I don't know why you keep trying to change the subject of what people say to you. Every time someone wants a concrete answer, you immediately shift to something else so you can maintain your snide "I'm better than you," attitude behind passive-aggressive posturing and immediate reprisals when people don't respond with appeasement.
You keep saying that I'm E-Peen posturing, but I literally only made two posts about that. Once because you posted 4 salty comments on how immobile ADCs would be rendered obsolete by Hextech Rocket Belt and another time because you immediately deflected with the "challenjour" argument made by every silver shitter ever in this game. No shit I'm gonna ask for credentials when you spout bullshit like Hextech Rocket Belt making immobile ADCs irrelevant when time and again, that's been proven untrue simply by the virtue that League of Legends is a Team Game, so excuse me for thinking you're talking out of your ass for posting something like "annie 100% pick ban 1!111!!!!" when Kalista and Jinx literally had to be nerfed into Evelynn status in order to stop them from being ridiculously powerful picks for the last year of the game or how Varus had been heavily contested in the Eastern Competitive Scene for his massive range, safety, CC and poke in mid.
That's not even going into your obsession with the moral high ground, which clearly nobody but you cares about. If your feelings were hurt, boo hoo, get over it. I'd have imagined that coming from the FGC, which I know for a fact regularly shits on each other harder than anyone in the LoL OT, you'd have some thicker skin than to get mad over me calling you bad. Then you try to justify your responses with meaningless shit like "appropriate for the situation."
I literally have no idea who you are or where you came from other than seeing your posts sometimes in the SFV OT but you post like a petulant child and your inability to get over something someone said to you several hours ago is irritating. Post your salty shit somewhere else so people don't have to read an entire page of you whining about how League of Legends is ruined because of an item that isn't even out yet.
This ghost guy started attacking me out of nowhere when I wasn't even talking to him in the first place. Same thing goes for Newt. Even after I elaborated on my point about my concerns for the game, ghost responds with a shitpost quoting a bunch of stuff to try to prove his point. The only point he proved was that he doesn't know how to read.
Listen, if someone wants to call me out as being childish and whiny, don't be a hypocrite. Don't call people bronze noob if you want to be taken seriously.
Oh yeah and this? Pretty much proving my point. Nobody likes reading a whiny little shit complain about what-ifs.