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League of Legends |OT11| going


the splashes look great, lmao at the ekko stuff and glad to read about the changes to the skt skins

if faker's skin has the roll or some broccoli reference, i might just buy ryze for it

and i'll probably buy the easyhoon azir skin since easyhoon is awesome too (also i don't like much the current azir skins)

love it when rito gives us what we want

By AP scaling you mean enemy AP scaling right?

yeah basically it's dumb that veigar's dmg scales with enemy ap when nothing about his kit or identity says "anti-mage" and it just warps his numbers in unnecessary ways

also he's oneshotting adcs just as easily so it's basically just more numbers which makes no sense

better to remove that altogether and put that power budget somewhere else (like giving him a real passive)


It's not really a matter of babying the community, they keep raising the bar for skins by themselves yet are surprised when people are salty when they don't live up to said standards.

I mean, SKT are champions for the second time and they get skins that are probably worse than their first set, right after Fnatic and SSW gets some really cool skins last year. C'mon, if Riot can make Gragas literally look like Shushei they can at the very fucking least make a skin for a champion Bang is actually known for.

Yeah not the right word choice not really babying but like maybe if it was something else they woulda just ignored it. Maybe bc this directly relates to income since it's something they need people to buy

Aww taric already nerfed on pbe.

He's gone through about as many pbe changes in 3 days as any champ rework or release I can remember


idk if i'd make this about "income"

riot just made something that was below expectations and got a ton of feedback of like how do you even forget about easyhoon you monsters and so it's in their best interests for players to be happy so they change it

it's a very riot thing to do so i'm glad they're doing it



love ranked


btw my #1 change to syndra would be to fix that damn ult bug that makes her have turn speed

idk how that happens but it's been there for years and it's super annoying
Because you screw the entire team over by picking a no-waveclear, non assassin, non ap mid laner.

Plus the ranged jungler can just run mid every minute to chunk your tower since you're a melee with no range abilities.


Garen has great waveclear. 0_o
If the Veigar is even a lil smart they wont be pushing to the tower when they realize they can't do any damage. The legit only thing that kept him alive in the early game was him hugging the tower.

You also don't need an "Assassin or AP" champ to sit mid. Hell, the first time I did it was because the enemy counter picked Kayle top and our Karthus mid asked if I wanted to swap before the match started. (there are some AP champs that can go top as I'm sure you know)

And in this match their Shaco camped me HARD. But the wonderful thing about Garen Mid that's different from Garen top is that he's harder to gank mid. Short lane = no a far run to safety.


Has anyone had ANY weird audio problems since the latest League patches? The last two days my computer has acted crazy haunted. I'd assume a virus, but no sort of scan I've done turns up any evidence.

One of the things that happens is that audio stops working (and I noticed audiodg.exe using like a gig of RAM today). At the moment it's randomly working again. One of the only things I noticed both days is that I had the League client running before the problem happened.

Also, I saw the random League client crash thing happen at least once.
Joined a ranked lobby where I got support instead guy who was streaming (he advertised his stream), they proceeded to literally try and talk as much shit about me as possible on the stream.

I asked them why they were doing that while advertising their stream and they wouldn't give me an answer so I dodged. After dodging they proceeded to talk shit about me, call me a bitch and argued about my gender for a bit (they were convinced that I had to be a girl by my attitude lmao).

good times.


oh great

starting my night of watching streams, and the first two games on two different streamers have tanks mid rushing zzrot portal because apparently it's the new thing.



zztop is nice in theory and it took people a long time to figure it out so can't really blame rito for it, but the function of the item is so damn rotten

haven't been playing much but i imagine midlane you can just drop it behind your turret and you've now chained the enemy mid to waveclear duty forever

the item definitely needs a shorter range, and maybe something like an azir passive mechanic that gets weaker when its user is not around or something

it generally needs a bigger commitment on the zztop user, the payoff can remain great but you should be forced to defend it, not just drop and forget


works best on AP-orientated tanks (malphite, maokai). zzrot into banner into tanks. portal behind tower, now you can roam anywhere


my favourite thing in the game is being sivir and the ONLY champ with ANY ad damage whatsoever and having several kills stolen from me early in the game for no reason other than they could

gragas smite kill when I'm in the middle of an auto... ok

that team tilted the fuck outta me


Is Zz'Rot so small that it can't be right-clicked behind a turret?
It's presumably out of range, so the turret will kill you. The portal champ just needs to keep the wave off the turret.

The enemy champ can stop the portal from damaging the tower, but that means they're stuck killing an endless wave of suiciding minions.


what matters is that the wave is gonna permapush in their favor and there's nothing you can do about it

you can never walk in between the two mid turrets to hit the portal five consecutive times


also you get absolutely nothing for stopping the portal minions
voidlings giving gold on kill just creates murkey gameplay because it makes you question if you should kill the portal or just farm the voidlings

the item's counterplay should be simple, kill the portal, that's it

if you shorten the range you force people to place the portal more aggressively which means you give the enemy team better opportunities to kill it while you fight to defend it


sealed with a kiss
voidlings giving gold on kill just creates murkey gameplay because it makes you question if you should kill the portal or just farm the voidlings

the item's counterplay should be simple, kill the portal, that's it

if you shorten the range you force people to place the portal more aggressively which means you give the enemy team better opportunities to kill it while you fight to defend it

yeah the idea is cool but the current implementation doesn't feel fun at all
honestly, Zzrot portal should be nerfed and made viable for supports/jungles only. It's a cool concept, but in practice becomes an incredibly obnoxious item for top lane champions. Perma pushed lanes, impossible to remove the source of pushing, minions that give nothing when you kill them, movement speed bonus and reasonable defense stats.

It's too much for a top laner to have and creates situations that punish player interactions instead of promoting them.


quite the opposite, junglers and supports building zztop is a big red flag

the way the game's organized, laners are burdened with wave management, junglers and supports deal more in neutral objectives and vision control


I dunno, it's similar to Banner of Command which has traditionally been a support item.

I think it's fine that it's used by top laners though, something to keep the lane in check while they roam.


the thing about banner is that the active is almost exclusively used in a team scenario

you use it to strengthen your siege, or sometimes to set up a slow push on a side wave while you group with your team but it's never this weird effortless splitpushing thing

unless the item had pretty drastic changes and lasted a lot less i can't imagine a world in which the item makes sense for a support

i can see it on a jungler like udyr tho, because it aligns pretty well with how the champion is played


the thing about banner is that the active is almost exclusively used in a team scenario

you use it to strengthen your siege, or sometimes to set up a slow push on a side wave while you group with your team but it's never this weird effortless splitpushing thing

unless the item had pretty drastic changes and lasted a lot less i can't imagine a world in which the item makes sense for a support

i can see it on a jungler like udyr tho, because it aligns pretty well with how the champion is played

Sure, they are quite different. You can use zzrot to set up a slow push as well though, or to defend against super minions for a short time. You can definitely get towers through the use of a banner cannon minion as a split pusher too.

The thing that makes it less effective for supports is that defensive stats carry over from the user, which is fine, I think. If everyone starts buying it then there's probably an issue. If a support or jungler occasionally buys it for more side lane control it's fine I think.


What if Zz was made a consumable? Pay 500-1000 Gold, get the active and no stats - you're now incentivised to defend it as if it gets killed you have to waste money on another one.

I guess lategame having no item slots would be an issue...
Maybe I'm just bitter because I don't play traditional tanks in top lane. I used to play a lot of Teemo but champions like him can't exist in this meta. Zzrot plain destroys player interactions in the lane. It's basically impossible to stop the splitpushing if the teams are even in gold; try and get the portal - overextend and die, try and duel the top laner - they are either stupid or you die, try and splitpush - you can't. It's not a healthy top lane item.

On the other hand, if it was markedly cheaper with reduced tank stats and reduced length voidling distance , it would be reasonable. You shouldn't be super tanky while simultaneously investing in a strong split push item.


rito axes said:
[rageblade and devourer] items have significant changes planned for the midseason patch.

It took some time but it happens soon. They are not that annoying right now but if tank items are nerfed they are right back.


Maybe zz'rot could make a large, really slow lumbering monster on a longer timer that could still push the wave but gave lots of time to react. Or maybe zz'rot can only be cast on turrets, still standing or destroyed, and it creates a gross tentacle that is insanely good at killing enemy minions at tower, effectively halting the progress of the minion wave for a period of time.

What I'm getting at is the concept of an item that gives the buyer the freedom to hold their lane while they go elsewhere is good, the current implementation is what sucks. Killing a big monster or a huge tentacle would be much more satisfying than having to click on those little voidlings.

Also, Riot should take a different approach to lots of these "utility" items.

Step 1.) Create the item and give it really strong base stats
Step 2.) Let the item percolate for a few patches, continue improving base stats until it's a must buy.
Step 3.) Once the item is bought by everyone and they understand how best to use it, nerf the base stats hard and reinforce the utility of the item.

That last step is missing. They're nerfing the base stats hard, but leave the utility the same (i.e. Righteous Glory). This game is stat driven. For players to buy into an inefficient item the utility has to be out of this world.


alright leblanc and azir suck to play against as lux in urf LOL

3-0 in urf tonight

im da bes

what is 'urf'? I don't understand this post at all can someone translate this for me? Lol I'm so serious

Joined a ranked lobby where I got support instead guy who was streaming (he advertised his stream), they proceeded to literally try and talk as much shit about me as possible on the stream.

I asked them why they were doing that while advertising their stream and they wouldn't give me an answer so I dodged. After dodging they proceeded to talk shit about me, call me a bitch and argued about my gender for a bit (they were convinced that I had to be a girl by my attitude lmao).

good times.

Oh wow. What a good way to build up your stream by insulting your future viewers and arguing bout their gender. LOL
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