Stone Ocean
There's a game mode called URFwhat is 'urf'? I don't understand this post at all can someone translate this for me? Lol I'm so serious
There's a game mode called URFwhat is 'urf'? I don't understand this post at all can someone translate this for me? Lol I'm so serious
what is 'urf'? I don't understand this post at all can someone translate this for me? Lol I'm so serious
OK so warmog was a bad idea
Should have went Visage. There were 4 ap champs there on the enemy side.
occasionally yea, i just think turning the item into a support/jungler thing is a bad direction for it imoSure, they are quite different. You can use zzrot to set up a slow push as well though, or to defend against super minions for a short time. You can definitely get towers through the use of a banner cannon minion as a split pusher too.
The thing that makes it less effective for supports is that defensive stats carry over from the user, which is fine, I think. If everyone starts buying it then there's probably an issue. If a support or jungler occasionally buys it for more side lane control it's fine I think.
What if Zz was made a consumable? Pay 500-1000 Gold, get the active and no stats - you're now incentivised to defend it as if it gets killed you have to waste money on another one.
I guess lategame having no item slots would be an issue...
yeah, i agree, but "out of this world" utility has often been frustrating to play against, so i'm guessing riot has trouble walking that lineMaybe zz'rot could make a large, really slow lumbering monster on a longer timer that could still push the wave but gave lots of time to react. Or maybe zz'rot can only be cast on turrets, still standing or destroyed, and it creates a gross tentacle that is insanely good at killing enemy minions at tower, effectively halting the progress of the minion wave for a period of time.
What I'm getting at is the concept of an item that gives the buyer the freedom to hold their lane while they go elsewhere is good, the current implementation is what sucks. Killing a big monster or a huge tentacle would be much more satisfying than having to click on those little voidlings.
Also, Riot should take a different approach to lots of these "utility" items.
Step 1.) Create the item and give it really strong base stats
Step 2.) Let the item percolate for a few patches, continue improving base stats until it's a must buy.
Step 3.) Once the item is bought by everyone and they understand how best to use it, nerf the base stats hard and reinforce the utility of the item.
That last step is missing. They're nerfing the base stats hard, but leave the utility the same (i.e. Righteous Glory). This game is stat driven. For players to buy into an inefficient item the utility has to be out of this world.
Portal was already this way I think. Even if it wasn't any good, in silver you'd see 3+ on a team, and Riot themselves mentioned in the patch notes that people were buying it all over the place.the problem is that it could create a situation in which your team buys 3 or 4
i imagine it'd be totally broken on competitive
Portal was already this way I think. Even if it wasn't any good, in silver you'd see 3+ on a team, and Riot themselves mentioned in the patch notes that people were buying it all over the place.
Speaking of Kha, I wanna try jungling with him again. Where do I start in the jungle? Do you kill smaller creeps for isolation against the big one, or just focus on the big one?
I tried frog->blue and golem->red but I die eitherway. I was trying to follow the win% build on but I'm pretty much near dead after 2 camps if I take the refillable potion + talisman.
Yeah I agree, I think it's kinda fine as-is where it is primarily a top laner item. I don't see a need to move it towards junglers/supports.occasionally yea, i just think turning the item into a support/jungler thing is a bad direction for it imo
you don't want people that are not farming minions to have such strong wave control
it's the same as making a laner item that makes you strong against jungle creeps or whatever
Yeah I agree, I think it's kinda fine as-is where it is primarily a top laner item. I don't see a need to move it towards junglers/supports.
stacking like 3 to 4 lotus traps and managing to snare an enemy with flourish is such a good feeling as Jhin.
Man playing against some Namis recently made me realize that although she isn't stronger, her kit is probably less healthy than Soraka.
Point and click harass is the worst.
Guinsoo's and devourer are so ridiculously overpowered in combination. Just played 3 games (granted, in normals) with Jax and Yi and completely wiped the enemy team. I'm almost going to be a little sad when Riot comes down with the nerf hammer.
She doesn't really promote high risk play. You can play her that way but nothing prevents spamming W behind minions, and that's usually enough to win lane. The only reason she's not played more is because she's super unreliable during fights.Sounds like someone got out traded in lane. :^)
Soraka promotes passive low-risk play in lane, Nami promotes aggressive high-risk play in lane.
She doesn't really promote high risk play. You can play her that way but nothing prevents spamming W behind minions, and that's usually enough to win lane. The only reason she's not played more is because she's super unreliable during fights.
Yeah of course Es and Autos are thrown in too. She doesn't have the same kinda of risks that say Sona has.She's a really strong laner, that's how it is. You won't get poked down enough only by W spam to lose lane by more than 10-20 cs or so unless you're doing something wrong though, there has to be some more autos which starts the risks.
Still waiting to get into PBE, it's taken an hour and a half.
i don't think i've ever had as shitty a score haha
ascension is actually kind of fun, very mindless beating each other until timer stops
glad it's only like a weekend tho, any more time and metas would form and ppl would ruin everything
Holy shit dont trade in legendary shardsEww. Got Boneclaw Shyvanna as a free Mystery Gift for redeeming an Infernal Nasus shard. Not sure why.
Yeah but there are better ways to win than those guysThink people are already formulating metas. Ban high-mobility, duelists, and invisible trap champs.
Yeah some doDo LCS players get groupies?
Do LCS players get groupies?
So you can watch it loop fasterwhy is it sped up
Thresh is actually one of the worst solo q supports.having a rotten day at ranked. and in this game I am playing against a Thresh
RIP me