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League of Legends |OT11| going


seeing a little more and more of nautilus mid. full tank toplane build but in midlane. he puts a ton of pressure mid with a first item zzrot, and never really is in danger of dying due to short lane nautilus mechanics.


i mean, she's sort of like a cheesy support like amumu or kennen, there's not much to it, aoe ult and general cc in her case vs dmg/spacing like kennen or dmg/aoe like mumu

i wouldn't pick her myself cos i kind of like playing the game before level 6 -__-

i'm no sej expert but i can see her 2v2ing being subpar since she has two spells that rely on getting in auto range and her q doesn't really have that much range to hit both ppl anyways. and her dmg or cc isn't super crazy either

so unless she's overtuned after her buffs (or is that on pbe?) i'd say probably not worth it

just play nautilus or braum or something

She has a few distinct advantage over several other supports in her general class. First her Q passes through minions. That's not true of many tanky supports: blitz, nautilus, thresh. It broadens her opportunities to initiate trades (particularly useful for ganks) and puts her closer to Leona or Alistar insofar as how she would function as a support.

What she gains over Leona is more AoE CC as opposed to single target and an ult that's easier to land. Over Alistar she gains more CC versatility due to her ult's range and some mobility since Q let's her go through walls, useful when roaming.

Her big disadvantage against either is that Sejuani is not innately tanky. She gets there because players are encouraged to build health for damage, but she doesn't have a defensive steroid in her kit...well her passive sure but that's not letting her soak damage with a support's income. In that sense she's like Nautilus.

And recall that what let Nautilus become a mainstream support were number changes to his kit; his abilities work the same as before. Sejuani likewise falls in the same boat. The kit works as a support, her effectiveness there depends on where her numbers are. I suspect that reducing her W damage and shifting it to E would do the trick, but that would break her as a jungler.


there should be a team dedicating to starting azir from scratch tbh

They should probably just come up with an icon that you put on champions to indicate that they're designed for pro play and you should not fuck around with them unless you are Bjergsen.

Yasuo and Azir could both benefit from a Surgeon General's warning.


I really like azir though.

Also 1 more win and i will be in silver 1, im riding that shen train to gold.

i like azir a bunch too (less so after they took away his knockup) but u know, he's busted af

She has a few distinct advantage over several other supports in her general class. First her Q passes through minions. That's not true of many tanky supports: blitz, nautilus, thresh. It broadens her opportunities to initiate trades (particularly useful for ganks) and puts her closer to Leona or Alistar insofar as how she would function as a support.

What she gains over Leona is more AoE CC as opposed to single target and an ult that's easier to land. Over Alistar she gains more CC versatility due to her ult's range and some mobility since Q let's her go through walls, useful when roaming.

Her big disadvantage against either is that Sejuani is not innately tanky. She gets there because players are encouraged to build health for damage, but she doesn't have a defensive steroid in her kit...well her passive sure but that's not letting her soak damage with a support's income. In that sense she's like Nautilus.

And recall that what let Nautilus become a mainstream support were number changes to his kit; his abilities work the same as before. Sejuani likewise falls in the same boat. The kit works as a support, her effectiveness there depends on where her numbers are. I suspect that reducing her W damage and shifting it to E would do the trick, but that would break her as a jungler.
idk, nautilus got a ton of changes that made him viable in general and i feel like his kit is a lot more suited for a support (and better in general) since he's not as ult dependant and has built-in waveclear.

sej just feels like a bad support for me, but tbh the game is so dumb right now that i wouldn't be surprised she's strong

They should probably just come up with an icon that you put on champions to indicate that they're designed for pro play and you should not fuck around with them unless you are Bjergsen.

Yasuo and Azir could both benefit from a Surgeon General's warning.
i had a good run with azir actually, my biggest trouble was trying to do too much with him and going for insecs when all i had to do is poke. but like if u just poke and use ult defensively he was pretty damn strong back in the day
What a fucking stupid ban
seeing a little more and more of nautilus mid. full tank toplane build but in midlane. he puts a ton of pressure mid with a first item zzrot, and never really is in danger of dying due to short lane nautilus mechanics.
How does that work? You just put portal on your turret or something?
so you didn't learn any lessons?
I got banned for being surprised people were acting like entitled babies over Tits TC. Like, you guys saw the post that got me banned, that was literally it.

The only lesson I learned was "let Vita owners throw hissy fits in peace".


I got banned for being surprised people were acting like entitled babies over Tits TC. Like, you guys saw the post that got me banned, that was literally it.

The only lesson I learned was "let Vita owners throw hissy fits in peace".

I got banned a few months ago because apparently "I was whining" at other people whining at a celebrity who dressed up as a native American in fancy dress, because I was also genuinely surprised that people were crying over a fancy dress costume, but I got a 2 week ban. That day I learnt you can't fancy dress as a Native American without being labelled as racist.


idk, nautilus got a ton of changes that made him viable in general and i feel like his kit is a lot more suited for a support (and better in general) since he's not as ult dependant and has built-in waveclear

Shifts in numbers aren't really that dramatic a change. Also, he had a 49% win rate as a support before those changes so it was definitely doable.

There's lots of champions in this game that have interesting kits for roles they don't currently occupy but aren't because their power is focused in the wrong spots for that role.


I got banned for being surprised people were acting like entitled babies over Tits TC. Like, you guys saw the post that got me banned, that was literally it.

The only lesson I learned was "let Vita owners throw hissy fits in peace".

honestly i didn't read ur post so i might be mistaken but i think it's a good rule to have that if u don't have anything to contribute u should probably abstain from posting

let people be upset, what difference it is to you

Shifts in numbers aren't really that dramatic a change. Also, he had a 49% win rate as a support before those changes so it was definitely doable.

There's lots of champions in this game that have interesting kits for roles they don't currently occupy but aren't because their power is focused in the wrong spots for that role.
i wouldn't call his a numbers change (cos like the e change was pretty much a rework of how the champion's damage worked) but i get what you mean

things can work if they have the numbers for it, that's a given

that being said i find sejuani occupies the same space other champions are better at and also she's super boring as a support i bet


honestly i didn't read ur post so i might be mistaken but i think it's a good rule to have that if u don't have anything to contribute u should probably abstain from posting

let people be upset, what difference it is to you

the number of bans i've probably saved myself by typing up a long winded post to someone being dumb and then just closing the tab before posting it and saying to myself "eh, i actually don't even care anymore" is probably super high


"Crocodile Chop", maybe? Dunno. It would be fitting but them ppl would be expecting me to carry. Even though I can ofc. what think


"Oh, you think the shitpost is your ally, you merely adopted it. I was born in the shitpost, moulded by it. I didn’t see the light until I was already a man; by then, it was nothing to me but blinding! I've been shitposting in multiple forums and in multiple lives, and probably since before you were born. Now, what will break first, your spirit, or your account?"

- Hard, 2016

3 graves 1 corpse

I have a feeling this has a deeper meaning
honestly i didn't read ur post so i might be mistaken but i think it's a good rule to have that if u don't have anything to contribute u should probably abstain from posting

let people be upset, what difference it is to you
It was one of the main points of the discussion, if I can't tell people they're being ridiculous without even being offensive - that's another thing that got me pissed, you had people like Jason Schreier calling said posters straight up babies and they didn't get banned, what? - then what's the point of a being in a forum and discussing things?


i don't generally do this, but good art is good art


It was one of the main points of the discussion, if I can't tell people they're being ridiculous without even being offensive - that's another thing that got me pissed, you had people like Jason Schreier calling said posters straight up babies and they didn't get banned, what? - then what's the point of a being in a forum and discussing things?
i really shouldn't talk more without reading ur post but here we go...

pick ur battles

if u see a bunch of ppl being upset because they're not getting what they want what are you gonna accomplish by telling them to stop whining
the number of bans i've probably saved myself by typing up a long winded post to someone being dumb and then just closing the tab before posting it and saying to myself "eh, i actually don't even care anymore" is probably super high
Yeah i just know that some threads are not worth it to post in.


It was one of the main points of the discussion, if I can't tell people they're being ridiculous without even being offensive - that's another thing that got me pissed, you had people like Jason Schreier calling said posters straight up babies and they didn't get banned, what? - then what's the point of a being in a forum and discussing things?

Moderation has been biased since the stone age

At least until the Battle of the Boards happened

Things were peaceful for awhile though a deepening divide was growing between Gaming side and OT, as well as big internal conflict. Many willing ambassadors attempted to restore peace without success

Then the schism happened and both Gaming and OT tore apart in two

There was the main board, and a smaller subset of rebels known as "Community"

Peace finally returned, but I fear the corrupt government of Gaming side is slowly overtaking us from within

League-GAF is still one of the safe havens being moderation-free, but one day we will finally be usurped by Gaming-side just like how Russia annexed Ukraine

enjoy it while it lasts



Anyways, back on topic, can any of our support mains give me a quick summary of support itemization? Mostly as far as babysitter supports are concerned.

Looks black to me

Sightstone -> tier 1 boots -> upgraded support item -> upgraded boots (lucidity or swiftness) -> Locket/Banner/Mikaels -> Mikaels/Banner/Locket. Last item is up to you if you have the luxury of getting one.
Only one of Banner/Locket, of course.


At least the plague that is the smiteless jungler is gone nowadays.

"I don't need Smite!" says S1 and S2 low-elo Warwick/Fiddle, and proceed to lose buffs and objectives.
I just won a game that had a smiteless Elise jungle on our team. I think that was an accident though.

On another note, I started trying support Zyra out of the blue, and I'm 9 wins out of 11 with a 6.40:1 KDA.

Of course with how slow you gain rank in this game, that was barely enough to get a single level promotion, and I'm scared because I assume it can't last.
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