This is the last patch you'll ever see Kalista being used in pro play.
they played kalista a bunch the other day on na and eu playoffs and that was 6.7
jhin is getting nerfed and sivir is probably gonna get nerfed too, so i don't think she'll be falling off pro play completely
that's because of the difficulty of balancing a roster of 100+ different characters. building primarily tanky makes sense as a game concept. Building tanky and being able to solo 5 and 6-slotted carries is a different matter. Here were remain in League. Building tanky should buy you and your team time to get off critical spells, reposition in team fights, tank for damage dealers. It should not allow you to bulldoze through teams with heavy dps because your tanks with 5 defensive items deal almost as much real damage (that is damage that can be used instead of having to kite) as the enemy adc and their 5 offensive items.
tho obviously some champions are a big issue right now (like graves), i think it's a general systems and itemization issue rather than just a champion problem
masteries and items allowing champions to ignore some of their intended weaknesses is the big deal right now imo
grasp of the undying makes champions like nautilus and malphite and rammus super strong toplane when before they'd get bullied out of lane
the ms excess from dmp, swifties and runic echoes earlier this season gave champions like udyr ways to close the gap that completely negate his counterplay
zztop allows tanks to apply pushing pressure
maw, titanic, steraks, death's dance give survibability to carries and ad assassins that they were never supposed to get
earlier this season fqc and blue trinket removed the need to facecheck
so yeah i think general design wise the game is preeeeeeeeetty rough atm