I've decided to dip my toes into ranked and do some placement matches. How does it decide who to match you against initially? I've been against silver players the first two and I'm feeling a little outmatched.
Thresh is actually one of the worst solo q supports.
Everyone starts out playing in Silver V.I've decided to dip my toes into ranked and do some placement matches. How does it decide who to match you against initially? I've been against silver players the first two and I'm feeling a little outmatched.
Holy shit dont trade in legendary shards
Silver V base. I think the highest you can get is Gold V (if you 10-0).
Silver V base. I think the highest you can get is Gold V (if you 10-0).
I'm pretty sure you can get G1
So apparently W max Caitlyn is a thing now?
But I've seen streamers get Plat 5 on a fresh account.
You can get up to Plat I. I did last season.
You just have to try to play independently of them. You won't be as effective overall though.I am not saying I am good, but I honestly don't know how to play good when my adc is awful.
If I play safe, then their adc is gonna farm good and dominate us mid game, if I play aggressive , then our adc is gonna die.
Just played with a Lucian who didn't know how to use his ult. Missed most of his.
I honestly don't know what to do.
EDIT: also I tend to fluster when we we are behind and make more mistakes. I tend to build crazy and just plain forget to buy pinks for example, maybe I should learn how to remains calm.
I am not saying I am good, but I honestly don't know how to play good when my adc is awful.
If I play safe, then their adc is gonna farm good and dominate us mid game, if I play aggressive , then our adc is gonna die.
Just played with a Lucian who didn't know how to use his ult. Missed most of his.
I honestly don't know what to do.
EDIT: also I tend to fluster when we we are behind and make more mistakes. I tend to build crazy and just plain forget to buy pinks for example, maybe I should learn how to remains calm.
Upgrading legendary shards to permanents is bad?
I am not saying I am good, but I honestly don't know how to play good when my adc is awful.
If I play safe, then their adc is gonna farm good and dominate us mid game, if I play aggressive , then our adc is gonna die.
Just played with a Lucian who didn't know how to use his ult. Missed most of his.
I honestly don't know what to do.
EDIT: also I tend to fluster when we we are behind and make more mistakes. I tend to build crazy and just plain forget to buy pinks for example, maybe I should learn how to remains calm.
Play a support with hard cc. Buy boots on the first back and roam before you return to lane. You carry harder when you roam.
I don't know why support players torture themselves when their ad suck when you could be supporting a different lane.
I've had supports run top to kill and push down a turret because the adc suicided at the early levels.
Random support ganks in solo lanes tilt a bunch of players.
You just have to try to play independently of them. You won't be as effective overall though.
Just lost a match in the dummies way. Our Sup AFKed at level 11 and our Rammus Jg kept trying to 1v3-4 the enemy team and do dragon solo when we're all dead. Also Ekko top kept getting picked out doing silly shit.
It was stupid, these mistakes allowed them to drag out the match and we could never group.
I do try to roam, hence why I build booby boots, but If I leave my adc then he gets into trouble and blames me. which makes me tilt even more.
yeah, I have been told that I won't be a good supp unless I help the adc farm and get kills. Having an independent mentality is sort of hard since I am used be stuck with adc.
I don't whether Its Bronze thing or EUW thing, but I rarely have trouble with AFK. and certainly not any rage quits yet.
When I read you guys talk about afks in ranked games I am just bemused by it.
It happens in Normals, but not that often.
when you hand in 3 shards, the random skin you get doesnt care about the value of the cards you gave away
Best advice with a bad carry? Communicate and keep them alive. Let them know you want to sit back, farm, and play it safe. Your goal with a losing lane isn't to turn it into a win---it's to keep the loss as minimal as possible. That way when midgame hits and team fighting begins, you've done your best to keep their ADC from absolutely rolling your team. It's not great, but it's the best you can try to do.I am not saying I am good, but I honestly don't know how to play good when my adc is awful.
If I play safe, then their adc is gonna farm good and dominate us mid game, if I play aggressive , then our adc is gonna die.
Just played with a Lucian who didn't know how to use his ult. Missed most of his.
I honestly don't know what to do.
EDIT: also I tend to fluster when we we are behind and make more mistakes. I tend to build crazy and just plain forget to buy pinks for example, maybe I should learn how to remains calm.
I am not saying I am good, but I honestly don't know how to play good when my adc is awful.
If I play safe, then their adc is gonna farm good and dominate us mid game, if I play aggressive , then our adc is gonna die.
Just played with a Lucian who didn't know how to use his ult. Missed most of his.
I honestly don't know what to do.
EDIT: also I tend to fluster when we we are behind and make more mistakes. I tend to build crazy and just plain forget to buy pinks for example, maybe I should learn how to remains calm.
My Vayne loses tower so she solo pushes to their turret and dies to Eve.
Ok. Fine.
Spawns, does it again.
Ok. I'm a bit tilted.
Spawns, does it again.
Ok. Put up surrender vote. Doesn't go through.
Spawns, does it again.
Come the hell on. Grow a brain.
Have you picked up Leona yet? Crazy freelo.Also when I play a champ with hard CC, Like Morgana or Thresh, I miss my skillshots
I need to be gut i guess
twitch mid? Are you sure? He's traditionally played bot lane and jungle.
Yeah of course Es and Autos are thrown in too. She doesn't have the same kinda of risks that say Sona has.
Like her balance is just super strong lane and unreliable/weak teamfight. I dunno, I think it could be better.
Yeah, I feel like his Q makes him one of those ADCs that can manage a solo lane buuuut I faced one top as Garen and feel that Top is too important of a lane to roll the dice on like that (He just annoyed me for 15 mins and lost the game 0/5. I don't think he's great against tanky tops)
Do LCS players get groupies?
The ways you counter a Nami and the ways you counter a Soraka are pretty similar. I don't see why it's an unfair comparison. As I said earlier, Nami would be in a similar position to Soraka in terms of champion strength if her teamfighting wasn't so unreliable.It's a good old lane bully lane, except she is every bit as squishy as Sona and it's possible to punish her every mistake.
But yeah, if Nami is playing well and her adc is not significantly worse than her opponent it is possible to win just about every lane matchup. Most are just up to skill matchups though. Sona is instead very matchup-dependent but when she has a good matchup there is no skill necessary; shes just binary.
I think it's ridiculous to compare her to Soraka who is uninteractiveness defined. It's better since her rework but still bad.
I get it that you find it frustrating to lose lane to Nami, but you should know that there are things you and your support could do better to win that lane.
The ways you counter a Nami and the ways you counter a Soraka are pretty similar. I don't see why it's an unfair comparison. As I said earlier, Nami would be in a similar position to Soraka in terms of champion strength if her teamfighting wasn't so unreliable.
Soraka still has to run up and use her Q. You have to land Qs on Soraka to do well.The difference is the level of the interaction. Nami will interact much more and do riskier plays; to harass she will put herself in a position and range so that she is susceptible to jungle ganks and lane all ins. Soraka will stand back and be a healbot and not much more.
Soraka still has to run up and use her Q. You have to land Qs on Soraka to do well.
You don't seem to understand though, I have no problem winning games against Nami.
All I'm saying is that her laning patterns are strikingly similar to Soraka. I don't think she's OP, I don't think she's even remotely strong.
Okay saying her kit is less healthy than Soraka is a bit of an exaggeration, but I still don't think it's too healthy.Her Q has longer range than Nami W, barely any mana cost and low cooldown. The longer range alone makes it much safer.
You've been saying her kit is less healthy than Soraka, which is ridiculous unless you really enjoy passive lanes.
When you have one of those days where three matches in a row you get at least one player who feeds so hard (around 10+ deaths by 20 minutes...)
... Worst is one of them was a Jungler Voli, who started Devourer, then sold it for Cinderhulk... and then eventually rage quit.
I keep struggling between Silver 4 and Silver 5 -_-
... Waaaaaaaaaaaaay too many players in this elo who ignore objectives and "omg I can get a kill-wtf i died?"
Mind you I never rage at anyone in games... ever... I just have a lot of
Good that someone understands.I feel Nami is more frustrating to lane against. Her E and heals can feel so oppressive. Soraka is strong in laning, but what makes Soraka truly frustrating is teamfights (in my opinion).
Can confirm.I've been riding the freelo train of Soraka, Zilean and Sivir. Finally back to Plat 1. I haven't decided if I want to keep going or not. Diamond 5 players are the worst humans I've come across in League.
Okay saying her kit is less healthy than Soraka is a bit of an exaggeration, but I still don't think it's too healthy.
Secondly, the movement speed you get after using W makes it a pretty safe ability. It's also point and click unlike starcall. Starcall misses pretty often.
I think you're still leveling right?
It's clear you don't get how the lane works, then. Nami wants to harass so that every bubble has kill pressure. Not every lane will work out that way if your opponents are playing well, but that's the way you want to play. If you don't play the lane aggressively there's no point to the pick; just pick Janna or Soraka instead.I'm fine with Caitlyn. I'm not sure where you got this weird idea in your head that Nami is some sort of pick that you go with if you're looking for kills. Like Nami I suppose meets the bare requirements of CC to go for duo lane kills, but she's not geared towards that at all.
I know I'm talking about your most played champ and that you're gonna have some bias but now you're being ridiculous.
That's like me saying "oh Draven is great pick against gap closing assassins because his E can interrupt most dashes".
On the topic of Caitlyn, do you think Caitlyn is a kill lane champion?