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League of Legends |OT11| going


i turned into a fkn mid/jungler

I used to choose those two roles for my normal draft games until I got bored of getting hated on for not being born a good player on either role and I started doing daily vs. AI games only. Choosing anything/support meant I'd almost always end up playing the latter, and I wanted to get more experience on other stuff.


Sejuani buffs are good. Her initial clear still sucks, but clearing camps levels 4-7 feels better than before thanks to the E buff. It gives her just that tiny bit of extra damage necessary to avoid taking an extra ~3 so AAs worth of damage from monsters.


Gotta say that malph has good clears i managed to spend like 5 minutes going thru both my jungle areas without backing and racking up 1k gold early on


had a comically toxic yi last game that literally dove jungle wukong at second botlane turret at level 5 and blamed our janna for it lol


Makes sense to me.

It would feel awkward as hell if you just randomly lost all these bonus stats halfway through a fight or duel.

But that's how every passive is whether items or ability, x buff for y seconds. Steraks, stormraiders, specters cowl, etc. I don't think it's a huge balance issue or anything but there's not really precedent for it and it's pretty easy to keep that passive alive after it pops and just have the stats. I guess it makes the item unique I just think it's a strange design


At least the plague that is the smiteless jungler is gone nowadays.

"I don't need Smite!" says S1 and S2 low-elo Warwick/Fiddle, and proceed to lose buffs and objectives.


had to record it


yi actually blamed our janna for this lol


I hate losing with a really good teamcomp.
My team: xin, lux, ashe (me), morg, jax

Vs: kog, sona, kindred, wukong, velkoz

We had so many ways to create picks and have jax/xin capitalize on it but the jax lost horribly to wukong top, the xin ignored the kogmaw constantly pushing bot lane and when it came time to teamfight, we had xin splitting constantly instead of grouping and we lost some pick pressure. They out rotated us and the wukong was 3+ levels higher than everyone else. He would go clean up the xin then tp back to fight us.

I don't like blaming people for losses. I could have hit a couple more arrows myself and maybe created more pressure on kog earlier but the xin played the whole game completely wrong. It was amazing how wrong he played it. That might be forgivable except for our entire team asking him to stop splitting and group with us.

Oh and jax built sunfire.

What is it with silver/gold and not having a clue how to properly split push.


It seems that way but they aren't announcing it :( I'd really like to know what's going on as I play lol

Yeah, I'm waiting. I know it's not a big deal and I can get through it with guides, but I want it on my phone (even though I know that version isn't the greatest).


I hate losing with a really good teamcomp.
My team: xin, lux, ashe (me), morg, jax

Vs: kog, sona, kindred, wukong, velkoz

We had so many ways to create picks and have jax/xin capitalize on it but the jax lost horribly to wukong top, the xin ignored the kogmaw constantly pushing bot lane and when it came time to teamfight, we had xin splitting constantly instead of grouping and we lost some pick pressure. They out rotated us and the wukong was 3+ levels higher than everyone else. He would go clean up the xin then tp back to fight us.

I don't like blaming people for losses. I could have hit a couple more arrows myself and maybe created more pressure on kog earlier but the xin played the whole game completely wrong. It was amazing how wrong he played it. That might be forgivable except for our entire team asking him to stop splitting and group with us.

Oh and jax built sunfire.

What is it with silver/gold and not having a clue how to properly split push.
You'd be surprised if even half of the players in plat knew how to properly split push. That includes both the split pusher and the team.


Flat or scaling CDR blues?

For some jungling pages. Already have MR ones.

I personally like a mix. 6 flats, 3 scaling. Gives me 10% at level 18 and 5% at level 1. It's not much, but I don't really like the idea 0% at 1 and 15% at 18 which is what you get running full scaling glyphs.

I tried running all flats and one flat CDR quint to start at 10%. It felt pretty good but I ended up dumping it because it wasn't any better than my mixed glyphs page.


i mean, she's sort of like a cheesy support like amumu or kennen, there's not much to it, aoe ult and general cc in her case vs dmg/spacing like kennen or dmg/aoe like mumu

i wouldn't pick her myself cos i kind of like playing the game before level 6 -__-

i'm no sej expert but i can see her 2v2ing being subpar since she has two spells that rely on getting in auto range and her q doesn't really have that much range to hit both ppl anyways. and her dmg or cc isn't super crazy either

so unless she's overtuned after her buffs (or is that on pbe?) i'd say probably not worth it

just play nautilus or braum or something
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