So I've played a few Shen games now, got the play pattern down that I think is the right way to play him, but I still don't feel I know his limits.
Like, I know I can shit on most people at level 2, and even level 1 to an extent. Can bully them in lane til around level 6 when they get their combat ults.
In the mid-late game though I feel like I can't 1 v 1 as well as I should be able to. Not sure whether it's runes, item build order or what.
Any Shen top players that can take a look at these games and point out some of the things I'm doing wrong (if there is anything obvious in the match histories). cs and stuff is probably pretty low, but I'm still getting used to playing again.
Game 1
Game 2
Game 2 I disrespected Darius and misplayed a level 1/2 fight, but jthe guy got really cocky so I just got Dob to repeat gank a couple times.