I'm not going to cry over Nidalee nerfs but part of this frustrates me.
Over the past year or so, Riot has been giving champions certain elements in their kits just to help them jungle. Nidalee's monster root on hunt, Quinn's AA blind vs. monsters, Graves passive knockback, not to mention the smattering of "deals X% more damage vs monsters" like Shyvana's burnout (also being nerfed) or more recently Garen and Rumble.
On the one hand, I recognize that some champions are now tuned around their jungle potential and that limits buffing them for other lanes. You can't buff Nidalee mid or top in a meaningful way without completely breaking her in the jungle. Ditto Shyvana, I recognize that. That part doesn't frustrate me.
What does frustrate me is that more and more Riot is picking and choosing which champions can jungle.There's nothing serendipitous about it anymore. "We'd like Quinn to be able to jungle". Bam, AA blind. And you know what - that's fine. Riot despite all the big talk doesn't really want a game that evolves entirely on it's on, they want a mostly controlled experience, and that's fine.
What chaffs my ass is that the same changes aren't being applied to other champions that would be really interesting junglers. Leona would be interesting if her Eclipse dealt bonus damage to monsters, ditto Braum with his passive. Or how about jungle Twitch? Why can't Zyra plants deal extra damage to monsters? Etc., etc., etc.
You know, jungle Rumble might be interesting *bam* buff to make Rumble jungle a thing. It's such a mish-mash, arbitrary way to go about things.
Oh, and I'm now 12-6 with Ekko, turned my last game around by itself until my team got big, and 8-1 in my last 9 Ekko games. Ekko is the fucking best.