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League of Legends |OT11| going

Think Imma start doing ranked tmr.
Prob gonna just run Diana for ranked.

Would like to practice some champs in customs but that's kinda fucked up right now for some reason and I can't make a game.

Would like to practice Karma, Twitch and Lulu for Mid before taking them to normal PvP games so if that doesn't get fixed then I won't have anything else to do but ranked tmr I guess.

Dat winning steak. I have lost a few normals recently, but I have won the last 8 of my ranked games.


The amount of people who keep raging at my buying a static shiv is nuts. They only stop when I push down the gates, take 3 turrets & 3 inhibs in the time they were failing to take baron.


I don't think our views are inherently incompatible either, it's just that Newt has a hard time accepting that aggressiveness is important for Nami. My stance is something like this:

1. To be viable, Nami needs to focus on her strong points and be really aggressive in lane. When passive you're just a weaker Janna/Soraka.

While Newt's stance is something like this if I am understanding correctly:

2. Nami can be passive in lane and win lane but she is weak/unreliable later and will easily lose game. She's a bad pick, just pick Janna/Soraka.

I disregard the healthy/unhealthy stuff now since Newt admitted he was exaggerating. I guess the whole discussion spawned from those comments though.


man I should stop playing ranked when I'm not sober, too hard to carry shitter teams

don't fuckin matter that i win lane both times, teams still manage to do dumbass shit
This wouldn't be a problem if people just played the superior plant lady instead of the canned tuna, you see

Cmon Riot give me the Zyra rework already
This can't be accurate, right?


Roughly 350k damage dealt and taken. How is that possible? Anyway, Kassadin vs LeBlanc is such a funny matchup. You basically make her feel the way she makes any other squishy feel (scared and helpless).


This can't be accurate, right?

Roughly 350k damage dealt and taken. How is that possible? Anyway, Kassadin vs LeBlanc is such a funny matchup. You basically make her feel the way she makes any other squishy feel (scared and helpless).

Pretty sure there's a bug or something with Yoricks ult. When he ults someone and the ghost expires, it deals 10,000 damage to the ghost in order to kill it or something like that. It's weird.

Dat winning steak. I have lost a few normals recently, but I have won the last 8 of my ranked games.


The amount of people who keep raging at my buying a static shiv is nuts. They only stop when I push down the gates, take 3 turrets & 3 inhibs in the time they were failing to take baron.

Wow, what's your build order?
Would like to try that on him. I still don't get why people run TH over RH on him but I'll have to try that to.
I have a hard time taking normal games serious, i usually just end up trolling and messing around. Is anyone else like this?

Also top lane tank fizz is super nasty, grasp and his W is dumb.


I have a hard time taking normal games serious, i usually just end up trolling and messing around. Is anyone else like this?

Also top lane tank fizz is super nasty, grasp and his W is dumb.

I don't troll necessarily, but I also play roles and champions that I rarely play in ranked. It usually leads to me feeding my ass off but I don't really care.
Just tried to do Ranked for the first time ... first thing someone ask is for someone to dodge before anyone has picked a champ.

JG fucking locks in Kog. People bitch at him AS THEY LOCK IN THEIR PICKS. Someone's bitching at Top for picking Teemo. Had to bite the bullet and dodge.

Welp ...

EDIT- WOW, 30 lock out for this...
Wow, what's your build order?
Would like to try that on him. I still don't get why people run TH over RH on him but I'll have to try that to.
Titanic makes you tanky, gives you damage - that scales with tankiness - and wave clear.

Ravenous only does 2 out of those 4 plus lifesteal but with Grasp - that also scales with your tankiness, seeing a pattern here? - that's completely pointless.
I don't troll necessarily, but I also play roles and champions that I rarely play in ranked. It usually leads to me feeding my ass off but I don't really care.
Yeah, i will just more play stupid stuff, like nid support, or AP grag mid. Just ussally really off meta stuff that ends with me feeding or some how destroying everything.
Wow, what's your build order?
Would like to try that on him. I still don't get why people run TH over RH on him but I'll have to try that to.

Titanic makes you tanky, gives you damage - that scales with tankiness - and wave clear.

Ravenous only does 2 out of those 4 plus lifesteal but with Grasp - that also scales with your tankiness, seeing a pattern here? - that's completely pointless.

What Stone Ocean said.

Titanic is just a fantastic item on him and there are very few if any matchups I wouldn't build it on him. For me its item 2,4 & 5 that are situational. For 2 it depend on the matchup. I usually have a choice of 3 items. Sunfire vs AD. Spirits vs Ap or Warmogs. Warmogs only if I have a tougth time early vs a vayne or Olaf. Static works really well with his kit and makes split pushing a complete breeze. 4 is almost always a def item. Either Zportal, Thorn, Raduin. 5 is around their team comp. Rage Blade works and will tear through a front line, but that relies on a team letting you do that. Almost always better to go for def. Unless you split push for days like me. I don't get a lot of kills, but I do finish games.


Wow it has now been 14 days since I last played. LoL addiction cured I guess.

Been playing the newer MOBAs (Battleborn and Paragon) and it amazes me how the new games get so much wrong. But I love 3rd person though. So far only Smite seems great but I have hope PAragon will get decent in a few months

But now I understand more fully why Dota and LoL reign supreme (with Smite being 3rd or 4th around HoTS)

And yes BlackWind, bot lane is to be avoided I think unless you have a friend to duo. Notice even Newt duos with Ghost


Nah, I play like 70% of games solo. You don't need to be duo bot to be successful, you just need to be adaptable. I can see duo only players having massive problems in solo q.


Wow it has now been 14 days since I last played. LoL addiction cured I guess.

Been playing the newer MOBAs (Battleborn and Paragon) and it amazes me how the new games get so much wrong. But I love 3rd person though. So far only Smite seems great but I have hope PAragon will get decent in a few months

But now I understand more fully why Dota and LoL reign supreme (with Smite being 3rd or 4th around HoTS)

And yes BlackWind, bot lane is to be avoided I think unless you have a friend to duo. Notice even Newt duos with Ghost

Paragon looks pretty cool from what I've seen. It feels a bit more casuallish though.


I want a Tahm Kench mini rework so I can play him again. Such a great personality in that champion.

Also, from a business perspective, Epic should have used Unreal Tournament for their FPS MOBA. I get that the franchise doesn't have the pull it used to, but seems like such a solid match. Paragon looks generic as hell.
And yes BlackWind, bot lane is to be avoided I think unless you have a friend to duo. Notice even Newt duos with Ghost

Na, bot lane is only bad if you are weak-hearted. It's not good if you are the wrong elo or flame/tilt easily. I'm playing exclusively support and ADC this season. My vocabulary consists of. ".", "k", "lol", "mb", "guess we should just farm now". Deals with any situation without things going sour.


He's still completely viable and his kit is fine.

They can't strengthen him anywhere. The second he shows his face again people will complain about being able to save his teammates. They need to rethink how his ult works and attach eating teammates to it and off of W.

Also, he's not viable, there's absolutely no data backing that assertion up. Even beyond his low win rates in all roles, there isn't any particular increase in win rate by games played (no surprise there, he isn't a particularly mechanically intensive champion.) Viable champions don't significantly reduce their teams chances to win. Tell me you're totally ok with a support Tahm while you play bot. Lie to me Newt, lie to me.

EDIT: My bad, his top number are fine. I didn't bother to look because I don't do top. Dynamic queue's caused me to tunnel vision on jungle and support. That said, I still think the kit has balancing issues because of how frustrating W can be to play against.


i feel like nami is on the verge of being viable. a few meta tweaks are needed and she'll be really good again. she's not bad by any means right now.


i feel like nami is on the verge of being viable. a few meta tweaks are needed and she'll be really good again. she's not bad by any means right now.
She's already viable. She's just kinda worse than Soraka.

We can go back to the argument that she functions in lane differently because her Q that has 14s cooldown and that she only puts one point in gives her some kill pressure, but I don't feel like it.


i feel like nami is on the verge of being viable. a few meta tweaks are needed and she'll be really good again. she's not bad by any means right now.

If you're talking viable in terms of competitive play, it's not gonna happen unless lane swaps are gone, and even that will probably not be enough. When standard lanes actually do happen they are typically passive, and the jungle pressure in competitive means aggressive and riskier supports are typically punished hard.


I love when people call you trash even though you did better than them in every single thing.

Yeah. This happenes to me a lot of times before. Usually when I was in lower elo and as a support. The way they measure relevance is by the number of kills without even knowing that they died more times and spouting kills to a support. They didn't even know that they got carried by a support.


If you're talking viable in terms of competitive play, it's not gonna happen unless lane swaps are gone, and even that will probably not be enough. When standard lanes actually do happen they are typically passive, and the jungle pressure in competitive means aggressive and riskier supports are typically punished hard.
Yeah I dunno if he's was talking about competitive but she won't be competitively viable unless they get rid of laneswaps.


I've been playing a little azir lately and it feels like he is way too good. Decent mobility, safe and outputs a metric ton of damage late game. Its weird that I don't see him picked very much.


Paragon looks pretty cool from what I've seen. It feels a bit more casuallish though.

Yeah it's a bit more casual. Last hitting is super important there but everyone in the lane shares the 'cash' which is really freakin' cool. But it truly is Early Access right now. Until it gets the Card crafting fleshed out I cant recommend it over the top 4 (smite, hots, dota, LoL). But its kinda heading in a good direction especially with the free heroes

I want a Tahm Kench mini rework so I can play him again. Such a great personality in that champion.

Also, from a business perspective, Epic should have used Unreal Tournament for their FPS MOBA. I get that the franchise doesn't have the pull it used to, but seems like such a solid match. Paragon looks generic as hell.

I loved Unreal so much back in the day. Yeah a true FPS MOBA still has not been done yet. That's really what I want I guess.

Mostly been playing Smite though for my MOBA needs. Still following this thread tho and will popup for the seasonal game modes I liked such as Porro King :)

But screw Summoner's Rift (edit: For those that might wonder why Smite- well its 3rd person and has a crap ton of modes I'm digging such as Clash, Arena, Siege, and kinda like Joust plus I get all the heroes free cause I got the All-Gods pack)


Na, bot lane is only bad if you are weak-hearted. It's not good if you are the wrong elo or flame/tilt easily. I'm playing exclusively support and ADC this season. My vocabulary consists of. ".", "k", "lol", "mb", "guess we should just farm now". Deals with any situation without things going sour.

Yeah both of those would apply to me. I tilt fast and I'm crazy gutter elo in LoL. But I love mid. I would love Top as well but too many broken champs up there too me at my current skill level

For example, I'd get smashed if I had to lane against Garen or Mundo off the top of my head

I'd come out even or a little less if laning against, um, Graves if I'm Malph/Naut

Plus, I could be dead wrong, but I think avg Jungler might not make Top lane a priority to gank for (in low elo)? I think mid is better for a low skill cap player like me cause Jungler always trafficing across plus I ward a ton so I'm safe from getting ganked.

That's my logic; but it's the logic of a low elo player so yall probably laughing reading my posts :) :)

edit- Looking at my stats I do way better CS-wise in mid lane. But maybe if I could take Quinn to Top I'd get good CS

[oh crap that was a long post; Don't read all that drivel guys I'm sorry]



Dat winning steak. I have lost a few normals recently, but I have won the last 8 of my ranked games.


Is Cho easy to play? He's a cheap hero I guess I could buy him and try learning him too. Good post thanks; I can at least log on sometime today and practice in bot mode.

No idea why I'm so tilt with LoL I actually won my last ranked game and had fun. Just got too many other games to play I guess

Like today--- Smite has a Gem weekend special. So tempted to logon there and get my free gems (Gems is equivalent of LoL RP)
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