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League of Legends |OT11| going


Not sure if its bad form to mention this but I noticed Stone Ocean is "gone" if you know what I mean. I should review the site rules (to see if its okay to mention this). He always seems like a good poster here so I am always shocked. I just happened to be browsing the thread where I think it happened but won't say anything else


Oh come on....

In other related news

Screw you rito

Nice game though, Lux rooted me at baron, ulted and then baron got the last hit :V
I got payback by landing all my abilities on her including ult, payback's a bee-otch!


I remember when I first started playing Ranked. 35% win rate with 17 Cait games and below a 40% win rate overall. Living the dream :^)

Of course I get a braindead riven who doesn't farm at turret, feeds fiora PUSHES ALL THE WAY THROUGH TOP LANE UNWARDED and thinks they're not at fault.

That Riven has a 33% win ratio (3 games), and a 1 KDA :^). I would have dodged

Not sure if its bad form to mention this but I noticed Stone Ocean is "gone" if you know what I mean. I should review the site rules (to see if its okay to mention this). He always seems like a good poster here so I am always shocked. I just happened to be browsing the thread where I think it happened but won't say anything else

Stone just taking L's left and right this week


Grats! Hope you continue to rise. I'll be doing some ranked matches this weekend myself (I think)

Eh no offense but I've been Bronze-Silver for 2+ years now.
That ain't gonna change
long as Rito keeps pairing me with poor teammates :/

I remember when I first started playing Ranked. 35% win rate with 17 Cait games and below a 40% win rate overall. Living the dream :^)

That Riven has a 33% win ratio (3 games), and a 1 KDA :^). I would have dodged

I don't do my research before a match, too much time taken up.


Eh no offense but I've been Bronze-Silver for 2+ years now.
That ain't gonna change
long as Rito keeps pairing me with poor teammates :/.

Oh, sorry. I was Silver last season (it was my 1st). Now I'm Bronze V. I'm not really certain what the issue is (which is why I am Bronze V I guess, lol)

Looking at my games history it looks like when things dont go my way I tilt and give up too many deaths.


interesting that zyra's rework will be balanced around her as a support

i wonder if they'll add some kind of utility to her kit, i feel like a support who's main thing is crazy dmg is not the coolest of designs


The second game with Soraka I did better. She seems very funny in terms of frustrating the enemy team. I get very low health though.

Is there any way to see what grades you got after finishing a game? Someone said I had an S+ (and I got a chest drop), but none of the match history methods I've tried show letter grades.

Not exactly the same, but if you go to your champion page and hover over Soraka you will see the highest grade you've gotten. In this case at least, you would see an S+ if you did get that.


interesting that zyra's rework will be balanced around her as a support

i wonder if they'll add some kind of utility to her kit, i feel like a support who's main thing is crazy dmg is not the coolest of designs

Support, Mage, jungle, whatever. I just want her plant/nature identity to be fleshed out. There's so much space to explore. Just some general ideas for fun: her passive is dependent on where she is (jungle, river, grass/lane), or she can absorb her seeds/plants for different effect.

Q or E to make plants grow is limited. I fear what they'll end up doing is letting Zyra make a nest of seeds when defending which is...meh.


interesting that zyra's rework will be balanced around her as a support

i wonder if they'll add some kind of utility to her kit, i feel like a support who's main thing is crazy dmg is not the coolest of designs

This is depressing :(

I always loved Zyra as-is. But oh well I noticed shes never used in pro play so Riot must also consider that probably over a filthy casual like myself

edit: For context, I've even seen Karma used in pro play which was a very exciting watch


This is depressing :(

I always loved Zyra as-is. But oh well I noticed shes never used in pro play so Riot must also consider that probably over a filthy casual like myself

edit: For context, I've even seen Karma used in pro play which was a very exciting watch

Karma in pro play was one guy and he did fuck all.


The matches I saw I distinctly remember wins and her KDA was not 0/0/0. I am thinking of a past season tho (not season 6, it was season 5 to be specific). If this is incorrect I? could go find a link


The matches I saw I distinctly remember wins and her KDA was not 0/0/0. I am thinking of a past season tho (not season 6, it was season 5 to be specific). If this is incorrect I? could go find a link

Them not being 0/0/0 doesn't mean they had a meaningful impact on the outcome of the game.


Well you guys are *more veteran so I am just going to drop this for my own good cause I can already detect where this might go and it wont end well for me LOL

(edit- I always kiss up to you guys cause I like playing with GAF in LoL)


Has Zyra ever been a high tier mid champ? She was probably the best support in season 3 but that's when I started so idk if she ever got much play mid


Has Zara ever been a high tier mid champ? She was probably the best support in season 3 but that's when I started so idk if she ever got much play mid

When she was released she was incredibly strong. Not many people recognized it initially though. I'm not sure if she made it to pro play as a midlaner more than a handful of games if anything. She was just too strong and got nerfed pretty quickly.


Well I am probably super clueless in any case. I only use Zyra on Support lane. I love using her seeds for vision and if my adc is dead then I can clear a wave in a pinch

Granted, it leads one to ask why my ADC is dead in first place? Yeah... I would love more tools to be more helpful but I also need to develop more mechanically


Well I am probably super clueless in any case. I only use Zyra on Support lane. I love using her seeds for vision and if my adc is dead then I can clear a wave in a pinch

Granted, it leads one to ask why my ADC is dead in first place? Yeah... I would love more tools to be more helpful but I also need to develop more mechanically

I used to love zyra support. The plants are a very effective zoning tool and the E is huge for engages as well as disengages. She's just so damn squishy.

If your adc is dead often then I'd suggest saving the E exclusively for peel. Use the Q and plants to harass and only E if there's a guaranteed kill opportunity.


Support, Mage, jungle, whatever. I just want her plant/nature identity to be fleshed out. There's so much space to explore. Just some general ideas for fun: her passive is dependent on where she is (jungle, river, grass/lane), or she can absorb her seeds/plants for different effect.

Q or E to make plants grow is limited. I fear what they'll end up doing is letting Zyra make a nest of seeds when defending which is...meh.
honestly the way zyra's plants grow is kind of uninteresting and super simple, so i was thinking of something like you could w on top of another w for a stronger plant, or space them out, something like that

her passive is probably gonna be replaced by something not dumb

idea is for her to be even more of a counter-engager, so yeah building a nest is probably gonna be her gameplay

This is depressing :(

I always loved Zyra as-is. But oh well I noticed shes never used in pro play so Riot must also consider that probably over a filthy casual like myself

edit: For context, I've even seen Karma used in pro play which was a very exciting watch
i mean, zyra had a long run in pro play a couple years ago after the c9 patented ashe-zyra lane (i think the fnatic ran that during the puszu+ys days and i think it was also a specialty of the now koo pray+gorilla). also she was played at least once mid from what i can remember, so she's not really a stranger to pro play.

Karma in pro play was one guy and he did fuck all.
hey now, the bjerg pentakill when defending tsm's base, diamondprox playing her jungle on gambit and i think faker played her once too

karma's been around

Has Zyra ever been a high tier mid champ? She was probably the best support in season 3 but that's when I started so idk if she ever got much play mid
she was hilariously broken on release, insane waveclear, faster e, ridiculous burst, i think they even nerfed her passive

she had like 60% winrate, it was ridiculous


I used to love zyra support. The plants are a very effective zoning tool and the E is huge for engages as well as disengages. She's just so damn squishy.

If your adc is dead often then I'd suggest saving the E exclusively for peel. Use the Q and plants to harass and only E if there's a guaranteed kill opportunity.

Awesome thanks!!

hey now, the bjerg pentakill when defending tsm's base, diamondprox playing her jungle on gambit and i think faker played her once too

karma's been around

Thanks!! I couldn't remember specific games so figured I should just hush :)
funniest part of that game was when I 1 v 2 killed Renekton and Leona, then killed Jhin and Renekton was like in all chat

"what is that champ"

indeed, renekton. indeed.

That Renekton is a baddie

Seeing Renektons lose against ez matchups like Shen make my head hurt

actually data suggests it's a winning matchup for Shen. Pretty obvious why too. I do more damage while being tankier and he can't bully me in lane. They hard camped me top and killed me a couple of times, but I contributed to team fights so much more and just outscaled him. He'd never be able to 1v1 me and doesn't provide as much to the team as Shen. Pretty easy matchup for Shen tbh.


How to beat Shen as Renekton:

Shen is probably running Grasp with full tank masteries. Run Fervor. Always try hitting him with empowered Q's to beat his sustain with Grasp. Harass with Q Level 1 and last hit to build fury. Mind the level 2, Shen might try and E-Q to draw minion aggro. If he misses the E, punish. Don't hit Shen when his shield is up, you'll waste fury that way. Once level 3 hits, it's pretty similar to the Fiora match up. Baiting the W is everything, but his W doesn't stop your Q or E. When he blows the W, unload with E Q AA E AA W AA, but always mind the spirit sword because his shield and damage are annoying if he gets the pull-through. By this time he should be chunked using potions. Zone him away from the wave to deny CS and EXP as much as possible. Pushing him into the turret is an option, but it's risky as Shen's Q lets him farm easier than before (his waveclear is still mediocre before Sunfire) and he can draw turret aggro and set up a gank with E. If he tries to ult or TP across the map, E W or Flash W him to interrupt the channel. Mind doing this next to a turret, he'll probably re-engage with E to draw aggro again.

It's all about playing around Shen's areas of strength (The E, the shield, the W, the ult). Good positioning is key when going against Shen. A good Shen goes to the rest of the map, a good Renekton brings the map to him :^)

Shen is really strong tho tbh, no idea why very little competitive play tbh. That W is broke
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