5ad is hell, soooo many times that it has happened to me and all they have to do is pick rammus malp or some other tank and just destory.
You can bring Naut or Rammus top. You supply tankiness and magic damage. No problems, and it works out with the carry junglers.