I'd take that Dr. Dre guy's posts over posts like this.stop being dumb noot
it's not cute
I wish I was on the PBE. Taric was my first support I played and loved. I'm looking forward to his re-work.So who has been going top taric lately?
So who has been going top taric lately?
I'd take that Dr. Dre guy's posts over posts like this.
;Dthat's a nice avatar
Yeah, a bad one is... Really bad.Really stress the 'good' though.
This can't be accurate, right?
Roughly 350k damage dealt and taken. How is that possible? Anyway, Kassadin vs LeBlanc is such a funny matchup. You basically make her feel the way she makes any other squishy feel (scared and helpless).
Dat winning steak. I have lost a few normals recently, but I have won the last 8 of my ranked games.
The amount of people who keep raging at my buying a static shiv is nuts. They only stop when I push down the gates, take 3 turrets & 3 inhibs in the time they were failing to take baron.
I have a hard time taking normal games serious, i usually just end up trolling and messing around. Is anyone else like this?
Also top lane tank fizz is super nasty, grasp and his W is dumb.
Titanic makes you tanky, gives you damage - that scales with tankiness - and wave clear.Wow, what's your build order?
Would like to try that on him. I still don't get why people run TH over RH on him but I'll have to try that to.
Yeah, i will just more play stupid stuff, like nid support, or AP grag mid. Just ussally really off meta stuff that ends with me feeding or some how destroying everything.I don't troll necessarily, but I also play roles and champions that I rarely play in ranked. It usually leads to me feeding my ass off but I don't really care.
Wow, what's your build order?
Would like to try that on him. I still don't get why people run TH over RH on him but I'll have to try that to.
Titanic makes you tanky, gives you damage - that scales with tankiness - and wave clear.
Ravenous only does 2 out of those 4 plus lifesteal but with Grasp - that also scales with your tankiness, seeing a pattern here? - that's completely pointless.
-_-Mom and dad are fighting again NotLikeThis
-_-No way this is so much better.
Plus without ghost around we all need to up our shitpost game for a while so
Wow it has now been 14 days since I last played. LoL addiction cured I guess.
Been playing the newer MOBAs (Battleborn and Paragon) and it amazes me how the new games get so much wrong. But I love 3rd person though. So far only Smite seems great but I have hope PAragon will get decent in a few months
But now I understand more fully why Dota and LoL reign supreme (with Smite being 3rd or 4th around HoTS)
And yes BlackWind, bot lane is to be avoided I think unless you have a friend to duo. Notice even Newt duos with Ghost
He's still completely viable and his kit is fine.I want a Tahm Kench mini rework so I can play him again. Such a great personality in that champion.
And yes BlackWind, bot lane is to be avoided I think unless you have a friend to duo. Notice even Newt duos with Ghost
He's still completely viable and his kit is fine.
She's already viable. She's just kinda worse than Soraka.i feel like nami is on the verge of being viable. a few meta tweaks are needed and she'll be really good again. she's not bad by any means right now.
i feel like nami is on the verge of being viable. a few meta tweaks are needed and she'll be really good again. she's not bad by any means right now.
I love when people call you trash even though you did better than them in every single thing.
Yeah I dunno if he's was talking about competitive but she won't be competitively viable unless they get rid of laneswaps.If you're talking viable in terms of competitive play, it's not gonna happen unless lane swaps are gone, and even that will probably not be enough. When standard lanes actually do happen they are typically passive, and the jungle pressure in competitive means aggressive and riskier supports are typically punished hard.
Paragon looks pretty cool from what I've seen. It feels a bit more casuallish though.
I want a Tahm Kench mini rework so I can play him again. Such a great personality in that champion.
Also, from a business perspective, Epic should have used Unreal Tournament for their FPS MOBA. I get that the franchise doesn't have the pull it used to, but seems like such a solid match. Paragon looks generic as hell.
Na, bot lane is only bad if you are weak-hearted. It's not good if you are the wrong elo or flame/tilt easily. I'm playing exclusively support and ADC this season. My vocabulary consists of. ".", "k", "lol", "mb", "guess we should just farm now". Deals with any situation without things going sour.
Dat winning steak. I have lost a few normals recently, but I have won the last 8 of my ranked games.