Inhouse reminder.
I always get home too late to make those. I just barely missed this one by like 15 mins
I'm in Central Standard Time zone. so the normal time you run those events I'm at work
Inhouse reminder.
That's dedication.
Also guys, how about an inhouse today?
Then nobody would know when I'm actually posting.
She was nothing like what exists now in terms of the top lane tank meta.
breezy can be happy, swain is gonna get small changes in the midseason mage update:
thanks for the inhouses guys! Maokai is so brainless I love it
Indeed, was fun the two games I got in tonight. What have you guys done in order to get even teams in the past? The first game I got in(I think the 2nd game of the night) was really even so it'd be great to have more games like that one.
Couple new splashes
Also happening
Wesley Ruttle ‏@SmashGizmo 2h2 hours ago
Just to clarify, Ekko is like, super duper crazy out of line. Like, way more than everyone else using grasp, sunfire, and ibg.
Wesley Ruttle
@SmashGizmo just wanted to say this because people seem to not understand the extremity of how far off he is right now.
By AP scaling you mean enemy AP scaling right?breezy can be happy, swain is gonna get small changes in the midseason mage update:
sounds like most of the changes are solid
they're removing the ap scaling on veigar's ult like i said they should've done in his rework a billion years ago
they're making xerath q easier to dodge and his ult flashier and more satisfying to use
those two changes i've been saying forever but u know
and syndra changes sound all tied to her passive so i'm not too afraid of them screwing her up by doing something silly like making her ult a skillshot
Bah. Ekko nerfs. Expected but bah. They shouldn't have buffed him in the first place.
So the nerfs will be a wash around 200ap. That's crappy for my jungle ekko. Stupid toplane always ruining things.
Riot said:Ziggs
What we’re happy with:
Perfectly captures the Mad Bomber thematic.
Fills a unique artillery role by lobbing bombs constantly
Mega Inferno Bomb creates some high-moments and big plays
What we’re less happy with:
Has the ability to stall out games by keeping multiple minion waves pushed
Doesn’t distinguish himself enough from the other long-range mages (like Lux and Xerath), meaning you tend to just play whichever is the strongest
What we hope to see coming out of the update:
Ziggs fulfills a strategic niche that rewards you for picking him over other mages in the right situations
His ability to stall a game is diminished to the point that a strong Ziggs doesn’t delay the outcome of games by large lengths of time
Wesley Ruttle ‏@SmashGizmo 2h2 hours ago
Just to clarify, Ekko is like, super duper crazy out of line. Like, way more than everyone else using grasp, sunfire, and ibg.
Wesley Ruttle
@SmashGizmo just wanted to say this because people seem to not understand the extremity of how far off he is right now.
By AP scaling you mean enemy AP scaling right?
What we’re happy with:
Strong fantasy. ‘Getting revenge on the big guys’ is a strong theme for someone that ultimately catches you out and destroys you.
Oh thank fuckoh nvm, the answer was hidden in the comments
why did Riot buff Ekko then planning a nerf like 1-2 weeks later? I dont miss all the dumb balancing in this game
IBG and sunfire aren't even THAT overtuned (ok, IBG probably really needs nerfed), it's the fact that you can get them so fast due to their Dollar Store bargain bin prices
Wonder what they're going to replace Veigar's "Enemy AP" scaling with.
I'm still trying to figure out why the hell would you give an assassin %Hp damage
It worked in the what nowIdk it worked so well on khazix
sad that jungle ekko which was fun and balanced has to take a hit because of riot made armor too cheap
Hey everyone,
This is SuperCakes and Im the Product Manager on Personalization (aka Skins Team).
I want to take a minute to chat with you about this years SKT Worlds Skins. When we released these skins to PBE earlier this week, we were excited to see what you all thought. And what we found out is these skins havent lived up to expectations.
Our approach to this skin line historically has been to treat it as something commemorative; a representation of a teams victory at the World Championships. We would occasionally make a nod to a specific player, and we would try to choose champions that most reflected the team, but the focus was more on the team than the individual player. And thats how we went into designing this years skins.
But what weve heard from you is that you expect more from these skins. You want to see the player, you want to see the highlights and you want to see cooler shit. To be honest, were really excited about that potential.
So, were holding off releasing these skins for now and looking for things we can do to make them even more awesome.
And while were at it, well be adding Azir. Making a skin for a sub was not something wed had to consider before and we were worried about setting a precedent. But its time for us to start looking at these skins as a celebration of the winning teams year instead of just Worlds. Easyhoon was way more than a sub. He was an integral part of their victorious year.
This conversation reminded us how much this scene has evolved. Its time for the skins to evolve with it.
IDK why everyone doesn't just play Garen into Veigar mid. I was last pick ... was gonna play Diana but saw Veigar and was like "I aint got time for that shit, easy lane pick time".
The 2 times I did it was a damn breeze. The only problem is that ya can't tower dive him if he stays safe.
It's not really a matter of babying the community, they keep raising the bar for skins by themselves yet are surprised when people are salty when they don't live up to said standards.Sometimes riot babies this community so much and other times they just ignore them I don't get it
We getting skt azir tho so that's cool