and lol @ Sky
I really want one of those. ( I have no room tho)
and lol @ Sky
I really want one of those. ( I have no room tho)
Essentially this.Tanks don't do less damage or are more mobile than bruisers lol they have similar gap closer CDs plus ranged CC, high base damage and low cooldowns. Tanks lose in burst but burst doesn't really matter as much as raw DPS with all the defensive stuff flying around.
Bruisers barely even exist anymore, they just build like tanks and do the same shit.
Nah. It's more like they got nerfed so they got played less. I've been seeing a lot garen and skarner still in plat elo at least.
Morde on the other hand is wiped off the face of the earth.
lol I wasn't complaining about them, I was just saying that they don't have a specific place in League nowdays, but its probably because of nerfing.I was responding to the post above me complaining about juggernauts
Poppy is my least favorite champ in the game now though and if there is a tank that you can make a case for not needing much damage to still be effective naut is high on that list but I've talked about how much I dislike both of those champs before
Tanks don't do less damage or are more mobile than bruisers lol they have similar gap closer CDs plus ranged CC, high base damage and low cooldowns. Tanks lose in burst but burst doesn't really matter as much as raw DPS with all the defensive stuff flying around.
Bruisers barely even exist anymore, they just build like tanks and do the same shit.
Tanks don't do less damage or are more mobile than bruisers lol they have similar gap closer CDs plus ranged CC, high base damage and low cooldowns. Tanks lose in burst but burst doesn't really matter as much as raw DPS with all the defensive stuff flying around.
Bruisers barely even exist anymore, they just build like tanks and do the same shit.
which is sort of distressing given last Fall's concerted effort to give damage dealers better tools to deal with the tank meta. And yet here we are.
which is sort of distressing given last Fall's concerted effort to give damage dealers better tools to deal with the tank meta. And yet here we are.
Surprise the tanks used all those tools instead lolol
edit: actually i was thinking of steraks but that was supposed to be a bruiser item i'm not sure what youre referring to
I do believe tanks should be able to do damage and be threatening but I can see it being frustrating as they reach that point super early with only two items. There definitely is a problem when a tank is doing significant damage early on in a game instead of the AP carries and bruisers who should on paper be the ones doing the damage.
Honestly the part of this meta that frustrates me the most is the pacing of the game. Yes they made it so games go faster but in doing so there having trouble balancing out power spikes of roles and champions. Its part of the reason why I feel bad for ADC's as this was supposed to be the return and yet the only ones I see botlane constantly is Jhin and Lucian since they seem to be the only ones that are able to do damage and stay relevant as the game goes on.
Yes there is Corki, Graves and Quinn but they have qualities that is super abusable in other lanes.
I'm amazed at how salty you sound
the only juggernaut item that tanks really use is DMP. Tanks should not be building Steraks
LW really needs to be reverted. It used to be a much more used item in majority of lanes but now it's virtually used only by adcs.
Eh? I was just poking fun at all the complaints of tanks doing "everything" I don't have a problem with tanks as a whole just a couple specific champs :/
guess i shoulda put /s instead of my lol spam
do you mean the juggernaut update? because all that did was begin the 'bruiser' item category
I'm pretty sure that was on purpose
if we want to move away from ADC = bot lane its ok that ADCs are strong in other lanes.
unless you're in pro play, theres a fair more strong bot lane carries than lucian and jhin
Kalista is dead lol. Sivir is a tank enabler.
I think it's due to the identity crisis thing I was talking about. It's not as salt inducing when you know what to expect, take Panth for example, it's fucking Panth, he's an asshole and you know he hurts like shit so when he gets broken due to itemization he's just doing his job while overtuned, your experience hasn't really changed, his power is obvious and you know what you're signing up for. But when you see someone that is expected to build full damage - like Fiora - just blowing you up then it's a different story.I always think its so interesting that we've gone through stuff just in the past few months that was just absolutely outrageous like rework graves, quinn, pantheon, every ap jungler in the game with runic echoes, etc etc but I don't remember people being even a fraction as upset about those things as people get about strong frontliners (since half the champs we are referring to arent even tanks regardless of how they build). Maybe I just don't remember the outrage but why does everyone get so much more upset about tanks than everything else?
If it's just the fact that its a perceived itemization problem and the entire thing can be solved by nerfing sunfire and ibg then i get that i guess
Seriously it's like no-one in this thread actually plays this game.If she's dead then I don't know why pros still use her still. Sivir's ricochet can compensate for the tanks. I've seen her picked more when the mid has low waveclear.
It's a relic from late S4 / early S5 when ADCs were fucking broken so tanks and bruisers needed cheaper items to deal with mid game spikes from stuff like Lucian.There's also the fact that tank items are super cheap so they're spiking earlier than everyone else. It's always been that way though right? Maybe its kinda a relic of when junglers were slightly less broke supports idk
Seriously it's like no-one in this thread actually plays this game.
This is the last patch you'll ever see Kalista being used in pro play.I'm no adc main but I do watch the pro scene. I don't know if what I said is wrong in solo q but it's what's happening in lck at the very least.
My whole post stemmed from kenbo and neol's conversation about how jhin and lucian are the only used adcs at pro play.
can't watch this atm but will later. I've always wanted to try mapping league to a controller, also always thought they would port league to the ps4 and give it a controller mode where you could only play against other controller players but also have a mouse and keyboard mode and play normally. seems like a good idea to me
This is the last patch you'll ever see Kalista being used in pro play.
do I WANT Pirate Captain Swain skin....
until she gets buffed again :^)
The problem with tanks today are those that build FULL tank yet deals a ton of damage.
Tanks are facing that dilemma, when glass cannons can be soloed by people building full defenses then the game's itemization is fucked somewhere.
I feel like people have been saying this since roughly the point in time when Garen was introduced and people realized you could just go 5 sunfires on a bunch of characters and it wasn't an issue. Everything in League is cyclical I suppose. Right now its tanks/bruisers whatever, then it'll be assassins, then ad carries, rinse and repeat forever.
What would your definition of a mid game tank be?What about a mid game tank who won lane and is 2k gold ahead of everyone. Should they be able to 1v1 carries? Or should they just be able to withstand all their damage?
Genuinely asking.
Azir is good. Velkoz shits on Azir. Other mages aren't meta and/or garbage. Not as item dependant while mage itemization is bad.Is there a legitimate gameplay reason Velkoz is being played so much now than in the previous 5 patches? I must've missed something...
Just meant any tank in the mid game. Tank champ as a concept, should they be able to 1v1 a carry if significantly ahead
If he itemizes specifically for said carry then sure, why not, a lead's a lead. It should take a significant amount of time though, no burst coupled with lockdown.Just meant any tank in the mid game. Tank champ as a concept, should they be able to 1v1 a carry if significantly ahead
They should be able to lock them down and do enough damage for your other carries to finish them off. Tanks on there own shouldn't be able to 1v1 since the whole point of them is peel and provide CC to make it easier for your teammates to kill.