i turned into a fkn mid/jungler
Voice comms around the three and a half minute mark are about how bad the jungle clear pretty frequently.i like playing jungle because then no one will see how bad my cs/clears are :^)
i love maw of malmortius that item is super fair and fun unlike zhonyas
I have no idea why the Maw passive lasts until you're out of combat I think that's so weird
oh yeah i can totes feel the strategic diversity in itLots of clarity and potential for counterplay with that item :^)
Nekofrog getting a pentakill and then immediately getting killed by Sion was a gifable moment.
Makes sense to me.
It would feel awkward as hell if you just randomly lost all these bonus stats halfway through a fight or duel.
Flat or scaling CDR blues?
For some jungling pages. Already have MR ones.
Was almost as junk as the Jungle Ryze in my same promos yesterday.Jungle Morgana was a niche pick probably S3?
Probably junk clears now after the W nerfs.
What was his reasoning?
at least english granblue is right around the corner
It seems that way but they aren't announcing it I'd really like to know what's going on as I play lol
You'd be surprised if even half of the players in plat knew how to properly split push. That includes both the split pusher and the team.I hate losing with a really good teamcomp.
My team: xin, lux, ashe (me), morg, jax
Vs: kog, sona, kindred, wukong, velkoz
We had so many ways to create picks and have jax/xin capitalize on it but the jax lost horribly to wukong top, the xin ignored the kogmaw constantly pushing bot lane and when it came time to teamfight, we had xin splitting constantly instead of grouping and we lost some pick pressure. They out rotated us and the wukong was 3+ levels higher than everyone else. He would go clean up the xin then tp back to fight us.
I don't like blaming people for losses. I could have hit a couple more arrows myself and maybe created more pressure on kog earlier but the xin played the whole game completely wrong. It was amazing how wrong he played it. That might be forgivable except for our entire team asking him to stop splitting and group with us.
Oh and jax built sunfire.
What is it with silver/gold and not having a clue how to properly split push.
I must have missed the project Lucian sale somehow. I'm disappointed.
Project Lucian will be on the early sales of this month, on february was between 20 to 25
Flat or scaling CDR blues?
For some jungling pages. Already have MR ones.
What was his reasoning?
So there's a Korean Master player that plays Sejuani top/mid/support.
57% win rate over 569 games.아프리카tv홍땅혁
How sejuani can supp? like Q Q Q W QQ?
what's this even mean -___-
Lol, im not sure also.what's this even mean -___-