hmm, pretty interesting
it feels like athenes is just not a good option for a midlaner anymore with those numbers, that's like a bunch of mana regen lost and at 40 ap your clear is gonna be rough
morellos is not enough mana (400 mana is enough for about 3 lux e's), so you're gonna have to do tear every game. morellos+roa is hard to imagine being too good on a pure mage since you have a decent mana pool but no real way to regen it
the other items look pretty op, 30s cooldown is probably gonna be too short to have an extra flash and the dmg on both that and the ice bolts thing is pretty big for whatever you use it, clear, assassinate, etc.
abyssal nerfs are super welcomed since that item is super dumb. new version seems like it's not really worth it anymore compared to some of the other items. cheapear zhonyas is nice, and i see the cooldown nerf as a way of nudging it in a direction that's a bit less about just countering zed
i'm curious what fiendish codex looks like now, is it still giving you mana regen and you lose it when u upgrade to morellos and zhonyas? or is it just like a tiny cdr thing
overall i don't think it's that big of a change, you get one less item slot as a mage now that you have to dedicate to tear but you get rewarded with cdr everywhere which i guess is cool.
the flash item is probably gonna be broken on some champions like annie so cautiously optimistic about that
I'd imagine the item will be balanced around the fact that it gives dashes to champs that shouldn't have one, so likely not very gold efficient and wouldn't be worth it on already mobile champs.
Like buying rylais on someone like ekko. The stats are nice but you already have 12 slows in your kit you really don't need your E to slow too
uhh i'm not sure about that, these are early stats but that item looks pretty cost efficient
80 itself is worth like 1700g, on top of the cdr and hp it's probably pretty close to 100%
so yeah basically you'll buy it for the dash
but the most powerful spell in the game is a short range dash that's on a 5 minute cooldown so like, i expect to see it built as last item on pretty much everyone unless you're a zhonyas champion/are against zed
basically i see builds being like: tear+morellos+sorc shoes (lucidity are back to crap on mages)+deathcap+void staff and then you have one slot for either rylais, zhonyas or flash thingie.
i'm surprised no changes to ludens echo, the item feels kind of worthless if you're gonna be a slot short now