Yeah I'll buy that just generalizing I guess. I'd say adcs are op but that's because of certain individual adcs I think more than their items or the meta or whatever. Warlords is being toned down a bit but warlords/fervor seems to be an actual decision right now
Black wind there was a probably legitimate tank problem a while back I think maybe before you started playing where every team was 4 tanks and an adc or worse 4 tanks and a sivir and it seems like ever since then everyone hates strong tanks more than strong anything else
there are some adc items and some champions that need nerfing but i wouldn't say adcs as a class are op, specially the ones that go botlane (like lucian or kalista or whatever).
like they might be stronger than they should but it's not like a systemic issue like graves and corki crowding out other lanes are
Average dmg dealt per game according to
Mundo: 22016
Lucian: 19833
Malphite: 18529
Master Yi: 18507
LeBlanc: 21104
Poppy: 20980
Clearly they are doing a ton of damage PERIOD. Tanks are supposed to soak damage, provide CC and protect carries NOT kill enemy carries in 2 seconds. Alistar is an example of a tank that is powerful and viable without contributing ridiculous amount of damage.
damage dealt is a tricky stat cos each champion works different
assassins tend to not deal as much damage as mages because mages' damage is aoe and also less flat cooldown driven (as in, ori has her q every 2.4s at 40% cdr, as leblanc you're almost always gated by your ult, which has short cooldown compared to ori's but what leblanc does without it is much less than what ori does without her's).
similarly lucy is a really short range adc so his access to dmg isn't as good as someone like jhin or corki
both of them are on the bottom half of their roles
then you have the fact that tanks deal most of their dmg as aoe dot through sunfire and other things. that damage is always underestimated and always racks up big numbers. try playing a game with singed, the guy will be splitpushing all game, not ever kill anyone but still deal like 1.5x more damage than your mid. that's just how dots work, they have insane numbers (did u know malzahar's w dealt 6% of your max hp + ratios?) because people are just gonna be feeling it for 1 or 2s
so yeah i wouldn't say "tanks" are killing carries in 2 seconds. poppy needs less damage and nautilus need less damage. gragas needs less damage or less tankiness
but it's not like sejuani and sion are big problems right now
The marksmen class has been pretty strong. Marksmen that weren't considered bot lane material have done great elsewhere. AP Ez last season. Quinn/Graves top. Quinn, Varus, Corki mid. Kindred, Graves jungle. Heck Graves was specifically rebalanced after he was too strong for the bot lane and the not worth using bot lane Graves still dominates top/jng just like crappy ADC Quinn is a great top lane.
No other class has been mandatory. No other class has dominated lanes to the same extent.
that's just because of how league works, it's either champions like graves that are absolutely broken or then you just have the simple thing that if you can have what's essentially a mage like corki but he can also melt turrets then why wouldn't you pick that.
i don't have a problem with adcs being mandatory, i just wish i could kill them through maw and steraks, and i wish some of them were weaker (like corki and kindred)
holy moly zky
I'm at like... 140ish
i happen to love this game and this community a whole lot <3
also posting lewd fanart