Ghost is Bad
:^)Because my brain disconnected for a couple seconds at level 1 and abusing the fact that I'm an idiot is bm
:^)Because my brain disconnected for a couple seconds at level 1 and abusing the fact that I'm an idiot is bm
Whoever was Rengar was conditioning me to never use R-E until the one time he finally jumped and a fellow man in arms payed for my sins.
Why man.
A good support player can make a big impact, but it's much harder to do so, because they have to impact the game in other ways aside from outright doing damage (tanking damage, peeling for carries, shields, heals, warding, etc.). That and the dependence on your ADC makes it rough if your partner isn't good.
If a good ADC has a bad Support, that ADC can still carry if he's good enough.
If a good Support has a bad ADC, well, it's gonna be a struggle.
I should play some more support in Ranked tbh. Braum is freelo.
EDIT: Zky with the 1000 posts. Gratzballa
also posting lewd fanart
It depends, a bit. Whether bot lane is won or not is typically more dependent on the support. If the support is bad the lane will most likely be lost hard, but the adc can and must afk farm for a while after laning phase in order to be useful later. If the adc is bad then the support must roam and have an impact on other roles. Deciding when you need to roam and when you need to go back bot to save your adc for something can be difficult.
It's certainly possible for the support to have a big impact on the game even if the adc is bad, it just won't be as obvious in most cases.
Good inhouse games guys!
...Why is Karma finding their way into every game LOL.
Maybe karma is catching up to you :O
Lol who else played her?
You can roam as early as level 2 depending of what support you're playing, what champions the enemy bot lane are running and how the lane is going.didnt realize its okay for Support to roam a little? That would make Support more fun. next time I play that role will keep that in mind
edit: When I roam, it is after ADC is more independent and has some items. Would be nice to roam just a little bit in early-mid
I don't even want to know what kind of situation would make this happen...You can roam as early as level 2...
Low ELOs are magical places.I don't even want to know what kind of situation would make this happen...
Roaming aimlessly on support is pretty bad tbh.
On your first back as support, don't go back bottom. Go top. Get kill. Tilt opponent top laner.
You can roam as early as level 2 depending of what support you're playing, what champions the enemy bot lane are running and how the lane is going.
The support vets around here should be able to explain how to do it properly. Check out some aphromoo videos, he likes to roam a lotso much to learn still... Thanks! Will try to find some better vids of a good support laner I think
A key shard? Whole keys don't drop only the shards which you need 3 of to make a key.Got a key essence but not a key...
Got a key essence but not a key...
A key shard? Whole keys don't drop only the shards which you need 3 of to make a key.
You only get key essences.
3 make one key.
You have a chance to get a key fragment from wins. The more key fragments you get each month the rarer they become until the end of the month when the chance gets reset.Oh I see, I got 2 fragments. Do I need to win to get more of just play?
Agreed. It doesn't feel or look like an ult. Kind of pathetic considering you're playing a fucking star dragon.a. sol ult visually looks really underwhelming
Didn't make any successful roams ... nope. Got my kills cause League of fucking premades causes the lane that's buddy buddies with the JG and Sup to be camped to all hell. Had the same shit happen twice today ... like, did mid and top become a 2 person lane now? Turned it around on them.
a. sol ult visually looks really underwhelming
Agreed. It doesn't feel or look like an ult. Kind of pathetic considering you're playing a fucking star dragon.
Just coincidence.I assume you can't earn any key fragments when playing with the free champs? Because I haven't earned any when playing with them.
Just coincidence.
What is it hard
The system for earning chests and keys is completely different though. Key fragment drop rate can just feel really low at times.I only ask because of me not ever getting any key fragments, plus you can't earn chests with them.
No.Is there a minimum "Not Owned" number for rerolling champion shards?
never underestimate the power of bronze shitpostersMemeing too hard is bad for you
Memeing too hard is bad for you
your 3x shard into permanent rerolls will always be a champion you dont haveYou mean that I can own more than one of each champions?
Alright boys and grills, time to show how much you've spent on this game:
i feel nothing
v lol v
u can just sit on devourer and rush your defensive ad items like maw or steraks
Money Spent
GBP 235.0